almost 3 years ago - Roxx - Direct link

Appreciate the reports, I don’t have a full answer on this yet but I wanted to let players know it has been seen and raised with the team

almost 3 years ago - Roxx - Direct link

There was a ticket filed on this, however I do not yet have a result to share on what the outcome will be

almost 3 years ago - Roxx - Direct link

This was a result of the prior discrepancies between the skins, but I currently do not have the insight I need on the changes that happened in last night’s update – I am seeking for more information on this, and will provide it here when I can. Apologies for the confusion.

almost 3 years ago - Roxx - Direct link

Heyo. At this point in time, the second delivery of Lawmaker sets have been reverted to match the first, as this is the style/model they were always intended to be in, and they will not be changing further. The second style was an older model that wasn’t to be used in the live game (don’t have details on why the final art call or changes were made, just that that’s the case).

I deeply apologize to those who made their selections based on their detail preference, and the issue has been flagged internally to be scrutinized so we can avoid anything like this happening ever again. I know it has been a confusing and slow situation as we worked to sort this out step by step.