over 5 years ago - /u/Reav3 - Direct link

Hey all, it's been a while since we've had an AMA about a champion or VGU, and now's the time to ask any questions you have about League's roster. /u/RiotScruffy and I have been working on champions for a collective billion years and we've got a lot of stories we can share!

Feel free to ask about your main, the champion that tilts you most, the champion development process, high level Champion strategy or anything else on your mind! Big caveat: We aren't giving spoilers for unreleased or unannounced champs and updates, so don't bother trying ;)

We'll both be around starting at 9 AM PT and will be monitoring the thread throughout the day. Send us your questions!

External link →
over 5 years ago - /u/Reav3 - Direct link

Also. because Champion Popularity is usually a hot topic which may result in me posting images showing Champion Popularity, here’s a link to a blog Novaasterix and Nancymon did on Champ Popularity, and how to read out internal Breadth and Depth Charts.


over 5 years ago - /u/Reav3 - Direct link

Originally posted by starrachi

Do you have any dedicated junglers coming down the pipeline?

I will have a new Champion roadmap out tomorrow that will go into detail on upcoming VGUs and New Champions

over 5 years ago - /u/Reav3 - Direct link

Originally posted by ENIG0R

How many more VGUs until every champ is updated to modern standards?

It’s kind of a never ending cycle since as time goes on new champions look and feel better and better which causes older Champions to feel more and more dated

over 5 years ago - /u/RiotScruffy - Direct link

Originally posted by Hobbsgoblin123

Do you still view the Aatrox rework as a failure? Is there any talk of a mini/major revert to make him similar to his old playstyle? Or just any talk of him at all? (While I don't think a revert is realistic, I can hope)

Pre-rework Aatrox was easily my favorite champion in the game and New Aatrox just doesn't do anything for me. I just wanna play my boy again :/

Overall in my eyes Aatrox wasn't the perfect rework but not a failure, actually overall a good one. Don't expect a revert.

Things that went well -Super fun and iconic new playstyle weaving sword attacks and dashes -More deep and sticky playstyle has created a larger and more sticky set of Aatrox mains (we see this in the data) -More clear counterplay for opponents

Things we would do better if we could go back in time -Keep more of the oldtrox gameplay fundamentals there (aa based etc). We made something new and fun but unfortunately a lot of old mains feel left out. -He ended up not having enough weaknesses at super high skill play, making him dominant in pro while not really being viable for normal players

over 5 years ago - /u/Reav3 - Direct link

Originally posted by GragasBellybutton

How many new champions/VGU will you talk about besides Fiddle/Volibear and the Non Traditional marksman? Cheers

I will be talking about Voli/Fiddle and 3 New Champs in details, but also a small little tidbit of 2 new champs we have in development for after Voli/Fiddle

over 5 years ago - /u/RiotScruffy - Direct link

Originally posted by ENIG0R

How many more VGUs until every champ is updated to modern standards?


over 5 years ago - /u/RiotScruffy - Direct link

Originally posted by Texual_Deviant

The Garen update has been out for about a week now. He's getting some nerfs soon, but in terms of gameplay goals, do you think the update has been a success in giving him some new build paths, damage and lane priority?

Also, in the past, it was floated that there could be some mechanical changes for Aatrox to add some more power after his knees were broken. Any word on if that's still the plan?

And lastly, who are your favorite characters, be it lore, kit, or attitude?


Currently Garen changes seem to be going well - we simplified and cleaned up the villain mechanics (which no one seems to miss).

We're having to nerf him some but he should still have the profile that we want - even though we're puling some early game damage he's still a lane bully (just not an unstoppable god)

over 5 years ago - /u/Reav3 - Direct link

Originally posted by MiG-25

Whats the most fun champion/rework/vgu to work on?

Zoe, Akali & Pyke were some of my favorite Champions of all time to work on.

The origin of Pyke was really interesting, in that, at that time there was a high level goal for the entire gameplay initiative at Riot to make support a more appealing position. This was because when we introduced position select to the game it caused queue time to go up since so few people were selecting support. That's what led me to create the opportunity space for Pyke, which was to create a support Assassin. Assassins tend to be our most popular role, and Champions that tend to get a lot of kills tend to be extremely popular as well, so I thought, if we make a support that can kill people it would cause more people to play support. This actually worked out and Pyke has caused the support role to have a slightly higher queue rate then before he existed. So good guy Pyke has made queue times better for everyone.

Zoe was fun because I think we were really pushing the boundaries of our art style and themes with Zoe, which I think is good, because that can expand the overall IP, similar to what Jinx did for the IP years ago.

I loved working on Akali, because I just love Ninja themes, and Anime (yeah I'm a total weeb.) I'm also a mid lane Assassin Main, so it felt like I got to work on a Champion that was just for me, and I have played nothing but Akali since her release.

over 5 years ago - /u/Reav3 - Direct link

Originally posted by KasumiGotoTriss

Who is responsible for Irelia's visual design/music theme? Definitely one of the best, she's one of the most aesthetically appealing champions in the game with her dancing blades (and it's pretty clear you guys like her as well, as you shove her into every cinematic).

How does the process for a champion development begin? How do you decide 'yeah this ADC will be from the Void and this one from the Shadow Isles (Kalista)'.

How much longer until you nerf staple proplay picks like Vlad, Nautilus and Renekton, Kled and Gangplank who are constantly dodging the nerfbat for no reason? I thought if a champion is pretty much pick/ban, it'll get nerfed sooner or later. That's the case with GP.

Can't speak for music as I can't remember the composers red name but the concept art was done by LoneWingy. She's now the Concept Art Lead on Champions Team right now. I love a lot of her work which include, ASol, Nami, EvelynnVGU, Qiyana, Kayle/MorganaVGU, GalioVGU and many more

over 5 years ago - /u/RiotScruffy - Direct link

Originally posted by Team_Super_Mald

How do you decide when to go with energy vs mana as a resource for champions?

