
Mordhau Dev Tracker

16 Jan


Originally posted by Clumsy3D

If you do the math on their reported sales they should have cleared around $30 million before steam & tax cut. They made money money, Its funny watching Jax stream, day one he was in like his moms kitchen it looked liked & he said one day "I can't wait to get this game check" & next time I saw him he was in a dope ass apartment lol


literally was living in my moms basement #gamersriseup

15 Jan


Originally posted by fnnennenninn

Hot-take incoming. IMO I love this change. No longer do I get cucked by "helpers" blocking my swings.

I'm typically top frag in pubs, and I know it's mean but let's be real for a minute: I'd straight up kill a negative K/D allied peasant to take out an enemy and I'll type worth in chat just to make sure they know I'm a serious dom-daddy-chad-supreme. If my K/D is in the 3+ range and you're breaking even or worse then get ready to be collateral baby.

Not that I want to TK, or that I'll go out of my way, or that I'll try to steal kills by hitting you. If it's advoidable at all then obviously I'll avoid. But if I'm in danger, then everyone's in danger.

just to make sure they know I'm a serious dom-daddy-chad-supreme

r/BrandNewSentence might like to have a word with you


Originally posted by NiGhT_DrAgOn4U

As someone who still sucks at the game after playing for about a month I do kill my teammates on the occasion. I try to make it better with an apology but i decided to switch to short things like falchion or a mace. One day I hope i can perfect a two handed control so im not stopping in the middle of battle and saying "My Bad".

i still kill teammates accidentally from time to time, it happens but they're honest mistakes (1600 hours played)

if you wanna make an omelette sometimes u gotta crack a few teammates


Originally posted by vixie-daisy


You didn't see this

No one needs to be notified to patch it out because you never saw it

I'm trying to post it on twitter because it's funny :( no bulli


head over to the forums, and check the announcements!


they're like kangaroos, how cute


Originally posted by Jaaxxxxon


14 Jan


can i share this on social media, others must of of your brilliance


Gambling is starting an attack without initiative, or "out of turn". Initiative is essentially having a timing advantage in which you will hit, and flinch the enemy first. You can 'get' initiative by starting an attack at the same exact time but with a faster weapon, ripostes, chambers etc. or just by starting an attack first.

If you're dueling (let's say with similar/identical weapons) and your opponent starts a windup, and halfway through that you decide it's a good time to throw an attack, the only possible outcome if both players commit to this attack is that you get hit. Your opponent has the initiative, and with this timing advantage they will hit you first every time. Gambling is ignoring that, and just throwing an attack out and literally "gambling" on the hope that the opponent feints, drags or does something to delay their attack and lose initiative.

It can be frustrating to fight against a gambler, since they just ignore the initiative or natural 'right o...

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smashing display


We're aware and looking into some profanity filter + taking this server down.


nope unfortunately :(


Originally posted by ImmortalGodWizard

Any other voice updates we should know about?

no planned voices incoming as of now, but we can look into more going forwards for sure


i'll look into it :)


PM me a link to your steam profile, and i can look into it 👍gonna lock the thread because anything here is just speculation without knowing the details


we're looking into it, not sure if we just forgot about it or what

13 Jan


Originally posted by MacTheImpaler

nvm literally got fixed the game i went after this post lmao

yeah sometimes it "hangs" and then awards gold later, we're not sure why yet