almost 6 years ago - Mox - Direct link

Hey @kenm130, thank you for the feedback! We will be improving controller support quite a bit from where it is now. This is the first iteration that we felt comfortable enough with to release to people who really want or need to play with a controller (I am one of them, actually!). I’ll link this feedback to Dario who’s working on controller support. Again, thank you for the suggestions.

almost 6 years ago - Bonfi96 - Direct link

Hey guys, Dario here!
I’ve been taking care of the controller implementation in the game and I’d love to hear more opinions on the current system so we can iterate on that.

For this purpose this topic is now the place to leave your feedback on anything controller related.
Thanks to everyone who left their feedback already and thanks in advance to anyone who will leave it after!

almost 6 years ago - Sarno - Direct link

Which controller do you have? What Operating System are you using? Have you used that controller in another game, just to rule out the possibility of it being faulty?

almost 6 years ago - Bonfi96 - Direct link

Your controller seems to support xinput mode, that should work fine out of the box.
Is your controller connected in xinput mode or with dinput?

almost 6 years ago - Bonfi96 - Direct link

On closer inspection it looks like your controller is not supported by the plugin we’re using for handling controller input. Your best bet is to try to use x360ce and remap your controller to a virtual 360 controller.
I’ve used it countless times to play games with my old PS2 controller and it works most of the times.
Make sure that your controller is always in xinput mode also in this case

almost 6 years ago - Bonfi96 - Direct link

Hey guys, thanks for reporting the issues.
I can confirm that the shop is not working as it should with a controller.
Warpath now uses the pointer as “target” though it definitely requires some attention in the current state

almost 6 years ago - Bonfi96 - Direct link

Thanks again for the feedback guys, meanwhile I can confirm that the shop bug has been fixed, it’s now possible to purchase and sell items wih the controller.
Also warpath when using a controller has been reworked. Both fixes are coming in the next patch :wink:

almost 6 years ago - Bonfi96 - Direct link

Hi! Xbox one controllers should be working out of the box without issues, you should be able to fire up the game and move the cursor with the right stick. If not, what kind of x1 controller are you using? How is it connected?

almost 6 years ago - Bonfi96 - Direct link

If it happens again / you find a way to reproduce the crash please let us know :+1:t2:

over 5 years ago - Sarno - Direct link

Can I just confirm you’ve seen the controller improvements in Patch 0.7.0e?

Your most recent post in this thread appears to have been regarding an issue related to vendors, and that should have since been resolved.

over 5 years ago - Bonfi96 - Direct link

Hey! You guys gave us a lot of feedback about this matter and we are listening. We’ll be likely tweaking controller aiming but our dev resources are currently being allocated to other systems which are more important or essential to the game so we don’t have an eta as of today.

over 5 years ago - Bonfi96 - Direct link

Thanks for the feedback!
Could you please elaborate more about the cursor not disappearing? What platform are you on?
The mouse cursor should be disappearing, leaving space to the controller cursor, so only one of them should be visible at once.

over 5 years ago - Sarno - Direct link

Hey there,

Is this on Windows, Linux, or macOS? Which controller are you using?

over 5 years ago - Bonfi96 - Direct link

Thanks for the detailed info, currently the behaviour you are experiencing is the correct one. The cursor you are seeing while playing with the controller is used to aim certain skills with the right controller stick. You can also press it to recenter it quickly. Untill we have some sort of auto targeting and pickup in place that’s the only viable way of playing both melee and non melee builds with a pad.

We’ll be looking at the issue of the player being stuck :+1:t2:

almost 5 years ago - Mike_Weicker - Direct link

Thanks for your support! Our controller functionality is not finished. It’s at a place where it’s, as you say, manageable so it did get pushed back slightly in favor of other more pressing concerns. It has not been forgotten as our Game Director has a similar need for controller support and it has been on our requirements sheet since day 1. I can’t give exact dates for updates to the system but I can say that it will get some love.

almost 5 years ago - Bonfi96 - Direct link

The Switch Pro controller should be supported in wireless mode. There’s a chance it may work with a wired connection through Steam though as it gets"converted" to an xInput device.

This said, there are controller issues some of you are experiencing that we are still trying to reproduce, so any unexpected behaviour may be related.

over 4 years ago - Mike_Weicker - Direct link

I don’t think PC D3 has controller support.

We also have updates to our controller support coming this patch.

over 4 years ago - Sarno - Direct link

6 posts were split to a new topic: Controller support in Diablo III

over 4 years ago - Mox - Direct link

We’ll definitely be continuing development of controller support. Our next goals are to make the shops/stashes works appropriately and implement tooltip’s additional functionality like more info, compare items, and crafting/mod info toggles. After that we’re wanting to implement better targeting, including UI related targeting.

Much more to come for controller support. :slight_smile:

almost 4 years ago - moxjet200 - Direct link

Hey everyone, thanks for the continued great suggestions. One piece of functionality I’m very excited to share with you all in 0.8.2 is the ability to pick up items without moving the virtual cursor over them. This is being changed to smart area detection and you’ll be able to cycle through items on the ground by pressing up or down on the d-pad. We’ve put plenty of testing and love in to this functionality which helps moment to moment gameplay quite a bit. I’ll continue to poke around for feedback on this after it’s released in the late May (082) patch.