We're adjusting this further this patch. Due to some technical limitations which we think we've now resolved, we haven't been able to do it super effectively with tanking servers.
We're adjusting this further this patch. Due to some technical limitations which we think we've now resolved, we haven't been able to do it super effectively with tanking servers.
Looks like +early power (base HP, Q base damage, W resists, E CD, R slow) at the cost of mid/late scaling (HP growth, P/Q/W/R ratios, max rank damage/resists). Keep in mind every game has level 1 champs, but not all get to 18 (or even 13). AP bruiser items look a little bit better on her, and Rabadon/Lich Bane/Shadow flame a little bit worse. Phreak really pushing Banshees for MR out here lol
I believe the initial goals were the power shift that you stated. She is one of if not the best scaling champions in the game, which wasn't the original intent.
"WON_AGAINST_RIOTER" that says true or false randomly on accounts
If my games are any indication it would be true for most players.
I'm pleasantly surprised this Singed Q change works proper with Neeko Passive.
Fully expected MinionNeeko to retain the gold and kill credit.
I would never create more Neeko bugs*
*I would, but I would make Phlox fix them
If I could get away with it as a backend dev at riot I would name every variable intentionally troll like "LOSERS_QUEUE" ,"RP_THRESHOLD_WINNER_QUEUE" and "BAD_TEAM_MODIFIER"
Every year I pitch that for April Fools we add a separate "Ranked Winner's Queue" and "Ranked Loser's Queue" you can select in the client in place of Ranked Solo/Duo but they all matchmake to the same place. Someday...
Could be that as well, could also be what someone else pointed out and be the lock out for too many login attempts since the fields around it mention alot stuff like device trust which sounds like login services.
This is just the internal name for a login pattern thing, yeah.
Bruh that’s BS every pass in the past auto accepted once the time was up this shit only happened cause they changed how the pass works thanks to the acts
Contact player support and they'll fix this for you.
Hey all, just wanted to clarify that the current runtime in the client is wrong. Arena will be here until ~April 29th (until patch 25.09 releases). We're working on getting the client fixed now
Just a clarification, the ones being displayed here from PBE are simplified for display at small sizes in the collection on champion cards. We got feedback with the live mastery that the shapes were too complex and didn't read at small sizes, which we agreed with.
The ones in the game itself look different, at least to my eye. I believe they are on PBE as well and would encourage folks to take a look and give feedback on those as well. They are also in-full 3D as opposed to 2D (live version), which adds a nice dimensionality to them, IMO.
Acknowledged there's some pain around particular strategies here. However these changes are temporary and we're likely to relax the mid roaming condition after seeing the results of first stand. Given that the changes went in late, we were willing to accept a small hit to solo queue and relearning cost for the patch to not risk lane swaps (as previously played) being a major part of the tournament.
Because most missions only progress on GAME END, you won't see immediate BXP progress earned unless your were in the last 2 teams in the game. You have to wait until the battle ends to see that progress. It's a shame, like TFT used to be, but you are making that progress!
What about youmuus passive flat MS? What about Mejais movespeed? What about Sterak's AD? And most importantly, what about the literal 100s of item effects to come (assuming league survives this long) that give stats that the base item doesn't and have to be literally specialcased one by one?
Also - what about IE crit damage which was intentionally left out of JOAT? Why is that less valid than all of the above and yun tal's crit?
The current state for Jack of All Trades is that innate stats printed on the item (as Yun Tal is now) should trigger it, and temporary bonuses and effects of unique passives should not (Mejai's MS, Sterak's AD, etc.). I'm also fixing the crit damage on IE since the it's on the item and not a unique passive on the current version.
me fix (probably next patch)
We're actually changing Sudden Death in the next patch to not burn down the Nexus, so you'll be happy to know that won't be happening again soon. You should see it in the patch notes tomorrow™
Not many games were reaching the state where the burn down of Sudden Death would be what ends the game, so we're comfortable with this trade off of sometimes having a match go a little bit longer than intended but actually having a good climactic end.
Historically which patch notes have more importance? These videos or the preview shown on Twitter? I’m wondering because there’s 2 versions of Aurora nerfs and don’t know which ones is gonna hit live, the base damage nerfs or the R slow nerf shown on this video?
In this case, it's the version from this video (-ratio on E and -slow on R escape). The patch preview doc is made a bit ahead of time and so if things change late sometimes it will have a slightly outdated changelist.
Please give a update on this
the thing i was most excited about ignoring all the recent negative stuff is TrueSkill 2, does ARAM every month mean that the team that was working on TrueSkill 2 is not not doing that anymore?
TS2 would fix so many things about league, not just feeling better about losing less LP/MMR when doing well but also its a incentive for the 0/3 toplaner to actually keep trying to win the game isntead of not giving a f**k anymore and going 1/16 cause he would lose a lot of LP/MMR, genuinely TS2 is the thing league needs most (other than imo voice chat but thats for another day)
TS2 test is still underway (figuring out how to still make sure that's covered that isn't at the expense of Clash). Don't have results ready yet, will still share them in an upcoming dev update.
can you still get legendary shards from the chests?
Hopefully we get keys with them. They never answered that
You get keys with the pass and honor chests yes
So they were "good enough" for a battle pass but now that there out of the battle pass they suddenly aren't good enough to charge for? That seems very fishy.....
In retrospect no, we agree they weren’t good enough for a pass either