over 2 years ago - Roxx - Direct link

Please remember that this patch is not the September Update. This is a weekly update patch that includes far more updates and patch notes than a large majority of our weekly downtimes. This larger scale weekly update is in part happening separately from the September Update patch in order to help prepare for the end of the month server merges. When we have details and patch notes ready for the September Update, they will be shared, but that will be the monthly content update including the new class and raid.

over 2 years ago - Roxx - Direct link

It was mentioned on the roadmap because it is indeed a bigger update that includes quality of life changes that don’t normally happen with regular weekly updates

over 2 years ago - Roxx - Direct link

A server merge requires different tech integrations and backend work to bring entire servers together than a single, player initiate-able (not a word, but you get the idea) character transfer would. These are two very different systems. Region merges also would require different tech and work that is simply not something we have at the moment.

over 2 years ago - Roxx - Direct link

I think my use of the word “weekly update” may be getting too in the weeds with some folks, so I apologize if that caused confusion. I should have perhaps instead phrased it to simply emphasize this is not our monthly content update that players are used to getting. In any case, despite whatever the label may be, this week’s update is not a content update nor of our typical scale for the other updates that normally happen outside of a content update.

over 2 years ago - Roxx - Direct link

Estimated downtime is indeed 4 hours! There will be staff online to let folks know if it comes up early :slight_smile:

over 2 years ago - Roxx - Direct link

Context is key. The comments from last week that have been pulled were my responses to players asking if there were any balance changes coming with the patch. This is why Tripod changes aren’t referenced here – I wouldn’t be answering a question about balance with an answer about a different system.

There were indeed some balance changes included in todays patch notes, and these are not all of the balance changes that are on the Korean server; this is what I was answering in the posts. I do not see what the issue is here, short of me sharing full patch notes ahead of time (which were not ready to be shared last week, so this would not have been possible).