almost 3 years
ago -
Direct link
I can provide clarity here.
In cross-referencing with the post in question, here are some of the rule-breaking violations that led to this ban:
- Directing repeated expletives at staff and other players
- Directing repeated insults at staff and other players
- Making multiple attacks on staff and other players
- Sharing false (completely made-up) information with players
And now, with this post
- Creating an account to circumvent a suspension
- Creating an account with a username only intended to be an insult
- Failing to abide by moderator direction
- Toeing the line of spam, but we can let this one slide
Catching a suspension for directly and repeatedly breaking multiple forum rules is not censorship; it’s a consequence of failing to adhere to the rules that you agreed to when you signed up to join the forums.
Opinions and feedback are fine to share, attacks and insults are not.