@lolesports: IT IS NOT OVER YET!
@TeamLiquidLoL find the ACE in the bot lane and take down @TSM in game three! #TLWIN #LCS
@lolesports: .@TLDoublelift survives and @TeamLiquidLoL pursue @TSM for two kills! #TLWIN #LCS
@RiotQuickshot Ummm
Games are won and lost in @Alienware champ select they say. #sona #taric #zyra ???
@lolesports: What a turn from @TSMBrokenBlade and @TSM! #TSMWIN #LCS
@lolesports: A massive team fight breaks out near Rift Herald with @Bjergsen picking up a triple kill for @TSM! #LCS
@TSMReginald: So excited for this game! Outside of all the trash talking. Let’s have a good bo5 @LiQuiD112 👍
@lolesports: Congratulations to @TLCoreJJ on winning the 2019 #LCS Spring Split MVP Award!
@RiotDash @TeamLiquidLoL @TSM @TLDoublelift @Bjergsen
@lolesports: It all comes down to this:
The 2019 #LCS Spring Finals between @TeamLiquidLoL and @TSM begins at 1PM PDT / 10PM CEST! #LCS…
@TwitchPrime: We've had one, yes. But what about a second Summoner's Crown Capsule?
Grab another @LeagueOfLegends special Summoner's C…
@FlyQuestSports: Probably a coincidence........
@FlyQuestSports @NASAJPL @lolesports @riotgames Ummmmm
@OvileeMay But but but....
@lolesports @Xmithie Broooooooo
@Cloud9 @riotgames Fights in baron pit without flash—