almost 2 years ago - Reimerh_QArts - Direct link

We’re looking into it.

almost 2 years ago - Hackaloken - Direct link

We’ve investigated this, and the problem appears to be caused by standing too close to the boss and pushing it. This causes positions to get out of sync between the client and server for the rest of the fight.

This isn’t a new bug in 0.9i, and being able to push enemies in Online mode is a general bug rather than specific to this boss. But, we will look into a workaround for the Emperor of Corpses specifically since this is particularly bad.

For now, try to avoid pushing the boss around. Sorry about that!

almost 2 years ago - Hackaloken - Direct link

We found that pushing the Emperor of Corpses could cause the behavior described in this thread, and we’ve released a fix for pushing enemies in 0.9i3. Please let us know if you experience this problem after restarting and downloading the new update. Thanks!

almost 2 years ago - Hackaloken - Direct link

Sorry to hear that. We weren’t able to re-create this problem internally without the pushing bug described.

We’ll do our best to investigate further, but any more details we can get would be helpful. Such as: what latency you’re at, if anything felt laggy (and how so), skills you’re using, stuff like that. Also generally stating what time this problem occurred will help us dig in to logs on our side.

almost 2 years ago - JustinC - Direct link

Hey all, sorry about this. We’ve consistently failed to reproduce this issue internally so it’s been difficult to find a proper resolution to the problem.

We have another change planned that should hopefully address this.