Last Epoch

Last Epoch Dev Tracker

12 May


Originally posted by Zaekath

Is the game meant to be designed around creating a single version of a particular class (D3) or will there be permanent allocations which would incentive players to play the same class multiple times in order to try different builds for that class? (PoE, D2)?

There will be a cost associated with reallocating your characters skills and passives so if players like the character they have and would like to try another build it's likely that they will re-roll another character of the same class. They of course can spend less effort altering their current character but it won't be as easy to switch skills/passives as, say, Diablo III, but less punishing than PoE.


Originally posted by iApplepet

When you finish the PC version, will there be plans for the Nintendo Switch/Xbox One/PS4 consoles?

We'd love to have as many people playing Last Epoch as possible! After release we'll be a in a better position to answer this question. Unity does make it fairly easy to export to other platforms so, if we have the funds, it's likely we'll get there. My son and I would love to play Epoch on our Switch :)


Originally posted by Majjhika

Will there be quest-like challenges similar to races, but for individual prizes with less competitive pressure? I've been playing Eternium which gets quite repetitive at the end game, so the main thing that brings me back to it are the events with collection or defeat goals and bonuses. I think it would be cool to include other kinds of questing to look for hidden easter eggs in Last Epoch. My kids and I just started listening to Ready Player One on Audible and my daughter commented how much she loves this kind of challenge.

Having challenging content with more deterministic rewards is something that we plan to have via monster/boss -specific drop tables. I think the Epoch's Call and the Monolith system may fill this role decently.

I'd love to hear what you think would be fun in this regard.


Originally posted by JerleGamer

Does this mean EHG frown on opie opie builds like COC/Mjolnir/wander builds in POE and hammerdins in D2?

I wouldn't say that we frown upon builds like that but the major issue with those builds is that players feel pigeonholed into playing them because they are noticeably more powerful than other options.


Originally posted by UrBoyJC

  1. What are the team's plans on frequency of patches?
  2. What is your opinion on smaller, more frequent patches versus larger patches?

We want to keep content fresh for our playerbase and will be releasing small content patches frequently, however we will save larger changes for patches that are released less frequently.


Originally posted by JerleGamer

Hi Judd, this sounds very similar to the POE experience. I think someone mentioned in the LE Devblog about POE's party play which is that POE appears to be a single player game with multiplayer as an afterthought. D3 and POE are online only ARPGs so even single players are compelled to partipate in the online community somewhat. But with LE offering offline play, it appears there are little incentives for playing online? (PS: I understand leaderboards and such are mentioned, but other key attractions for online such as multiplay and trading appears limited, I am not sure the former is sufficient to incentivise players to go online?)

There are lots of reasons to play online! You have access to races, leaderboards, PvP, group play, trading, chatting, safe storage of your character server-side, the ability to gain XP/items a bit faster if organized, some class synergies (think paladin with heals or warlocks with debuffs). The team expects to see over 80% of players play online.


Originally posted by Veldara

Any plans on adding rifle/pistol weapons for my favorite class the Marksman?

We've discussed adding these in an expansion but there are no details at the moment.


Originally posted by genesisFuz

nice! and i assume the game price will also be $19.99 or $24.99?

The game will be free to play up to level 20 so that you can try before you buy and then be $14.99 supported by selling cosmetic items that make your character look even cooler.

06 May


Thanks for the feedback!

As other people have said, the balance is in its early stages but we are actively working on it and we are balancing around Veteran.

We most likely will not have character customization for a couple of reasons. We are focusing very heavily on class identity and each character class having a distinct look is a big part of that. Cost is also a serious concern, even just having male and female versions of the characters would double the modeling time for our artists, both for the character models and all the associated armor sets. We're open to discussing it, but for now our team is not planning to have customization of that variety.

We do have camera zoom, it's the mouse scroll wheel.

All the UI is work in progress. The style/color-scheme is reflective of how we want it, but it will absolutely be getting an overhaul.

Levels are also placeholder, we are not planning to use these levels in the final game.

A lot of...

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30 Apr


Thanks for the feedback!

You can press escape to close all windows right now, and we will be implementing keybinding soon.

