
Mordhau Dev Tracker

24 Feb



23 Feb


Originally posted by mikelitis

I'm not really sure I understand your issue with that. You don't get any extra gold or xp for winning. People who earn the right to be nobles by scoring the highest score are free to do as they wish and killing massive amounts of enemies with a huge sword is unsurprisingly quite a lot of fun. Sitting in a corner and hiding while timer runs out is really boring on the other hand.

this is why we're looking into HP on kill for the commander roles - nothing insane, but enough to allow them to go out and fight, instead of having to hide in the back and do nothing.


Originally posted by H8DCarnifEX

lol made my day, but they are underground ^^

start digging


haha, my thoughts when I saw the poster... "that sounds a lot like feitoria doesn't it?"


Originally posted by Orsobruno3300

u/jaaxxxxon could you please foward those bugs to the team?

all fixed next update :)


Originally posted by Leprechaun003

As much as I would like that, I doubt it will happen anytime soon. Jax doesn't seem to like to actually interface with the community. He streams like twice a month and makes a few reddit comments a week.

I just don't have enough time to respond to every reddit comment unfortunately, I try to respond as much as I can though - and I read the majority of what's on here.

20 Feb


Originally posted by doubletwo

Should hopefully be converted, and any loadouts over limit would have the items made more expensive either removed or prevent usage

Loadouts will not go over the limit, because all loadouts will gain a few points, so loadouts won't be wiped and will just have more to spent. Leg armor will be cheaper than head/torso and this will give more points especially on builds using medium or heavy leg armor and a smaller amount for light legs. Some weapons, equipment and perks will become a bit cheaper, mostly the lower tier stuff (e.g shortsword is now cheaper than dagger and cleaver, which remained unchanged). The biggest weapons are a bit cheaper which now allows you to take full armor with them, but they now have a weight debuff on them which makes plate armor pieces heavier, making it more appealing to use with light/medium armor (this also nerfs the meta builds of light head and plate torso with a big weapon for example). Basically there will be 1-2 more points to spend, but you can also get a bit more out of them (e.g with a build that only had a primary weapon, you might be able to get a sidearm now and a cheap p...

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Originally posted by DeHot

it's a temporary solution

Please read it till the end.

This change actually won't happen so the lower stab will stay. There will be a proper fix for it in a future patch.

19 Feb


Originally posted by krujap777

What is the protocol with chat bans? Does someone just send a screenshot and SteamID to mods to report someone?

Yep. I'd like to get some in-game report feature going, we'll see. Hopefully one day!


Originally posted by Madcap_Gunter

Le concussion has arrived


17 Feb


Originally posted by PureGinge

These 3 cretins managed to trap a deafult in the cage on feitora seen in image one. He started to shoot one of them with his bow after a minute (image 2) so he can get out. They all accuse him of blocking spawn (when it is one of them that is going it) and because his team dmg is high he gets kicked. These screenshots are proof of this, these guys need bans. I have seen them in countless games doing shit like this all the time.

Names - CrowsBeforeHoes - DUNG COVERED PEASANT - AllahStinks

Is there any other way to report them?


PM me their steam profiles, but in the future send this stuff to us privately. We don't like witch hunts or public name-and-shaming.

14 Feb


can i post this on social media hahahaha i love it

13 Feb


uh oh they've found out

in any case it probably wasn't "oh jax wanted a rapier we have to add it", like that's not exactly how feedback works. people give feedback and the team decides whether or not it is valid/gets added to the game :)


Sick emote skills


Originally posted by lehoooe

Does it have to be the correct maps for the gamemodes? Can we screenshot crossroads for ranked duels for example?

as long as it gets the feeling of the mode across I don't see an issue


Originally posted by ImmortalGodWizard

What do I put in the [name] bracket?

the name of the file you want to record for the demo

12 Feb


Originally posted by 2W0nk

where do i submit them?