Default we go to mana - it's generally good to have the long term attrition.

When we have something special like rage or in the few cases where we want a more spammy "action spell" champ (usually melee).

over 5 years ago - /u/Reav3 - Direct link

Originally posted by Spideraxe30

Hey guys, thanks for hosting this AMA. I wanted to ask how do you guys generally approach finding a gameplay hook when designing a champion, and what sort of process goes into creating the kit around the hook, since it sorta feels like that sometimes a kit covers the weaknesses too much of a hook.

And related to hooks, how are narrative and visual hooks generally formed too.

Gameplay hooks can come from a variety of spaces. Like RiotScruffy mentioned one way is from designer brainstorm meetings they hold pretty often. Sometimes they can come from product strategy, like Pyke's hook came from the opportunity space I created to make a support Assassin. Others can be derived from a thematic/visual pitch. Kai'Sas hook, for example, came from the idea that BravoRay came up with when he was doing concept exploration for the champion. He came into one DNA meeting with this awesome drawing of this "Void Diver" her called it and said that it was Kassadins daughter. The concept looks so bad ass, that the whole pod got excited about it which led to RiotJag coming up with the Ultimate which was basically her "diving into the void"

It really depends on the designer. August, for example, prefers to start with cool concept art, then derive a gameplay hook that he feels matches the character art. He's always like "Draw me a awesome character and I'll make you a fun kit"

over 5 years ago - /u/Reav3 - Direct link

Originally posted by itisMoha420BlaZeIt

can you bring akali in a healthy state?

Fingers crosses she is in a good place right now. She is still seeing some competitive play, while also having a healthy playrate in SoloQ. I know SoloQ winrate is low, but she is a hard champ to master, so that's to be expected

over 5 years ago - /u/Reav3 - Direct link

Originally posted by zeroluffs

Any plans on updating Ahri’s visuals?

Not anytime soon, no

over 5 years ago - /u/Reav3 - Direct link

Originally posted by Tsuyuyuyuyuyu

Is this a typo or will you tease 5!!!!! new Champions tomorrow?

Does this include the non traditional marksman?

It does include the Non-traditonal Marksmen. It wasn't a typo, though 2 are really just mentions, kind of like how I mentioned we were working on a Assassin (Which later was Qiyana), but didnt go into detail on it. Just kind on mentioning the classes on the 2 Champions after Voli/Fiddle

over 5 years ago - /u/Reav3 - Direct link

Originally posted by htorefieS

Which reworks do you consider failures?

The ones we ended up reverting, like Rengar, Zac, LeBlanc. Sure there are lessons we learned on almost every VGU or Rework we did, or places we think we could have improved, but for the most part we think all of the big VGU's put the Champions into better places then they were before the VGU, even if there was room for improvement

over 5 years ago - /u/Reav3 - Direct link

Originally posted by Spideraxe30

Also to /u/Reav3, how do you and Danny typically come up with the art goals for a champion

I usually come up with the Goals for the Champions. Anyone on the team can pitch ideas, but I am the one that puts them together into opportunity spaces and then into a larger Champion Roadmap. I share this with my entire leadership team though as well as our Stakeholders, get feedback, then refine it. After it has been refined I share it with the whole team.

over 5 years ago - /u/Reav3 - Direct link

Originally posted by Predatoratorr

Thank you for being available! What do you think of the skarner rework? Now that he lost presence on competitive stage, do you think a gameplay update like the shaco and garen ones, to remove the spires, would go a long way to his problems? Because that's what most skarner mains agree on. I'd love to go deeper on skarner situation of needed =)

I think Skarner needs a full VGU at some point, as I dont think a small rework is enough to get his kit to where it needs to be. He also needs a lot of work on the visual/theme side as well

over 5 years ago - /u/Reav3 - Direct link

Originally posted by MaliciousMetal

Oh I got quite an odd question regarding VGU's.

How do you guys feel about the outcries of former mains when it comes to their champions being changed this drastically?

I personally adore the new Mordekaiser, but our community has been somewhat split with the release of his VGU, which is kind of sad to experience.

Aatrox mains is a very prominent example of this actually since the old mains are still very upset about this radical change.

On a brighter note:

Really looking forward to what you guys have in store for champion VGUS down the line, especially Fiddlesticks and EVENTUALLY even Skarner!

Happy 10th anniversary, glad to have been here for the past seven years!

Overall we feel it's important to keep the game feeling modern and fresh since we believe that LoL has the ability to last a very long time. This means that we feel it's good for the long term to update things that are old and dated in our game like old Morde and breath fresh life into them. We feel this is important enough to do, even it it does cause change aversion among some of the mains of a Champion. It's also something that the community asks for and wants as player demand for VGUs is always very high when we survey players.

Aatrox though is a case where we felt we strayed too far from his previous game play identity. While he was pretty successful from a engagement perspective, we decided not to push Champions that far from there identity in future reworks.

over 5 years ago - /u/Reav3 - Direct link

Originally posted by moosknauel

How happy are you about the Asol changes?

So far we are optimistic about them but it hasn't been long enough to fully evaluate.

over 5 years ago - /u/RiotAugust - Direct link




over 5 years ago - /u/RiotAugust - Direct link

Originally posted by RiotScruffy


whew. Looks like the upcoming one is safe.

over 5 years ago - /u/Reav3 - Direct link

Originally posted by zyx121

How do you begin the process of designing a champion? What do you find as inspiration for their toolkit?

Inspiration can come from a variety of places, and I personally think that having it come from multiple places leads to a more diverse and exciting release schedule. Every Champion starts with a opportunity space that I create as the Product Lead for Champions Team.

