Last Epoch

Last Epoch Dev Tracker

29 Jun

    /u/TDGdev on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by EHG_Sarno

We are aware that some people are having issues 1) viewing support articles, and, 2) downloading the Necromancer client.

If you are affected by either of these, please e-mail

We are extremely sorry about this.

Update: We have implemented a fix, let us know if you're still having issues.

Enjoy the patch!

25 May


Originally posted by sloxatwork

My ears. Holy cow. Whatever type of video player it is, it sucks. You can't expand it from it's UI and you can't adjust the volume. It's either full volume or none. I beseech thee to use YT or something that doesn't rape your viewers ears in the future.

Sorry for the inconvenience. This is Kickstarter's video player so we needed to use it post this as an update on our Kickstarter page.

21 May

    /u/TDGdev on Reddit - Thread - Direct

The eleventh hour is a common saying referring to the last minute, and because most of our team have other jobs we do most of our development at night, thus eleventh hour games

20 May

    /u/EHG_Judd on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by gibbousmoon100

How do you intend to keep the reddit crowd from pressuring you more and more into a clear-speed meta?

Faster clear speed is often what players in these types of games strive for - I don't see that being any different in Last Epoch. If we see a skill that can go from screen to screen in a split second destroying everything in an area that is supposed to be challenging it's safe to assume that we'll combat that build in some way. A big way to prevent this up front is to build skills that do not hit the entire screen instantly. We've also decided to make mana matter much more than a lot of games by not introducing mana potions and giving powerful abilities high mana costs so you can't easily use them back to back.

I will not let our game become movement skill > screenwide kill > movement skill > screenwide kill, repeat. If you notice that happening in the future, copy and paste this comment to me and I will ensure it gets fixed. ;)

    /u/EHG_Judd on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by kalle2934

Sweet! Do you have any plans on enabling a Paladin build that is more like a traditional healer (like a Priest), rather than a healing tank?

Thanks for the quick answers by the way! I pledged a few hours ago, really looking forward to test the Alpha this summer. ~

You'll be able to build for full support if you want to but we're not having MMO-like tank, healer, and DPS roles. But... if people want I suppose you can simulate that haha!

18 May

    /u/EHG_Judd on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by Slickmaster5000

Tbh for how good this game already feels 15$ is a steal!

Glad you're liking it, Slick! It will be much better every month ;)

    /u/EHG_Judd on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by Slickmaster5000

I think for friends playing together having a ffa option for that game instance only would be great so we don’t have to describe items all the time we can just drop everything and negotiate between eachother. But for rando parties it would feel bad if you got swooped

Good feedback - I'm sure we can do this fairly easily

    /u/EHG_Judd on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by kalle2934

Wonderful, looking forward to it!

Speaking of future updates, do you have any plans on releasing a class or build that revolves on healing/support?

Look forward to our Paladin class. Their toolkit will involve plenty of this

17 May

    /u/EHG_Judd on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by kalle2934

Maybe a petty question, but I'm wondering if you plan to add an option to permanently display enemy mini health bars (or health bars of enemies recently damaged)? I personally think this feature is great in Path of Exile, and I was kind of disappointed when I saw that Grim Dawn didn't have it, for instance.

Great question - We will 100% add this in the near future. We agree it's a great feature in other titles that have it. The only debate is whether we'll have it on by default or not - but it will definitely be toggleable in the options either way.

16 May

    /u/EHG_Judd on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by breell

Maybe a skill that allows one particular pet to have gear? Maybe even make this a unique choice, ie you can only learn this type of skill once, so pick it for the type of pet you care most about.

Again, another cool suggestion that I really like. Join us on Discord, Breell, and keep the feedback and suggestions coming!

    /u/EHG_Judd on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by AqilleuS

Hey there I am kinda concerned about the graphics are they gonna stay like this which i honestly doubt because its only a pre-alpha but just wanted to ask that and what u think how the game gonna look at releasse maybe u could compare to one of the current Arpgs like poe,d3 etc

Ty in Advance !

