4 months ago - EHG_Kain - Direct link

I’m not sure why a thread about how discussing real world politics is against the rules devolved into directly talking about real world politics, but here we are. I’m going to be cleaning up this thread from posts which violate the Code of Conduct.

Please note that discussion of Real World Politics, Religion, and Ideology is against the rules. This isn’t pushing any agenda, as no real world politics are allowed, no matter which side, idea, country, or other is being promoted. Last Epoch is not an appropriate platform for these discussions. People play games to escape the real world and have fun, and that’s what we want to keep the space as. For more information, check out the Code of Conduct, and Terms of Use.

4 months ago - EHG_Kain - Direct link

As long as it’s not attempting to circumvent rules by simply swapping names and discussing real politics, yes that’s fine. #MinimusIsTheOneTrueLeader