For example the opportunity space for Zoe was to create a high mechanics mid lane with a cute/adorable thematic. As I felt this was something missing from League, with all our high mechanics mid laners champions being edge lords/dark themes. This opportunity space then goes to a "Core Pod" consisting of a Kit designer, concept artist, and narrative writer. They all then brainstorm ideas that fit the opportunity space. They all kind of inspire each other and that's how the Champion eventually forms

over 5 years ago - /u/RiotAugust - Direct link

Originally posted by Reav3

Gameplay hooks can come from a variety of spaces. Like RiotScruffy mentioned one way is from designer brainstorm meetings they hold pretty often. Sometimes they can come from product strategy, like Pyke's hook came from the opportunity space I created to make a support Assassin. Others can be derived from a thematic/visual pitch. Kai'Sas hook, for example, came from the idea that BravoRay came up with when he was doing concept exploration for the champion. He came into one DNA meeting with this awesome drawing of this "Void Diver" her called it and said that it was Kassadins daughter. The concept looked so bad ass, that the whole pod got excited about it which led to RiotJag coming up with the Ultimate which was basically her "diving into the void"

It really depends on the designer. August, for example, prefers to start with cool concept art, then derive a gameplay hook that he feels matches the character art. He's always like "Draw me a awesome character and I'll make you a fun kit"

I really just want artists to tell me what to do TBH.

over 5 years ago - /u/RiotAugust - Direct link

Originally posted by Neville_Lynwood

What are the highest and lowest win rates in the history of League? I have a feeling you should have that data somewhere.

And why were those numbers the case? I'm expecting something along 70% and 30%, so what went wrong with those champs and why did they end so notably under or overtuned?

I think release Syndra might have been under 30% (it's either her or Yuumi with the lowest release winrate). Syndra was due to a combination of being undertuned, hard to play, and buggy in ways that prevented her from combo'ing her spells. Yuumi on the other hand was likely due to being entirely dependent on her allies needing to know what she was trying to do.

There was a patch where Karthus literally could not be killed due to a bug. Even while being invincible his winrate only hit 80-85% or so.

over 5 years ago - /u/Reav3 - Direct link

Originally posted by Quacking92

Non-traditonal Marksmen.

So we got more than one coming?


over 5 years ago - /u/Reav3 - Direct link

Originally posted by Waterstealer

here's a vague one, will the next toplaner be more of a bruiser, tank, or skirmisher?

Ask me again tomorrow

over 5 years ago - /u/Reav3 - Direct link

Originally posted by Soxviper

Even after all her nerfs?

Yes, I love playing her to much to stop

over 5 years ago - /u/RiotAugust - Direct link

Originally posted by ShaquiquiBronson

What is your favorite part of the champion design process?

When you find "the mechanic" and the whole champion falls into place and everyone starts getting hyped to play it. This was stuff like Ekko R, Jhin passive, and Jinx passive for me.

I remember a Jinx playtest where Squad5 had just helped me get in her current passive after like 5 failed other passives. She killed a Xerath, went so fast that she lost control of her character, ran into a tower and died. It was perfect!

over 5 years ago - /u/RiotAugust - Direct link

Originally posted by HolypenguinHere

We're not all sad about this

i'm sad

over 5 years ago - /u/RiotAugust - Direct link

Originally posted by batspidersuperman

I think a lot of people hold Jhin in high regard as one of the best designed champions in terms of thematic design, voice lines/acting, and gameplay. What was the brainstorming/design process for him like, and what do you think was the key to making a champ that incredibly well designed?

I think Jhin comes off as exceptional because of how well his "non-gameplay" side came through. The VFX/SFX/Anims/VO fit him soooo well and make you feel like you're in the head of the virtuoso murder man.

Jhin came from a basic concept of "The perfect sniper." The idea was that he was a guy who was such a good shot that he would think up creative ways to shoot things to keep himself entertained. We also knew we wanted him to be mysterious/off-putting/weird. Pretty sure almost all concepts of him from day 1 had him in some kind of mask, bandanna, or robotic covering. He eventually started to transform into "the crazy art guy" when we locked his 4th shot mechanic. We knew we wanted to make a sniper, and we knew his 4th shot would be his strongest, but what competent sniper saves the best shot for last? Narrative came up with the idea that he was OCD about the number 4 and was wanted to make every kill artistically perfect (Which mean waiting for the 4th shot). We then added 4's to the rest of his kit (Q bounces 4 times, R has 4 shots) to make people feel like they're constantly counting throughout the game.

over 5 years ago - /u/Reav3 - Direct link

Originally posted by MaliciousMetal

Thanks for the response!

Yeah, League's greatest strength is definitely it providing a constantly changing experience, which keeps it fresh and fun throughout the years.

And while Mordekaiser definitely changed more compared to "modernized" kit approaches like Akali and Warwick, he still retains a lot of his core gameplay hooks while amping it up to eleven.

Speaking of Morde, I just wanted to say thank you again for coming in and giving us great feedback on the VGU. As seen in the imgur link below Morde was one of our most successful VGUs of all time and I believe that part of that came success from your visit with the team.


over 5 years ago - /u/Reav3 - Direct link

Originally posted by GrandMasterOfCool

u/Reav3 how high is Quinn on the priority list? As a an assassin lover like yourself, could you imagine a ranger/companion assassin combo working out in league?

She on the list but not super high. I think she could be really cool when her time comes, might throw her on the next "Choose a VGU" poll to gauge community interest, though I haven't finalized who will be on the next one yet

over 5 years ago - /u/Reav3 - Direct link

Originally posted by Soxviper

Would you say Zoe's hook is stealing summoner spells or catapulting one shots from wacky angles?

Zoe's hook is her super long range burst. The summoners spells are more of a unique input that make her feel very different to play then other Champions, which is also important, but isn't really a super unique output

over 5 years ago - /u/Reav3 - Direct link

Originally posted by Kabukey

What exactly is it that makes you "optimistic"? Not trying to hate, I'm just curious. After all his play-rate has again dropped to his old play-rate from before the rework (according to u.gg atleast) and in the Asol-subreddit it's mainly posts asking for a revert.

