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about 4 years ago - /u/Reav3 - Direct link

Originally posted by King_D3D3D3

Can we please get a confirmation on whether or not we can earn favor for multiple champions at once?

Like for example if I talk to every single champion and then win 1 match of SR, will they all get 2 points? I'm trying to math out how many games this will take and this information is very important.

Yes you can, assuming you have played through every champs introduction, you will gain favor with all of them at once

about 4 years ago - /u/Reav3 - Direct link

Originally posted by King_D3D3D3

If my math is correct and you have to be locked into 1 champion at a time... then to max out all 10 champions is, at (what I hope) most, 500 SR/ARAM/Nexus Blitz wins, with the number dwindling down depending on how many of the special missions you do - like playing as the champion/with their SB skin/doing their unique mission - but also going up for every time you lose and not win.

I seriously hope this doesn't turn out to be the case and we can get them all done in an easy 50 games, because this seems impossible, especially since 5 of the champions' skins won't be here at the start.

EDIT: Okay, false alarm! We have gotten a confirmation here that this will be much easier than my fears thought.

You can start them all at the same time

about 4 years ago - /u/Reav3 - Direct link

Originally posted by alexclow

This is exciting! Hopefully I'll be able to max them all considering I'm so excited for Nexus Blitz to return and I'll get more points for using the SB skins!

I'm assuming we can only do 1 person at a time in regards to gaining favor? And will we be able to do Ahri/Kindred/Cass/Riven/Yone before they come out?

You can have them all started and working towards them all at the same time, and yes you can do all 9 announced skins as soon as the event starts

about 4 years ago - /u/Reav3 - Direct link

Originally posted by King_D3D3D3

Oh thank you for this! That heavily eases my worries about how difficult this would be, and now seems much, much better for players. Again, thank you!

Also, if you wouldn't mind if I asked another question - will all 10 champions' Spirit Bonds be available starting tomorrow? Or will the champions who are getting skins in the latter half of the event not be available until those skins release?

All 9 announced Champs will be available when the event starts.

about 4 years ago - /u/Reav3 - Direct link

Originally posted by Timboron

What does "playing through every champs introduction" mean? Are there missions where I have to play each individual champ to unlock the general progression?

u just click on them on the map, which will be the front page of the client during the event, this will trigger a narrative sequence you can read/play through or skip. After that intro you will start gaining favor with them and unlock new narrative sections as you continue there story

about 4 years ago - /u/Reav3 - Direct link

Originally posted by baltoykid

The petals are limited to 3 for free players and 5 if you get the pass, I really wish I could unlock all the special icons though.

You can unlock all the special spirit bonds icons without even buying the pass. The emotes are the petal rewards

about 4 years ago - /u/Reav3 - Direct link

Originally posted by teschisen

So you can only have 5 out of the 9 Champion Emotes? Kinda a bummer for me but this Event still looks absolutely great and I'm already very excited! ^

Yeah we wanted to make the emotes feel special and for the choice of who to give them to, to feel meaningful. You also get some bonus narrative scenes in the epilogue for champs you give petals to

about 4 years ago - /u/Reav3 - Direct link

Originally posted by alexclow

Thank you for answering my question! I do have one more question, does Nexus Blitz not count towards Spirit Blossom petal growth? I only see SR/ARAM/TFT.

Yes there are nexus blitz quests as well, they are in the article

about 4 years ago - /u/Reav3 - Direct link

Originally posted by Alieseila

In the article Nexus Blitz does not appear in the part of the Spirit Blossom Petals, only SR/ARAM/TFT do. Is Nexus Blitz missing of it does not count once you have an S on the champion?

Its there, its the next section after the SR/ARAM/TFT part

about 4 years ago - /u/Reav3 - Direct link

Originally posted by Alieseila

In the article Nexus Blitz does not appear in the part of the Spirit Blossom Petals, only SR/ARAM/TFT do. Is Nexus Blitz missing of it does not count once you have an S on the champion?

Yes NB will give you petal growth, looks like it was a typo in the article

about 4 years ago - /u/Reav3 - Direct link

Originally posted by OnlyAnEssenceThief

I think what makes me the happiest about this is that it allows actual honest to god interaction with the champions we've become so accustomed to in-game, even if it's a version of them from an alternate universe. For instance I've always wanted to know more about Ahri's lore, and while interacting with SB Ahri may not unveil much about her story in Runeterra it'll definitely help me understand her character better in the long-term.

As someone hoping to go into narrative design in games the concept of Spirit Bonds makes me very, VERY excited because it seems like a great way to incentivize learning more about the lore of the game and deepens a player's attachment to the champions they hold dear. People meme on dating sims and visual novels, but if they do anything right it's making you care about a character.

Glad you are excited! If it’s something players enjoy a lot we may use the system we built here to do in canon story telling as well. Without the super anime art style of course.

about 4 years ago - /u/Reav3 - Direct link

Originally posted by BasicallyMogar

One of the promo pictures has dialog options. Will the endings of the various paths change based on what you choose? Will there be "good" and "bad" endings in true VN fashion?

