@TeamLiquidLoL @Cloud9
Darkness vs. light Mortal vs. Divine The two sisters born from Justice face off in battle. Who do you think would win?
Animation by @HyperGaugeMax
Patch Highlights 9.6 Full notes 👉
@uk_lol: And the next Tristana skin is...
PBE Preview Dunkmaster Ivern
PBE Preview Hextech Jarvan
@Sandalw00dGrips: This week it's Beardy Boi vs. Shaggy Boi in Olaf vs. Everything! @tomaroosky's signature big bodies are on full displa…
@TwitchEsports: #TwitchRivals returns with a dive into the worlds of @TheDivisionGame & @StarCraft!
We’ve got @PlayApex & @LeagueOfLege…
When you get demoted from Silver to Bronze 😭😭😭
@RiotSapMagic: We're ready to share the details of the partial ladder reset we discussed in /dev: State of Ranked last week. TLDR: It's…
Raise your hand if this is you ✋ @TheSimpsons
This feels...familiar... 🤔🤔🤔 @TheSimpsons
@RiotJatt: Talked a bit about CS bounties and the tweaks we are making to them in 9.6 over on the boards --
@sonwooang: K/DA Evelynn prestige edition
@Sandalw00dGrips: Gronoc worked on an unreal fan-imagining of the Ionia/Noxus war, starring Irelia. It was a pleasure watching this come…
@OPL: Riot Games is collaborating with @headspace_aus and @LeVaPasifika for ‘Recall and Restore’ this week!
@OPL: Pro’s from #IAMOPL reflect on what helps them enjoy gaming in a healthy, balanced way. 🧠
Visit for tips,…
@OPL: Pro’s from #IAMOPL reflect on why exercise helps them with their mental health and wellbeing. ⛹️♂️
@OPL: Pro’s from #IAMOPL share how a balanced lifestyle helps them with their mental health and wellbeing. 😊
@THEalbertchang: I've been working on this KDA cover for four months. Please enjoy. 🎵 @lilypichu @juncurryahn @leagueoflegends @riotgame…