

18 Jun


<3 I'll still be around, spamming games, building something great (I hope), and lurking the sub.

Also - like others mentions we have some plans for future coms, I'll share more next week.

15 Jun


Originally posted by ketzo

As it's his last Patch Preview tweet, I think it's worth saying a MASSIVE thank you to Mark Yetter aka /u/RiotScruffy.

I've played quite a few games over the years, but very very few of them have been willing to openly and honestly engage with their players about their ongoing balance process; none of them have gone so far as to post their work-in-progress for feedback every two weeks.

If you haven't seen the tweets and reddit comments that Scruffy gets, well, take my word for it; shit can get vile. But he's been doing these tweets anyway for years, as well as running the "Gameplay Thoughts" Blog for even longer, purely for the benefit of the most engaged and dedicated players.

So, as someone who loves League: ty mr yetter.

<3 I'll miss you all (but see you again in the MMO threads some day)

16 Apr


Originally posted by RayliOtter

Who will be in his place in the future?

What i always loved about him is that i could follow him on twitter for the balance changes and nothing else. No breakfast pictures or shit like that.

good luck for the future!

Small Edit: I hope its not because People meme you so much, more than any other person on the League Team

Don't worry its not from the memes, for every meme or angry response there are helpful and kind ones too.

I'm ready to be memed to death on the MMO, been building meme resist for years.


Originally posted by bz6

Man idk, from the outside looking in it just feels League is getting it's resourced siphoned without adequate replacement. I am happy for him of course, but he set the standard for transparent communication while he was at the helm. Is that a fair assumption to make /u/RiotScruffy ? Is the League team just getting smaller?

Best of luck.

It's normal course for a long lived game like League. People come on and off the project over time. It's healthy for the team to have fresh talent, ideas, and to let the old guard move on after many years.

Specifically I can say that the league team isn't shrinking for sure (they're growing in 2021 with lots of big plans).

12 Mar


Originally posted by ThisIsSnake

Hi /u/RiotAether,

Could we please get someting like a 'small updates target patch' list that is official and also totally subject to change?

It feels like Riot has MANY parallel 'small updates' around all kinds of champs, items, and runes in the works RIGHT NOW. These are always exciting and interesting, to look forward to and watch unfold. For every champion update, or new item, or rework, or rune change, scores of players are looking forward to them! The evolving game with communicative devs is one of the best aspects of League. It adds to the experience, frankly,

I just wish we had some clarity on when we might see the changes. I fully respect that we won't get the actual changes until they are fully baked and ready to go, and patch targets are subject to change. It would be nice to have an official update every month or so, just a simple list of 'when' things may show up, or if they are in development. That's all.


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Hey this is a good question. The main reason why we end up keeping it more vague with these types of projects is because of the way they are developed.

Most of our work (patches, champs, preseason, skins, etc) are staffed and planned for in a very long term way. We have the full set of people needed and plan around a release date that we can almost always hit.

These smaller emergent updates are the opposite - we look at problems we would like to solve in the game and try to fix them in a more responsive way. Because of the uncertainty of the work it's not possible to have consistent staffing around them - for example one type of project might need a lot of VFX and sound but no animation, but another might need a ton of animation but no VFX. So the way we usually ship these is on a flexible timeline where we catch the spare time of an animator of VFX artist who is inbetween large projects.

This isn't a super satisfying answer because we probably still wont ...

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06 Jan


This is a good suggestion, I think a lot of players would love this feature. Also this functionality for Item Sets should be fixed in patch 11.2.

11 Nov


We're working to add higher resolution versions of the icons for next patch for the rec tab where they have larger space. We totally agree, thanks for the feedback too.

04 Oct


Holy cow, this is very awesome. I cant stop watching the little GIF animations you did of the spells.

You definitely have a bright future making games!

30 Sep


Originally posted by sarcasticchan

Can you make the shop able to scale up or down to different sizes :(
For me, my shop is very large and it takes up way too much of my screen!

This is coming soon, it will scale to the right size for every resolution.

29 Sep


Hey everyone, This is the thread for feedback on the new shop interface and the update to item icons. We’re most interested in how you are learning the new interface and starting to see the increased speed and intuitiveness of finding the items you need. Feedback on any of these features is welcome:

  • Recommended Items Tab
  • All items Tab
  • Popular Items
  • Quick access sidebar
  • Item search
  • Item icons

There are a few features still coming that aren’t yet in the build, expect these coming in the next few weeks:

  • Stat filters (AD, AP, Ability Haste, Armor, etc)
  • Item sets
  • “Good against” champion recommendations for items
  • Enhanced Mythic item visuals
  • 100% icons updated (unfinished icons have a silly pink border right now)
  • Enhanced tooltips (shift functionality)

We know that this is a big change, so don’t freak out if it’s not immediately clicking in y...

Read more External link →

Hey everyone, The massive item system overhaul is coming to PBE. This is the thread for all feedback related to:

  • Updated stats (like Ability Haste)
  • Mythic items
  • New Legendary items
  • Updated Legendary items
  • Other systems changes like Runes, the Jungle, etc

Some of the new items don’t have final VFX or SFX yet, so if you see something that looks placeholder expect it to be updated soon. We most appreciate feedback around item choice and satisfaction. We won’t turn away any balance feedback, but PBE isn’t the best environment for balance reads because most players haven’t played enough games for matchmaking to be accurate.

