Thanks for the code and I hope you guys had a good break. I also hope that the streams can start up again, been looking forward to them but they keep getting cancelled.
Though I could ask a lot of stuff, I'll probably just stick with any changes planned for the next batch of dungeons? How long do you guys think the dungeon break will be this time? Also any eta for the chest opening thing you guys have been teasing for a while? Thanks for your time.
The break was good, thank you.
We did want to restart the stream this past Tuesday but Kat was unavailable. We should be able to do a stream on the 18th though.
We'll be changing the Playing Old School formation for season 6, and trying to make Sprint not the best way to earn points. Also, changing the dialog, so the bonus levels past level 25 don't make players stressed about so many levels of rewards to complete.
Trying to have the break as short as possible. I'll know more once Wilson starts on the changes to the dialog.
The chest opening thing is on the deck for this quarter after Carnage Cup and season 6.