I'm optimistic right now because his depth is higher then it has been in along time as seen in the link below. This means that's while his playrate is similar, people that are playing him are playing him more often, which could mean some are finding him more satisfying to play. This may drop back to historical numbers though, which we will monitor.


over 5 years ago - /u/Reav3 - Direct link

Originally posted by Nedyr97

I don't fully agree with you. It depends on individual champions. Some champions fair much better than others, Udyr for example is horrendous visually and gameplay wise. However, you have champions like Riven, Lee Sin, Yasuo, Zed, Fizz, Ahri etc. that have such dynamic kits that even if you released them today, they'd fit right in with the newly designed kits we see.

For sure. I'm not saying every Champ will need a VGU, I'm just saying that Champs sometimes get added to the list over the years

over 5 years ago - /u/Reav3 - Direct link

Originally posted by brian9709

Speaking as an Akali OTP I wouldn't say she's is in a good spot. Her kit is way too strong in general and that's why she doesn't go away from competitive even after all the changes. One question, shouldn't an assassin champion have a strong early game and a not so good late game? Why after the update Akali early game is still one awful mess and she's a beast late game?

I don't think its required that every Assassin has the same points in the game where they are strong. Kat has been in a good place as a late-game scaling Assassin for awhile now.

over 5 years ago - /u/Reav3 - Direct link

Originally posted by Zoli_Ben

What are the strongest option candidates besides Mundo Shyvana Nocturne?

Rammus, Olaf, Quinn, Cho'Gath, Shaco, Skarner

over 5 years ago - /u/Reav3 - Direct link

Originally posted by Zoli_Ben

Would it be a Morde/Urgot/Swain/Nunu level one?

For sure

over 5 years ago - /u/Reav3 - Direct link

Originally posted by Moonboy65

Will it also have splash update stuff?

No, this is no longer handled by Champions Team. I think Splash team wants to start these back up again sometime, but I don't want to speak for that team

over 5 years ago - /u/RiotScruffy - Direct link

Originally posted by Gabcpnt

As for champions like Bard and Kindred, who have skills that work both on enemies and allies sort of like the same way, could we expect more troll ideas like that in the future?

These type of abilities are hard to master and risk the "my teammate screwed me" downside, but they are very unique and add interest to all other 9 players when we do them right.

A key component to doing theses type of spells right is allowing allies to see them coming and react to them. So bard R is also dodgeable for allies - similarly kindred R has a clear timer that allies can learn and play around.

over 5 years ago - /u/LeagueOfLegends - Direct link

Originally posted by Random_Stealth_Ward

It's common knowledge that the reason heavily armored fantasy character's don't have shields is because they forge their shields into their big shoulder pauldrons so as to use their extra-large size weapons without inconvenience.

Think about it: Garen and Darius? Big weapons accompanied by big pauldrons and no shields; Leona? medium sword accompanied by small pauldrons and a big shield.

Shield and Shoulder start with the same letters. Just saying.

Keep digging, the truth is out there.

over 5 years ago - /u/Reav3 - Direct link

Originally posted by Ilyak1986

I know SoloQ winrate is low, but she is a hard champ to master, so that's to be expected

How does her winrate at a high amount of games compare to other champions with equal numbers of large games? If she doesn't do better than them, what's the point of incurring the misery premium when trying to learn her?

Furthermore, Kai'sa also has a pretty demanding kit, but her average winrate in Diamond+ seems to be a little on the low end, but not damnably so like Akali's (or worse).

Also, Irelia, who has rock bottom solo queue winrates, poor main winrates, and also sees noticeably less play in pro than Akali, after her kit got decimated (nerfs to every one of her skills--Q minion damage/range, W destroyed, E range and CD nerfs, R losing its disarm, passive losing shield shred). What are the plans to actually get Irelia back to health? Even the streamer Riot brought into HQ to consult on her rework got so burned out trying to play her again that he stopped streaming entirely, while TFBlade took up a bunch of other champions to play besides Irelia in his rank 1 global ladder climbs. Any plans on nurturing this champ back to a healthy spot?

Kai'Sa is a bad comparison because ADCs have a lot of transferable skills, since they mostly rely on Orb walking and AAs, which once mastered easily transfer to other ADCs. This is why ADCs have much less winrate variance, with the exception of Kalista because her passive actually effects the AA core loop, which makes the skill not transfer well. Champions who rely on there abilties have much less transferable skills, so when a new player picks up Akali they can't rely super heavily on previous masteries.

Currently both Akali and Irelia have very healthy and strong playrate, and while they are hard to master many players genreally find them worth putting in time to learn, so I don't think it's that big of a problem. I think both of those Champions are strong once mastered right now, and giving them strong SOloQ winrates would make them absurdly strong in players hands that take the time to master them. I don't think it's bad for the game to have difficult to master Champions because some players love those types of Champs.

For example her is both Akali and Irelias breadth and depth right now

Irelia https://imgur.com/a/6jaopsl Akali https://imgur.com/a/yNT9XOd

over 5 years ago - /u/Reav3 - Direct link

Originally posted by ploki122

I share this with my entire leadership team though as well as our Stakeholders, get feedback, then refine it.

I'm curious, has a design ever gotten a "no-go" from leadership or stakeholders, or does it tend to be minor feedback?

Well it can't get a no-go from leadership, I show that to them to get there feedback and thoughts. When I said that I meant the Champions Team Leads, which I consult with to create the Champions Roadmap and Strategy. I don't think stakeholders have every given a no-go to a design, but we have gotten plenty of design feedback from Meddler, for example, that have caused us to change or alter a design, for the better imo.

over 5 years ago - /u/Reav3 - Direct link

Originally posted by CalmYourNeckbeard

A season 3 champion added before Vlad.


EDIT: Another season 3 champion

Well currently Vlad's gameplay is pretty solid, which is what is currently keeping him of the list

over 5 years ago - /u/Reav3 - Direct link

Originally posted by OnlyAnEssenceThief

Kai'Sas hook, for example, came from the idea that BravoRay came up with when he was doing concept exploration for the champion. He came into one DNA meeting with this awesome drawing of this "Void Diver" her called it and said that it was Kassadins daughter.

Now all we need is a Kass VO update to complete the father-daughter reunion!

Currently Kassadin doesn't even know his daughter is alive, so it wouldn't make sense for his VO to change right now

over 5 years ago - /u/Reav3 - Direct link

Originally posted by Username1906

Sion rocked as a VGU, not only in how good it was but the impact it had on the game's desgin. I consider his rework a starting point of modern League.

Fun fact: RiotScruffy was actually the designer on the Sion VGU

over 5 years ago - /u/Reav3 - Direct link

Originally posted by What_is_this_rework

Why did aatrox end up changing such a dramatic amount from his original concept. You said yourself that people really liked his thematic so why did you guys end up changing it so much. It cant have been for balance reasons due to the sheer amount you have changed him over the past year.

On a side note how do you guys feel about akali and aatrox being changed so constantly every patch, even after they were adjusted to be easier to balance. Do you think you will ever reach a good "balance" for them or are they candidates for another rework similar to how ryze got reworked a bunch.

With Aatrox of survey data showed that players really liked his theme of demon blade wielder, but really disliked his gameplay. He was like is the bottom 3 lowest scores of all Champions for gameplay. I wanted to try something with Aatrox based on that data, which was basically the "Start over" with his theme, since the theme was so liked while the gameplay was so disliked. The idea was to basically take his visual theme, and create a fully new kit that really delivered on that visual theme.

In the end that was extremely successful as he had one of the largest jumps in playrate of any VGU we have done, if you look at is historical average playrate pre and post VGU. Unfortunately, this upset not only mains for the Champions but a lot of the community that didn't even play him and created a mistrust for future VGUs, where players were afraid there Champ would change as much as Aatrox did.

Since we know from data that a majority of players play a Champ for visual theme, we felt that even though his kit changed a lot that having the kit truly deliver on the demon with a giant sword theme would outweigh the negatives of changing his kit so much. We were wrong, which led to burned trust with the community. So even though he was successful from a engagement perspective, we don't think doing VGUs like that in the future are worth burning community trust.

Had it gone positively with the community we would be looking to do more things like that to Champions like ASol, for example, who also has extremely high theme score but very low gameplay scores

over 5 years ago - /u/Reav3 - Direct link

Originally posted by Username1906

A lot of the time, champion design begins with a certain archetype or gimmick (for example, Tahm Kench was based on the phrase "fishtank" while Yuumi was designed off the familiar archetype) in mind.

What archetype would you like to explore to develop into a full champion?

Yuumi ended up a familiar, but she didn't start that way. She just started with the goals of making a enchanter who remains attached to a ally more then 50% of the game. We also wanted to make a enchanter for our core enchanter audience since we didn't feel like we have made a Champion for those players since Nami. She ended up a familiar as the Discovery phase went on. RiotEarp while exploring different concept for the Champ had one image of a fat lazy Cat, which the whole pod loved, as the cats are generally thought of as lazy, which thematically fit perfectly for a Champ that never really walks themselves in game. This is what led to explore Yuumi and then narrative was excited about the idea of her being some witches familiar since she was a magic cat.

over 5 years ago - /u/Reav3 - Direct link

Originally posted by RiotAugust

i'm sad

Me too, at least the last Champion he designed is his most ambitious one to date

over 5 years ago - /u/Reav3 - Direct link

Originally posted by KILLERCRACK

Happy 10 years!!

Who in your opinion is the best designed champion in league? also do you have any funny or cool stories that you havent told before?

Best designed Champ in LoL? Though probably controversial in this subreddit but to me it's probably Yasuo. He has had a solid winrate in all elos of SoloQ for along time, which is hard to accomplish for a non-ADC. He sees some competitive play without being pick/ban. He also really embodies the feeling of playing a Samurai and is the most played Champion in the game.

over 5 years ago - /u/Reav3 - Direct link

Originally posted by Mr-Deer

What’re your thoughts on the current state of Zoe? It’s definitely safe to say she’s in a better spot than release where her W missiles would one shot squishies, and she currently isn’t pick or ban.

I think she is in a great place right now. I still play her whenever Akali is banned :P

over 5 years ago - /u/Reav3 - Direct link

Originally posted by bowieneko

With the huge roster of champions, we have spartans, killer clowns, pirates, ninjas, rats, cats, knights, spooky skeletons, etc. Is there a theme or archetype that you think League is missing or one that you really want?

There are so many! I don't think we could ever run out

over 5 years ago - /u/Reav3 - Direct link

Originally posted by Carryusdarius

Has there ever been a champions team discussion of a true dual wield champion? That is, one where using a two-weapon style is actually a core of the gameplay, rather than just an aesthetic choice like all of the champions who currently exist that use more than one weapon.

E.g. Olaf, Katarina, Draven, and so forth. The only champion I can think of whose kit kind of takes a weapon in each hand into account is Lucian and he is still pretty loose and also ranged.

I’d like to see something where the kit takes into account the possibilities of a two weapon fighter - benefits to that would be a possible stance change based on last ability used or sequence, things of that sort or a unique ability chain system.

Also after all this time, aside from the champions who won the poll, who does the team really want to update - even if it isn’t necessarily the “worst” candidate in terms of how poorly the assets have aged.