While I don't want to compare directly to the other games in the genre, I invite you to join our Discord server and check out some of the models being posted in the #sneak-peeks channel. Characters, environments, weapons, armor, will be slightly exaggerated and the environments will change drastically throughout different time periods and areas.

    /u/EHG_Judd on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by breell

Yes absolutely - not yet implemented

Please no level requirements, and no stat requirements but stat suggestions instead: say if a sword is too heavy I can still wield it, but there will be consequences (slower to hit, less damage, maybe self damage, etc...).

I actually haven't heard anyone suggest this - I really like it. I will bring this up to the team in our next design meeting! Thanks for the cool suggestion, Breell!

13 May

    /u/EHG_Judd on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by Anexio

Regarding other platforms, will they all be able to play together, or is it separated to each platform?

We'll have cross-platform play in mind when developing but nothing to confirm here yet.

    /u/EHG_Judd on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by [deleted]


Oh, I see how what I said could have been interpreted that way. You cannot gear pets directly but the gear that you wear can include bonuses to pet health, damage, crit chance, dodge rating, defenses, and more. More interested pet-related gear coming soon too ;)

    /u/EHG_Judd on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by YaniH7

Been playing the pre-Alpha demo and I'm loving it. Plan on backing very soon but I was just curious if there are any further plans for polearms and/or thrown weapons (specificially spears/javelins/etc) whether the plans are for weapons themselves or skills relating to them? I know that the Beastmaster currently has a couple of Polearm skills but is there anything further in the works? I would also like to say I'm very happy with how the game has handled melee weapons in relation to their skills.

We'll have many more base types added, including more polearms from what you're able to find in the demo. As far as throwing weapons, our lead developer has been lightly playing a Titan Quest update that introduced them and he's been raving about them so it's likely we'll see some throwing weapons introduced too. Stay tuned!

    /u/EHG_Judd on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by illusiveman150

Any idea on how end game gear is looking like? In D3, sets are king. It's very rare in D3 to be running end game without sets. In D2, I feel most sets were just fine in end game and helped leveling in early/mid game (Sigons set, Arctic set, etc), but they were there to help you gear into better uniques and rune words. I don't want sets to be the must have of Last Epoch.

Set's will not overshadow very well rolled magic items(magic covers what you think of as rares in the Diablo series) or uniques. Diablo 2 did sets best in our opinion.

    /u/EHG_Judd on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by carlbeck

Who is the coolest 4yo girl you've met in the last 24 hours?

Elanor! (right?) We both like Peppa Pig - she's ok in my book. :)

    /u/EHG_Judd on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by LoneStar64

Has this been asked, MP? Sorry if repeat been working a lot so I can support Last Epoch

Yes, Last Epoch will have multiplayer and associated systems!

    /u/EHG_Judd on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by Helmera

Where did the time travel idea come from?

Also im working on my own project with C#. Any tips for game development?

Our time travel is deeply inspired by Chrono Trigger, an SNES RPG. If you haven't played it, I highly recommend it.

  • Always ask for critical feedback - people telling you that something is good doesn't help you!
  • Schedule at least an hour a day to work on your project so you actually complete it.
  • Beware of scope creep.

12 May

    /u/EHG_Judd on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by Kedgannn


I set it before and I shall say it again will my Wolfies! be beast of destruction or simply crowds dying instantly.

PS: Your fellow Dog Lover

So the big difference between Beastmaster and Necromancer is that a Beastmaster cares about his pets. As a Beastmaster you will not want to let any of your pets die as it will have an impact on your situation. They will be more durable than a necromancer's skeletons as long as you don't completely ignore the proper gear and passives. We plan to continue to improve the Beastmasters toolkit and you'll really start to see the synergistic abilities with bear taunts, enrages when a companion dies, the ability to flank, etc.

TLDR; Beasts of destruction confirmed.