Regarding pace, as /u/Sartuk said, the rate of gaining skills, experience, and items is highly accelerated for the demo so that players can get a feel for the gameplay and character customization. The rate of progression will be slowed down drastically for the final game.

There are multiple difficulties, if the demo is to easy try a higher one!

Performance is something we are actively working on, and we have made some very significant performance improvements in the past couple patches. Performance issues aren't the fault of Unity, but because Unity is such an easy platform to develop on, a lot of poorly optimized games are made with Unity. We've also only recen...

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Controller support is our first stretch goal for Kickstarter :)

23 Apr


If you do a crafting 101, you should add the info to the wiki page on crafting, that would be really helpful for new players!


Originally posted by TheNetbug

Hey Solardragon, keep in mind that I'm not a Developer from this game so I might be off.

When do shattering stones start dropping?

Shattering stones start dropping really early on. I'm not sure they can drop from the first few skeletons, but they'll start appearing really, really soon, if they haven't already.

When do I start getting potions to use?

There's no physical potion drops, there's a small compartment in your health globe that indicates your current potion. It has 3 charges and is available as soon as you log in.

How do I update the demo? How do I know when the update for the demo is available?

I actually don't know. I assume we'll have to download the demo again when an update comes live. This is just an assumption though, I have no idea.

Correct! Here's a little added detail:

Shattering stones drop from lv6 enemies and above, but enemy level doesn't exactly correlate to character level, so "early on" is an accurate descriptor.

Correct on the potion. The flask gains charges as you kill enemies, so you don't have to look for potions. There will be some small tweaks to the potion in the next patch which improve how it scales later on in the game. Our design team is actively discussing the potion's place in our design long-term so you may see some changes in the future.

The demo does have to be redownloaded when we release a new patch, we announce new patches on the ...

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22 Apr


Originally posted by TheNetbug

I don't necessarily feel like brick chances are too high overall. Of course the little greedy me would like to craft items 100%, but I feel like it's very close to perfect the way it is now keeping the longevity of the game in mind. I would even argue that the base extra fracture chance on found items with good stats has a too low starting chance, making it completely redundant to even try crafting on a white base. I feel like finding a near perfect white base should be almost as promising to craft on as finding an item with 3 mods you want (keeping in mind having to find more shards to craft on a white base). Possibly reducing the initial fracture chance on a white item for the first 4-6 shards crafted on them, after this point the fracture chance feels fine as is.

The tome in OP was T3 cast speed, T4 cold damage, T3 movement speed and I think that's T3 mana when I originally found it. It never bricked and now has T5 on everything except the mana which I was too scared to...

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 I feel like finding a near perfect white base should be almost as promising to craft on as finding an item with 3 mods you want (keeping in mind having to find more shards to craft on a white base)

We're setting up the crafting system so that it's easier to craft on an existing item rather than crafting from scratch. That way it's better to find an item close to what you want, and improve it. If it was easier to craft from a white item, it would be more optimal to shatter all the items you find with good stats rather than looking for items you want.

I was almost sure that this was the case, but the fractures on boots were absolutely ridiculous

That's mostly a factor of sample size, and what items you're crafting on. You were definitely a bit unlucky on those crafts, which is unfortunate, but with any system with randomness, it's bound to happen sometimes. Hope you have better luck crafting those boots going forwards!

... Read more

Originally posted by relidar

I'm in my bed (( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)) on my phone right now and i don't remember their names.

But i got a helmet with skull 3D art. I think it had Void Damage and Ward retention.

Then there was a pair of gloves with a LOT of melee attack damage, % damage taken and life on kill.

I can't remember the third unique. But those two seemed extremely niche/specific. I wish they had more universal stats or at least a represented a broader build pool. (I'll agree that at least the gloves were OK, but then they need to be more common)

That helmet (Decayed Skull) was definitely a bit boring before, we've given it a bit more flavor in the next patch. Here's a sneak peek


That's a lot of crafting! :D

Solid feedback, we've definitely noticed the lack of good prefixes for armor and we have talked about moving added health to being a prefix.

Increased Movement Speed (even while crafted first, feels like an unreasonable brick rate)<

Different affixes don't have different fracture chances, do you think the fracture chance is too high overall?

19 Feb

14 Jan