We discuss that a lot actually. I hope we can fully realize that fantasy at some point in the future

over 5 years ago - /u/Reav3 - Direct link

Originally posted by SturmiLol

u/Reav3 is there some hope for my little boy Kogmaw, he was the reason i started many years ago, and nowadays he looks (and sometimes feels) so outdated. I feel could get a mini update like ezrael (or at least some spell effects) to make him the best little worm (or butterfly) he can be :3

I for sure want to VGU him at some point, there are just Champions that need it more right now. He is creeping up on the VGU priority list though

over 5 years ago - /u/Reav3 - Direct link

Originally posted by Irarhet

How does the champion design process begin?

Also, favorite champions to work on?

The Champion Design process begins with a opportunity space which I create as the product lead. This space is based on a overall Champion Roadmap which ensures we have different classes, themes, tones, genders and such. That opportunity space then goes to a "Core pod" consisting on a designer, narrative writer and concept artists and they start ideating against the opportunity spaces. For example, Zoe's opportunity space was to make a cute/adorable high mechanics mid laner, since it was a space we felt didn't exist in league

over 5 years ago - /u/Reav3 - Direct link

Originally posted by SupremeVoid

Why are there so few bird like champions? Is the idea of a natural flying living or mechanical thing uninteresting?

Well we have a lot of bird like champions (Xayah, Rakan, Azir, Quinn) but only one bird Champion (Anivia)

over 5 years ago - /u/Reav3 - Direct link

Originally posted by EnderPete

How does the champion design process work? Is it one person proposing a rough draft and then a collaborative process from there? Just kinda curious what the system looks like.

The Champion Design process begins with a opportunity space which I create as the product lead. This space is based on a overall Champion Roadmap which ensures we have different classes, themes, tones, genders and such. That opportunity space then goes to a "Core pod" consisting on a designer, narrative writer and concept artists and they start ideating against the opportunity spaces. For example, Zoe's opportunity space was to make a cute/adorable high mechanics mid laner, since it was a space we felt didn't exist in league

over 5 years ago - /u/Reav3 - Direct link

Originally posted by DevilsDescendant

Of which champ in particular were you surprised by its popularity or the overall reception of the community? Also will we get more cats anytime soon? We need to be able to make a 5 stack cat team = ^ - ^ =

Neeko and Mordekaiser were 2 Champs that we were surprized by there popularity. Both were targeted at being "Niche" Champions but both ended up a lot more broadly appealing then we anticipated

over 5 years ago - /u/RiotMaxw3ll - Direct link

Originally posted by other_batman

What's garen yummi then?

Yuumi has a Gun, not a shield.

over 5 years ago - /u/Reav3 - Direct link

Originally posted by cammysensualcombo

every champion that is busted has a high pickrate tho

This is not true at all. There are many busted Champs with very low pickrates, for example, here is the historical playrate of Taliyah and Kayn. Kayn has never really been busted since his release, where as Taliyah was for awhile a extremely strong mid laner.


Or even Aatrox when we nerfed him to a point he was basically unplayable in SoloQ and competitive had a higher playrate then pre-VGU Aatrox which u can see here


over 5 years ago - /u/Reav3 - Direct link

Originally posted by SturmiLol

My rework idea would be to actually make him evolve to some void thingy (like a butterfly), as it would also drive his story forward. (and most importent, make him stay cute x) )

edit: pls give me some kogmaw icon/emote to show my suppot for vomiting caterpillars ^

Yeah I think making him more "Cute" would certainly make him more appealing which would help a lot in getting him played more. I also think some kind of evolving thing would work well for him

over 5 years ago - /u/Reav3 - Direct link

Originally posted by RenegadeExiled

I really just want to know, because I'll keep playing ASol even if he hits a 30% winrate: will we be getting a skin that is actually good? And will it be some time within the next couple years, at least?

Mecha was just so bland and disappointing. It honestly hurts to know that we're stuck with that when we saw those amazing Coven skins immediately after. And we know that you can design a robotic skin that works well with the Praetorian line. Theres been so many fantastic ideas, like Gravelord, Dark Star, Ao Shin that were thrown around for ASol. Yet it feels like if a concept is ever discussed, it immediately gets thrown out, and wont ever see production.

And, side note: what the actual f**k was that Ivern skin, man

Sorry I don't work on skins team

over 5 years ago - /u/Reav3 - Direct link

Originally posted by Kazan

Zoe, Akali & Pyke were some of my favorite Champions of all time to work on.

TIL Reav3 is satan

I'm also a Zoe/Akali main :P

over 5 years ago - /u/Reav3 - Direct link

Originally posted by PM_ME_YOUR_JOKES

I know many irelia mains also were equally disappointed with the state of Irelia after the rework.

If you admit those types of reworks were mistakes, will there ever be any attempt to make champions with similar feels to the old ones that were killed in the remake process?

It's a shame that they couldn't just have added new aatrox and new irelia as new champions to the game without having to delete the old ones.

I don't think Irelia falls into that catergory. I think we preserved a lot of her precious gameplay pattern with her VGU. She is different, as all VGUs have some degree of change, but I think amount Irelia changed is typical for all VGUs, and even on that spectrum less them Champions like Morde/Sion. Aatrox is example where it felt like a 100% different Champ rather then a modified/updated version of the Champ

over 5 years ago - /u/Reav3 - Direct link

Originally posted by bz6

I am obviously not exposed to the inner workings of Riot and their resource shuffling but do we rule out a return or?

I don't think anything is ever ruled out, I would always welcome him back to Champions team if it made sense in the future

over 5 years ago - /u/Reav3 - Direct link

Originally posted by Zoli_Ben

Which VGUs are currently the highest rated of all time?

By who? Players in Surveys? Our internal KPIs? Playrate jump?

over 5 years ago - /u/Reav3 - Direct link

Originally posted by Holythreat

The point of playing a champion is to win with them... if people are putting a lot of effort playing them but can't be rewarded with wins it just doesn't make sense playing them. (cries in gutted Jayce)

'Styling on enemies', 'having more tools in the kit' and etc. don't mean shit if even dedicated mains struggle to win games with them!

