about 2 years ago - Maselbart - Direct link

Can 100% confirm that :scream:

But jokes aside thank everyone here for providing all the info and helping us! This helps a lot :slight_smile:

Also Community is one of the greatest series of all time! Whoever watched it will most surely confirm, whoever didn’t watch it so far…do it, trust me on that one you won’t regret it :smiley:

about 2 years ago - Roxx - Direct link

Thanks for keeping up these reports. As frustrating as it is to have this issue continue on, they are extremely helpful. We have team members in Korea at the moment working through this issue, so hopefully we have a solid update that we can share soon. In the meantime, we’re continuing to look at throwing out additional adjustments and potential fixes to lessen this impact wherever possible.

about 2 years ago - ShieldMaiden - Direct link

Currently going through this thread again, attempting to connect some dots.

Sharing exactly when the disconnect happened along with the after effects have been extremely helpful, thank you!

almost 2 years ago - ShieldMaiden - Direct link

Hello all, I see there is an uptick in disconnects once again. If you could please be sure to include your server and the error message, or if its a hard crash, please explain what you were doing. Thank you!

almost 2 years ago - ShieldMaiden - Direct link

Please now post here: