almost 3 years ago - Roxx - Direct link

We have been open about starting outfits being changed and marketing materials being more reserved since before the release of the game (including in my quoted post at the top of the thread) – this has not changed, and continues to not change. However, to me it is confusing to see completely different skins being compared across regions when they are just that… different skins. It is no secret that there aren’t tons of purchasable skins available in the shop right now, but this is not a matter of censorship, just a currently limited shop selection (and more will be added over time). If you have doubts these being covered up, feel free to redeem your Platinum Skin on a Soulfist.

When it comes to calling out increased diversity as “censorship” that is your prerogative to have opinions on, but I want to be clear that is something we will not change. When we announced that we would be bringing Lost Ark to the West in June of last year, we stated that we would be inceasing NPC diversity throughout the world and increasing character creation options to reflect our growing audience. We are sticking to this, and we will not be offering an option to “turn off” diversity, as is often suggested when these types of threads spin up.

Because these threads often devolve into unhelpful and hateful comments (and this one has already started to, shout out to moderation for keeping things clean), I will be locking this post. If you choose not to play the game because you do not like the changes, that is your decision to make, and I wish you the best of luck in finding something to play that you can enjoy in the way you want to.