Sure, but some of the Champions I mentioned do have positive winrates once mastered

over 5 years ago - /u/Reav3 - Direct link

Originally posted by Azramy

As an eve and Qiyana main i give her my thanks those splashes are my favs

She didnt do the splashes, she did the concept art for the Champs. RiotOwleyKat did Eves splash (She also did Akali, Yuumi, Zoe & Irelias splash, to name a few) Atey did Qiyanas splash

over 5 years ago - /u/Reav3 - Direct link

Originally posted by Oxen_aka_nexO

I love the Akali rework even though it might turned out to be broken af. I love the design and it conveys the ninja theme very well.

Same, I'm hoping we can get her into a good spot one day (hell maybe she is there now) It took a long time to get Yasuo and Thresh into good balance spots but both were worth it in the end, since they are also really fun and resonate Champs

over 5 years ago - /u/Reav3 - Direct link

Originally posted by Soxviper

Was there a specific reason he got kicked off the team?

He didnt get kicked off the team. He was part of the core team that did early exploration into TFT, and then when it was greenlit for production he stayed with that team and worked on the item system and carousal. I still feel that was 100% the right decision as TFT has had a much larger impact the a individual Champion in LoL, even if he makes some of the best ones. He did so well at that, that LoL leadership felt it was better for him to go to RnD to explore new things for now

over 5 years ago - /u/Reav3 - Direct link

Originally posted by Soxviper

But didn't Stashu change it in the end?

I mean Stashu made small changes, the kinds of changes every Champion goes through when we they go into production, but most of the kit stayed intact, and the high level concept, which is very ambitious still remains

over 5 years ago - /u/Reav3 - Direct link

Originally posted by Soxviper

I don't understand. Stealing copies of summoner spells sounds unique enough on its own, no?

Sure, but it doesn't effect they way other players in the game play that much, it's mostly isolated to Zoe (which is what we call a unique input) Gameplay hooks are usually unique outputs, which mean they cause the other players in the game to play differently. For example, Yuumi's Q is very unique is that it follows your mouse, this feels very unique for Yuumi since no other Champion can do this, but playing with or against it doesn't feel to different then most skill shots. Yuumis Attach mechanic on the other hand makes the players in game playing with and against Yuumi think about the game different and play different, which makes it a unique output. Unique outputs are good because that is what causes gameplay variation from game to game, and keeps LoL from becoming boring, since u have to think about the game differently depending on which Champs are in the game. We generally want every Champion to have a unique input and output it gives game variety (due to the output) but also makes the Champion feel unique for the player playing them as well (due to the unique input)

over 5 years ago - /u/Reav3 - Direct link

Originally posted by Azramy

oh i see, sorry for the misunderstanding, now i must say thanks to both for the amazing job :)

Ill let them know! The next Champ coming out that LoneWingy did Concept art for is one of my personal favorites yet!

over 5 years ago - /u/Reav3 - Direct link

Originally posted by Zoli_Ben

Players in Surveys and Playrate jump. Curious to see who are the highest up there (and also for my favourite champ, Urgot)

I think Poppy was the highest we have ever done in survey scores. Akali and Irelia were extremely high as well, as they were really resonate and loved at launch, most of the concerns came later once we had to nerf them a lot.

As far as playrate jumps Mordekaiser and Aatrox were the 2 highest jumps, but both of them had a lot of room to grow. Irelia and Akali are the 2 most popular VGUS we have ever done, both of which have had very high playates, despite the nerfs, since there launch. There jumps weren't as high because neither started from as low as a playrate as many other VGUs.

As a bonus here is the Urgot playrate jump, which was also very big


over 5 years ago - /u/Reav3 - Direct link

Originally posted by helicopterspies

I get what you're saying about the play rate numbers, but what the squiggly heck am I looking at with this chart?

I posted a comment in the top of this chat that explains how to read the chart. Each point on the graph is a patch, the thicker the bar the more recent the patch. X axis is total games the Champion gets played in a patch and Y axis is the amount of times the same Champion gets played by the same player

over 5 years ago - /u/Reav3 - Direct link

Originally posted by Magnusbijacz

/u/Reav3 and /u/RiotScruffy , any possibility for some Sylas love? Also don't you think that Jungle sylas (and balancing him around it) would be much healthier than midlaner? What happened to the changes to his AS from before 9.19? are they scrapped or just moved to other patch after Worlds?

Yeah it looks like Sylas was overnerfed, we will msot likely look into some small buffs to him at some point soon

over 5 years ago - /u/Reav3 - Direct link

Originally posted by Zoli_Ben

Can you please share nicher champ breadth and depths like Nunu, Swain, Urgot?

over 5 years ago - /u/Reav3 - Direct link

Originally posted by Azramy

ooh, glad to hear about it, maybe it is the champ that will make me play as ADC. Hope to see it soon

The Champ she is working on is not a ADC, I will talk about that Champ in the Roadmap tomorrow though

over 5 years ago - /u/Reav3 - Direct link

Originally posted by Soxviper

So you define gameplay hooks by the opponent's experience? Rather than how the player themselves play (or input) the champion?

We define them by both, but it is much harder to create a unique output, which is why we generally build kits around that. The designers on Champions team generally don't find it difficult to come up with exciting and unique inputs. Its required for a champion to have one, but it's not essential to green lighting a champion

over 5 years ago - /u/Reav3 - Direct link

Originally posted by Soxviper

): It's a shame, he's one of the most brilliant minds at your studio. Does he have any proteges, or people he's made a big influence on? I really liked DZK's designs, even though he ended up being fired.

I think he has had a strong effect on most all the designers he has worked with on Champions Team

over 5 years ago - /u/Reav3 - Direct link

Originally posted by Moonboy65

/u/Reav3 What champions would you consider for an Ezreal size update other than Kennen, Jax, Blitzcrank and Jarvan IV?

