I can't wait to play with myself. Wait.
I can't wait to play with myself. Wait.
Clearly needs buffs before Worlds
Thanks so much, I appreciate it! I've been dying to have a look at some the new skins ingame myself (and not only watch videos of them) but don't feel like committing to a full summoner's rift game on high ping, so not getting into a practice game has been a bummer.
You can create a custom game and check them out! The only downside is that you don't have access to the cheats menu.
Is it just me or is the Training Tool broken? Can't load a training tool game at all.
Definitely broken. Looking into it~ Appreciate the report!
A quick thought: Why not use Selenium or other web testing frameworks to make sure functionality doesn't break? Or there are some cases or functionalities that can't be tested this way?
I think we do or at least can use selenium in some places, though I'm not familiar with it. This is definitely something I want to look into further to see if we can leverage it.
Is this the reason why the practice tool seems to be bugged or something? I can't seem to start a practice tool game. When I try to create one and click on "find match" the button doesn't do anything. Asked a friend and he seems to have the same problem as well.
I'm going to look into it, it's possible this is the cause though. Thanks for the report!
Read moreI've been running on a bug with the Riot client itself.
Having the same logins for both Live and PBE Servers bugs out the Client.
If I try to connect to PBE Servers, it will automatically switch me to Live EUW Servers (As you can see on the video bellow I'm French so this is my main server, don't worry about Random picked up server).
Whatever I try to open the Main or PBE client, it switches me anyway and signing-out is not working either to help me connect to my PBE Account.
I'm pretty sure this is linked from me using the exact same creditentials for both servers. So I'm probably not the only guy running this issue then.
Here is the video I captured minutes ago (after your post)
I'll try in the meantime some basic Troubleshooting stuff (Repearing, Reinstalling, ect) and eventually have different logins.
Gl hf !
EDIT : Changed the logins and I learned something : using your...
Heya! The regionless login can definitely be confusing. You should no longer have the same login credentials for any one account, regardless of region. I'm not sure how it works if you had the same login for each region, but I know when I created a PBE account, it wouldn't let me keep my live login; which it sounds like you got that sorted out. You can now use the same League icon on your desktop to launch any region since it's all account based (no two regions can have the same username)
<3 Keep fighting the good fight
While I got a chance, I also wanted to say I'm sorry I never said anything or played with you after you added me, I'm a weird person lol
No worries my dude!
I've been on the struggle bus hard in ranked lately and have been taking a break to play Elder Scrolls Online haha.
If it makes you feel a bit better, I've played with you before and you were really supportive after I fed a bunch in laning phase and the team was flaming me. You played pretty well for someone stuck with a monkey ADC.
You must've caught me on a good day.
Jk I hate when people flame someone for having a tough game. There's a big difference between, "I have a positive winrate on this champ/in this role and I'm just eating every Blitz hook/Morg bind this game" and "I'm running it down and actually griefing my team and being a jerk."
Time to apply at Riot
What other old and rare skins get granted? Black Alistar and Silver Kayle and some others?
Those, the original PAX skins, King Rammus. And then we can choose 3 (iirc) other rare skins like Annie in Wonderland and whatnot.
Does rito unlock king rammus for u guys?
We do get King Rammus!
We need your help! We have upgraded the Chromium version that the League Client runs on.
TL;DR- We've been doing work behind the scenes to improve the performance of the League Client. Functionally, you should see no change (other than increased performance!).
However, we need to ensure that all areas of the League Client are still functioning as intended. As you check out 11.17 on PBE, please keep an eye out for any bugs or unexpected behavior while interacting with the League Client. We are specifically looking for things that haven't been seen on live and are new to the build (your best guess is totally fine too!).
For a full rundown of the work we’re doing, check out our ...
Read more External link →One of the new systems we’re hoping to implement during the League of Legends Preseason 2022 is Challenges. Through the Challenges system, a player will be rewarded for all of the challenging (hehe), unique, and fun goals they achieve throughout their games.
Riot between 5 and 10 years ago: We will not be adding quests/missions/challenges/achievements that impact the gameplay because the only quest/mission/challenge/achievement is to win the match!
Yeah, right.
One of our goals with Challenges is that in the overwhelming majority of cases playing well will help you progress them. We take competitive integrity very seriously.
Can you still get Unchained Ali, Riot girl Tristana and such?
I'm not sure about new Rioters/new accounts. I've been using my current one since like season 5 or 6, so I've had those for a while.
If you play incognito, how often do you get raged on and press the ban button?
Rioters actually can't ban anyone. I don't have access to any special tools or report functions or anything, as that's not part of my job. We also can't escalate a report we submit. I'm not sure about the folks who work in player support, but we don't have any special buttons to press to report or ban anyone on the spot!
So after Eternals it's probably a dumb question, but... Will the Challenges be a free feature?
Challenges are not a paid product.
well, they are probably gonna make us pay for achievements, again. So technically they aren't really achievements in the traditional sense.
Challenges are free
So after Eternals it's probably a dumb question, but... Will the Challenges be a free feature?
• Server: EUW
• Type of Bug: In-Game Bug
• Description: Kassadin E stops working
• Expected result: Kassadin gains a Void Energy stack each time he or a nearby champion uses an ability, stacking up to 6 times. At 6 stacks, Kassadin gains the ability to cast Force Pulse (E).
• Observed result: When Kassadin reach 6 stacks, he do not gains the ability to cast Force Pulse (E) but remains with the 6 stacks for the rest of the game and will never be able to use E again.
• System Specs: Intel i7-7700HQ Processor, Windows 10 Home 64 bit, 16GB Ram, Nvidia Graphics card GTX 1060
Hi, u/Sulfurion_. Sorry that this happened to you. :\ Do you think you can tell me a bit more about the game that this happened to you in? I tried to find your op.gg but don't see the game.
Can you provide me a list of champions that were on the enemy team? I can see who was on yours thanks to your screenshot.
Did you experience anything else unusual this game such as disconnecting and reconnecting to the game?
Thanks for taking the time to report this here.