Original Post — Direct link

Depuis hier, je ne peux plus lancer le jeu car une erreur s'affiche :"Impossible d'éxécuter le code, car vulkan-1.dll est introuvable. La réinstallation du programme peut corriger ce problème." J'ai donc réinstallé le jeu mais ça ne marche toujours pas. Que dois-je faire?
Merci de votre réponse.
about 3 years ago - Ubi-Milky - Direct link
Hello friend,

At the moment, we can only provide support in this forum in English. If you are able to use a translator to type in English, we will be happy to help you.

Alternatively, if you'd like to receive support in your native language, you're welcome to create a support case on our website using the link below - https://support.ubisoft.com/Cases/New

If you scroll down the page to where it says 'Contact Customer Support' and click on it, this should create a case where an agent will respond to you in your chosen language