The dialog choices don't change the story. They are there because the narrative is self-insert and you are talking to the Champions so it's important you can talk back with them and have a conversation. They will replay differently based on what you say, but it doesn't alter the main story. We wanted players to have multiple options of what to say to the spirits so they can infuse there own personality into the MC since, like I said it's self-insert. The only thing that alters the ending is which champions you give Spirit Petals to.

about 4 years ago - /u/Reav3 - Direct link

Originally posted by S890127

F2P Player:

  • Can earn favor for every champion at the same time.
  • Can level every champion into S-rank
  • Can get every event icon for free
  • Can only get 3 spirit petals
  • Can only gift Spirit Petals to 3 champion(unbreakable bond)
  • Can only get 3 unique emotes
  • Can only unlock 3 exclusive bonus scenes in the Epilogue(for each Champion you gave a petal to )

Event pass buyer:

  • Can earn favor for every champion at the same time.
  • Can level every champion into S-rank
  • Can get every event icon for free(without buying the pass)
  • Can only get 5 spirit petals
  • Can only gift Spirit Petals to 5 champion(unbreakable bond)
  • Can only get 5 unique emotes
  • Can only unlock 5 exclusive bonus scenes in the Epilogue(for each Champion you gave a petal to )

Thanks u/Reav3 for the correction

This is correct. The only difference is that there aren't 3 or 5 epilogues. There is 1 epilogue that will appear when the event ends. That epilogue will have exclusive bonus scenes for each Champion you gave a petal to. Pass buyers get a lot more Event tokens for each bond rank as well

This is correct. The only difference is that there aren't 3 or 5 epilogues. There is 1 epilogue that will appear when the event ends. That epilogue will have exclusive bonus scenes for each Champion you gave a petal to. Pass buyers get a lot more Event tokens for each bond rank as well

about 4 years ago - /u/Reav3 - Direct link

Originally posted by PsychoPass1

Can you tl;dr for me whether I understood it correctly and you guys were actually really generous even for F2P players this time? Or am I just misreading it and F2P can earn their "usual" 300 tokens?

Seems like with those S and B grades it is possible to earn quite a lot of rewards.

I LOVE generous events, it makes me want to buy the pass even more.

There are the usual 300 tokens, but also the champions shards, icons and emotes you can get, as well as the entire visual novel narrative system which is f2p

about 4 years ago - /u/Reav3 - Direct link

Originally posted by AnAsianDudeInReddit

If I buy the pass at a later date, will I still get the same amount of tokens if I bought it at the start of the event?


about 4 years ago - /u/Reav3 - Direct link

Originally posted by tokai-yukine

"without the anime art style"


Well I mean LoL has a slight anime style anyways, but in canon stuff would be closer to LoL core art style

about 4 years ago - /u/Reav3 - Direct link

Originally posted by abibyama



about 4 years ago - /u/Reav3 - Direct link

Originally posted by Fiilia

Slightly off topic, but when they originally showed Riven/Cass/Kindred/Ahris new Summoners Icons, Kindreds had no mask on Lamb, now the icon has a mask. Is there going to be two separate icons? Or did they just change it to her fully having a mask. I'm sad if they did considering she takes the mask off when she recalls

There are 2 icons, one you can get in event shop with event tokens (masked version) and one that is a reward from the spirit bonds system (non-masked version)

about 4 years ago - /u/Reav3 - Direct link

Originally posted by bz6

hey sorry for asking this again, I know the hype is building up around the event coming up but are we getting a Lillia Champion Spotlight?

yup, she will still have a spotlight

about 4 years ago - /u/Reav3 - Direct link

Originally posted by ItsCrossBoy

Under the incredibly hypothetical and unlikely scenario that a champion just so happened to be released in the middle of the event and was included, just by chance, would their favor be gained quicker to compensate for them not being at the entire event?

And under said hypothetical, would a petal need to be saved for them if one wished to get their emote as well?

Hypothetically yes to both questions

about 4 years ago - /u/Reav3 - Direct link

Originally posted by Albireookami

This looks heavily inspired by Visual Novels as a medium, is that where the inspiration came from?

Yes, of course

about 4 years ago - /u/Reav3 - Direct link

Originally posted by themoomooking

League Waifu Simulator

Hey now, there are Husbandos as well

about 4 years ago - /u/Reav3 - Direct link

Originally posted by Aleriic

I hope I can just spam answers, I am not interested in the novel or lore aspect, only tokens.

There is a button to just skip the entire narrative sequences in one click if you want

about 4 years ago - /u/Reav3 - Direct link

Originally posted by NotSoSuperHero2

u/Reav3 Could you help me understand something?

There are 4 ways of earning favor.

1: You play Aram or SR games, win is 2 points, loss is 1 point.

2: You participate in nexus blitz events.

3: You get points for playing the champions or even more if you use their SB Skins.

4: You complete champion specific tasks.

I want to understand the 4th one. Do I have to complete the tasks AS THE CHAMPION? Or can I do it with any champion? For example Lilia. Do I have to get 15 takedowns as a Lilia or can I do it with any champion?

Its really unclear because the task just says "get takedowns", and then says BONUS play as lillia or SB lillia. This confuses me. Do I have to play lillia to Get takedowns?

If the answer is no then my game is bugged, because I have been playing a lot of non SB champions but I do not get any bonus favor from the missions, just the wins and losses.

We just discovered a bug where some of the champion specific tasks were requiring you to play as the Champion, this is not intended and we are working on a fix now