6 months ago - EHG_Kain - Direct link

We do not remove or take moderation actions in regards to criticizing us, our policies, or our actions. Even if the feedback is a bit heated, we know if they didn’t care, they wouldn’t have come back to provide the feedback, and so it all matters to us. The only thing we ask is that it be civil towards other members of the community, and it’s not targeted at an individual.

Comments can be hidden by the system if they are flagged by a sufficient number of users. If you have any questions or concerns about moderation actions taken by the system, or one of our moderators/staff, please do submit an appeal here: https://support.lastepoch.com/hc/en-us/requests/new?ticket_form_id=4416937240347, and it will be reviewed by someone other than the person who took the action to ensure a fair review.