Roadmap will still arrive later this week
Roadmap will still arrive later this week
Yesterday was a holiday here in the US, with some of our team traveling back from Korea over the weekend. Many times in the forums “radio silence” is not an intentional withholding of communication, but other things taking precedence (part of this is that our staff does not work around the clock 24/7)
Later this week, not today
We were initially aiming to release ahead of June, which is what I previously shared. This was not a locked in date, but what we were “aiming” for as stated. When folks ask why we don’t give an exact date when communications are still being worked on, this is precisely why – like any project, things can shift and change when they are in progress and unfinished.
Today is May 31st, so we are no longer ahead of June, but we will hit a release later this week which is what I am letting players know first thing in the morning.
Despite this, folks are still telling me I should be fired for providing updates as changes happen.
I’m going to lock this one down now; the back and forth here is not helpful and it’s just perpetuating toxicity. You will see the roadmap later this week.