4 months ago - EHG_Kain - Direct link

I’ll pass this along to the lore team. While unrelated to lore text, I just wanted to also mention that if you right click on a key, it will open your map and center on the area for where it’s used.

I also want to note for this discussion that the “Alternate Path” is not describing a different physical approach to the dungeon, but rather that going through Dungeons is an alternative campaign path, as they start in one area, and exit in another, several chapters later.

4 months ago - EHG_Kain - Direct link

Dungeon keys can only drop after the point in the campaign at which they exit. This allows subsequent characters to utilize them as campaign skips, while preventing first playthroughs from being RNG in if you get a campaign skip or not. While T1 Lightless Arbor starts at level “22”, it’s not a particularly easy task at that level. This is as it’s intended to be for more experienced players that have already beaten the game once to utilize as a skip (though we have been discussing the exact difficulty balance of this).

Each dungeon also has multiple tiers, scaling all the way to endgame. In the case of Lightless Arbor, once you complete the campaign, it automatically unlocks a higher level T2 version of the dungeon that will be closer to your level.