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I'm in the training ground and you can clearly see and feel the AA turning off when you get close to the target. And I mean like physical bodies touching to about 4-5m away.

What is the reasoning behind this? because all it ends up doing is throwing off where I'm actually aiming at before, and then the accelerators kick in and I have to make some crazy split second flick that no one's going to make, just to aim back to where I was.

We just need a smooth seamless aiming system that doesn't turn off because you are in proximity.. there's no point of even having it on at that point, because it's just messing up your aim. you actually benefit being further away if you want to "abuse" aim assist but I'm trying to use a shotgun and my aims getting jerked around all over the place, and then turning off and turning back on during combat multiple times.

The most simple test you can do, is to go into training ground and stand in front of a bot. Line up your crosshair with the bot in front of you, and without touching your crosshair stick anymore, strafe from left to right, and you can see it moving the crosshair. Move within 5m or so and that stops entirely.

So while I am pushing my stick/crosshair in the direction, and the aim assist is pushing my cross hair the direction, when that stops, there's a moment in time in which the user loses calibration of the crosshair. Its very subtle and you pick up almost instantly, Because the majority of the time your crosshair is not stagnant, you're always moving the stick, so it happens during the movement and while you're in the midst of combat.

I hope we can address the flaw of the current aiming system and not just be angry and discredit players because they are using a controller. In the FGC ( Fighting game community, my home ) Players use a plethora of input options from controllers, also known as pads, which come in a variety of shapes, sizes, and button configurations and layouts, to arcade sticks which people commonly call fight sticks, to hit boxes, keyboards, and many more. We do not discredit players for their results based off their input of choice. I personally play all shooters on controller because I grew up playing shooters on controller. If I'd grown up playing on a mouse and keyboard, I would play on a mouse and keyboard. Whatever is more comfortable for the player and whatever they have more experience with, they are going to be better at.

We all love hyper scape and we all want it to be the best version of hyper scape. some ideas are better than others, some are more well-thought-out, and some actually know the systems that are in play and what can be changed. The aiming system has a lot of goods, and a few bads, and I hope that we can all work together and enjoy hyper scape.

almost 4 years ago - Ubi-Spud - Direct link
Hey Salt_Fist,

I appreciate the detailed post and reproduction steps. Would you also be able to post a video of you replicating this issue?

I totally agree that the game should be fun for everyone, regardless of control method - If there is an issue with the "feel" of AA, then I can report this up to the devs along with the repro steps and a video.