Malphite probably

over 5 years ago - /u/Reav3 - Direct link

Originally posted by HandsomeTaco

Do you have any plans to improve on the gameplay of some of the more niche champions who fail at breadth and depth of play or don't hit thematic goals in their kit? Champions like Aurelion Sol or Kindred for example are oftentimes considered "wasted potential" even if everything but their gameplay is good, if not great for some.

In short, how willing/likely is Riot to do purely gameplay overhauls to some of these picks that the community believes aren't living up to their potential?

You mean like bigger changes then the recent Ivern/Asol changes we did?

over 5 years ago - /u/Reav3 - Direct link

Originally posted by MansDemiGod

Any fiddlesticks and/or volibear rework updates?

I will have a update on them in the Champion Roadmap tomorrow

over 5 years ago - /u/Reav3 - Direct link

Originally posted by Le0Sin

/u/Reav3 Hi Reav3! Is there any chance you can tell me if Lee Sin OR Riven are getting an Ezreal-type VGU sometime in the future to improve their model's idle/attack/posture animations?

Currently we don't have either in the works. I would love to do a Lee Sin VU someday, though I wouldn't touch his gameplay

over 5 years ago - /u/Reav3 - Direct link

Originally posted by Ultrapower

Which champion does the design team think has the highest skill cap? You've designed them after all q:

It hasn't been released yet ;)

over 5 years ago - /u/Reav3 - Direct link

Originally posted by Jamesified

Do you think Yuumi is good character design? Especially paired with tanks in the botlane like Garen?

Not sure if Garen/Yuumi is healthy for the game long term but in general I think Champions that create unique and interesting strategies are good for the game. Wish we had more, tbh.

over 5 years ago - /u/Reav3 - Direct link

Originally posted by Horusisalreadychosen

I play both these champions more than any other and while Akali finally seems like she might be fine (still fun to play even if she's harder to win with than most), Irelia feels really bad right now.

I can't think of another champion who I can have a three kill lead on, double the cs of my lane opponent, and still get easily solo killed in lane by my opponent.

Sad to hear she's not in line for a bit of a change given how low her pro play presence and solo queue winrate is. (She's still playable but she doesn't feel like she has the x factor Akali has that makes you feel like you can win if you get ahead.)

If her pro play presence remains very low we will likely have room for some small buffs. We will keep an eye on it

over 5 years ago - /u/Reav3 - Direct link

Originally posted by tundranocaps

Zoe's appearance and theming seems based off Neil Gaiman's Sandman's Delirium, is that correct?

It wasn't. Zoe's theme was inpsired by the anime magical girl archetype. We saw how popular the Star Guardian skinline was with players, which made us realize how resonate the magical girl archetype was with our players. We didn't really have that archetype in the game as a Champion yet, so it was something we wanted to explore and we felt it worked really well with Zoe's opportunity space

over 5 years ago - /u/Reav3 - Direct link

Originally posted by Ultrapower

Oh shit thats hype building for the next couple champs q: ima be sad if you end up not releasing it now

Be sure to check out the Champ Roadmap tomorrow :P

over 5 years ago - /u/Reav3 - Direct link

Originally posted by Soxviper

What is a "high level concept"? I've seen Rioters throw the word around a few times.

Like the high level concept of Sylas is "Stealing Ultimate's" or for Yuumi it's "Permanent attachment"

over 5 years ago - /u/Reav3 - Direct link

Originally posted by Goomber_dude05

literally any news on the fiddlesticks rework please

Tomorrow in the Champions Roadmap

over 5 years ago - /u/Reav3 - Direct link

Originally posted by Kellthulhu

From what I've read, it seems that the personality of the current aspect is formed from equal parts host and the aspect itself. In the short story about the previous aspect leading a darkin to kill other darkins, Myisha seems to be more heartless and unkind than Zoe seems. Is that because Miyasha had a different personality, or is that a part of Zoe as well that we don't really get to see?

The aspect lets Zoe have control a lot of the time because it finds her entertaining when she is in control

over 5 years ago - /u/Reav3 - Direct link

Originally posted by Soxviper

Is this different from gameplay hooks?

A lot of time they are the same, but not always

over 5 years ago - /u/Reav3 - Direct link

Originally posted by wanttoplayh0ckey

thoughts on CertainlyT?

One of the best designers I have been lucky enough to work with in my entire career in game development.

over 5 years ago - /u/Reav3 - Direct link

Originally posted by jjay554

You have to think about zoe's W at all times during a teamfight though. It makes everyone be extremely careful with how they use sums; least they gave zoe tools to destroy the whole team.

Sure but she isnt the only burst mage with a strong CC (Morgana/Syndra)

over 5 years ago - /u/Reav3 - Direct link

Originally posted by darkhero7777

Will the next few reworks be the champions from the voting thing we had earlier?

The next 2 VGUs will be Fiddle and Voli, the 2 that won the player choice vote

over 5 years ago - /u/RiotAugust - Direct link

Originally posted by Ultrapower

Which champion does the design team think has the highest skill cap? You've designed them after all q:


over 5 years ago - /u/Reav3 - Direct link

Originally posted by EROTIC_RAID_BOSS

I actually have no idea how you guys thought the sauron/arthas f**king death knight character would be niche tbh

Most juggernauts tend to be niche outside of Garen/Darius. Also Morde was historically pretty Niche

over 5 years ago - /u/Reav3 - Direct link

Originally posted by CSDragon

What counts as a non-traditional marksman? In my mind, there hasn't been a single traditional marksman since Jinx, everyone since her has been 525 range or less and focused on spell damage and mobility

U will find out soon

over 5 years ago - /u/Reav3 - Direct link

Originally posted by nikolateslafanboy

Urgot went through some drastic changes with his VGU as well. Why do you think there wasn’t a huge backlash on that occasion like it did with the Aatrox rework?

Hmm, well Urgot's playrate was almost non-existent. Urgot was also a much older and outdated Champion than Aatrox.