There is a lot to absorb, so take your time playing and give us as much feedback as you can. We’re reading and absorbing all of it.

Riot Scruffy

External link →

21 Aug


Originally posted by bz6


Hey boss hope you had a great week off.

First off great post, one of the better ones. Covers a lot of topics I care about when it comes to LoL. But the most important one at the moment in my opinion relative to the preseason changes is:

With the curtain starting to get lifted around the pre-season item changes for next year, do you think the changes will heavily impact the power postion philosophy you outlined a while back? On a related yet more specific note, how will the item changes affect scaling? We are seeing early iterations where tanks are getting a "dcap" item. Is the goal to homogenize scaling across champions, roles, and sub-classes an intended target or?

Because that would be really boring and take away even more of the strategic nuances the game has been losing for years now.

Yea this is a great question. We still want different classes and different champs to have distinct power curves.

Even with a "capstone" item, tanks should still be more of a midgame spike and ADC will outscale at 6 items.

There will definitely be a few small shifts in power curves, but homogenization is not a goal and we're going to be making these shifts intentionally.

12 Jun


Originally posted by FJvonHabsburg

I wonder what's up with 25 AP Rabadon

This is just a UI mockup. The stats on that Deathcap are placeholder.

29 May


Originally posted by bz6

/u/RiotScruffy Hope you're well.

Hyped for the mid lane changes. Having the option of fighting in lane rather than AFK pushing and roaming will create for some intense gameplay. Hopefully the recent minion move speed changes are taken into account as well.

With the recent influx of all these new games how is the state of LoL team as a whole? Have there been any major shifted resources that have affected the team in general in terms of gameplay design and the other aspects of the game?

Thanks, I'm hoping that the mid changes can work out too. Direction is promising.

The LoL team has been roughly stable size for a few years now and even with other games, we're keeping the team fully staffed. It only makes sense considering how healthy the LoL playerbase is that we would continue developing the game as much as we have in the past.

15 May


Originally posted by bz6


I am glad we are seeing mechanical changes in the middle of the season. I understand the resistance to introduce a lot of change after your failed experiment of a new patch cadence in Season 8.

Game is getting stale in my opinion.

Yea, the 10.12 work we hope to freshen up the game a bit.

We still think that major disruptive mid seasons are too much, but it doesn't mean we want no systems changes.

01 May


Originally posted by Spideraxe30

/u/RiotScruffy are you guys mostly leaning towards systems changes for nerfing and buffing mid and bot respectively or are you guys looking at individual champ changes as well

Mostly systems (items, gold, xp). If we did champ changes it would be standardized across the class.

24 Apr


Originally posted by JoeKyx

Hey is this change live already or will it ship with the next patch?

Still a few patches away, we're starting work on it now.

17 Apr


Originally posted by bz6


That is a nice post as it lays down some design values to adhere by. I've got a couple of questions:

1) Does the team value playing AS more than playing VS when adding new champions / VGU's?

2) Look at VALORANT, the community is already hassling them about balance prior to release. The community AND the devs know the design pillars of the game and that is helping with clear communication. What are the design values of LoL in 2020? Are they still mastery, meaningful choices, counterplay, teamplay, clarity, and evolution?

League was touted to be a hardcore game that will last for decades, was just wondering if that is still the aim.

Those old design values from 2014 that we made still hold up very well. We still use all of them in our current design choices.

We balance both playing as and against, they don't need to compete when done right. Adding counterplay and weaknesses to a champ doesn't make them less satisfying and our target is to make a satisfying and unique champ that doesn't make the game worse for the other 9 players.

It's worth saying that in a PVP game like LoL, there is some frustration that is built in to every champ. They have to beat you somehow. Take blitzcrank, a classic and original LoL champ, can be frustrating to die to but in the end he makes the game more interesting to play when he's on the enemy team.


Originally posted by ATrueHunter

Any thoughts about Udyr? I've mained this champ for years now and its become increasingly frustrating to do anything in higher levels of play.

Udyr is popping up on our "hasnt gotten love in a long time" list. No concrete plans yet because he's not really in a spot where we can just straight buff him.

Probably will look to get him some QoL improvements at some point, what are you hoping for?


Originally posted by HardstuckPlasticV

It would be interesting if we could hear about how their projections for Fiddle's winrate over the last patch compared to what actually happened, as well as how they made those projections using test data or whatever else.

Also, I appreciate the idea of releasing champions that start with somewhat low winrates and then reach a balanced state over time. Based on the Fiddle release, though, it seems like people are fairly impatient about that sort of thing even over a pretty short timeframe. I don't know if that's a product of expectations from previous champ releases or just Reddit stupidity, but that's just how it is I guess. Based on how Fiddle's winrate stabilized remarkably well in 10.6, particularly with the WQE max order, I think the developers should double down on whatever predictive tools they're using in the release patch (and maybe publicly share what they expect to happen if they're reasonably confident).

With fiddle we expected him to grow by roughly 6% winrate over the first patch as players learned him. So after we saw that he landed a bit weaker than that we did a small (roughly 2% micropatch buff).

With that buff included across the patch he's climbed up to pretty close to 50. There's still definitely some deeper learning that will give him slow growth over the next few weeks, so we're letting him rest rather than overbuff.