New World

New World Dev Tracker

26 Apr

    Fenne on Forums - Thread - Direct

Greetings Adventurers!

The PTR will be down starting 2023-04-27T17:00:00Z and will be unavailable for approximately 90 minutes. This update will bring the PTR in line with the live game.

Thank you for your patience.


Debemos extender el mantenimiento para todas las regiones. Esperamos que todos los servidores estén disponibles de nuevo aproximadamente a las 10 AM CEST pero os mantendremos informados.


We need to extend the scheduled maintenance for all regions. We expect the extended time to be 30-60 minutes, but we will let you know as soon as we have more information to share.

25 Apr


Greetings Adventurers!

As we continue to explore new and amazing opportunities to meet and engage with our players there will be times where we will evaluate our current ways of engaging players. Forums are a venerable staple of the history of online gaming and have served as the primary point of contact for gamers and developers for quite some time. With the launch of our official New World Discord along with the features, functionality, and accessibility for players we have made the decision to embrace Discord as our primary engagement platform for New World moving forward. To help us add as much value as possible to our Discord server, we will be sunsetting the New World forums which will allow our staff to focus on providing quality engagement opportunities in a central, and easily accessible platform.

Our plans on Discord are constantly evolving and we will be looking to utilize the platform to the fullest extent. We will be finding ways to have engagement opportu...

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    Fenne on Forums - Thread - Direct

Hola, aventureros:

Vamos a desconectar nuestros servidores para un mantenimiento el 2023-04-26T06:00:00Z. Esperamos un tiempo de desconexión de aproximadamente 60 minutos.

Aquí podéis encontrar las notas de esta versión: New World Update 1.9.2

¡Gracias por vuestra paciencia y comprensión!

    Fenne on Forums - Thread - Direct

Greetings Adventurers,

We will be holding downtime 2023-04-26T06:00:00Z in your local timezone. Downtime is slated to last approximately 1 hour (~60 minutes).

Please find the release notes here: New World Update 1.9.2

Thank you for your patience and understanding!

    Fenne on Forums - Thread - Direct

Server Merges are now complete! If you’re having any issues please reach out to Customer Support. Thank you and see you in Aeternum!

24 Apr

    Fenne on Forums - Thread - Direct

In episode 24 of Forged in Aeternum, host Scot Lane (Game Director) is joined by Katy Kaszynski (Live Lead / Senior Producer) to answer your questions.

You’ll gain insight into the Sandworm Elite Trial, PvP Reward Track changes, performance optimizations and so much more.

21 Apr

    Fenne on Forums - Thread - Direct

Saludos, aventureros:

Vamos a unificar mundos en Sudamérica.

Aparecerán dos horarios diferentes para estas fusiones, una para la preparación y otra para la ejecución. Estas desconexiones para la unificación se detallan a continuación.

Habrá una desconexión de 60 minutos a las 2023-04-22T06:00:00Z en los mundos a unificar para prepararlos.

La unificación se producirá a las 2023-04-25T16:00:00Z y prevemos que durará unas 4 horas.

  • Gaea se unificará dentro de Artorius

Una vez que el mensaje se publique en el juego, los jugadores en estos mundos no podrán transferirse a otros servidores, ni tampoco a un mundo que se va a fusionar. Al iniciar el juego aparecerá un mensaje en la parte baja de la pantalla como recordatorio de esta unificación de mundos.

Puedes consultar el ...

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    Fenne on Forums - Thread - Direct

Times and dates for upcoming server merges have been announced in this post:

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    Fenne on Forums - Thread - Direct

Greetings Adventurers,

We will be merging worlds within Central EU, US-East, and South America.

Please note: There will be two separate times listed for these merges, one in preparation for these merges and one for the actual merge. Please read the below information to know when these downtimes are happening.

There is a 1 hour downtime on 2023-04-22T06:00:00Z for the worlds being merged to prepare for this event.

The actual merges will happen on 2023-04-25T16:00:00Z and are slated to last 4 hours.

Please scroll down to your regions’ section to find out more information on these merges.

Central EU

  • Artemis will be merging in to Nyx
  • Cleopatra will be merging in to Nyx
  • Crassus will be merging in to Nyx


  • Orofena will be merging in to Maramm...
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    Fenne on Forums - Thread - Direct

There have been a few threads (including this one) where players have been sharing the crafts they made while the bug was live and the value of the mats used versus the value of the mats received as compensation. Can’t promise it’ll change anything but continuing to share those breakdowns on the forum is helpful and related threads have been forwarded to the team for review and consideration.