New World

New World Dev Tracker

17 Dec

    Kay on Forums - Thread - Direct

We are aware of this issue and are working on this.

    Kay on Forums - Thread - Direct

This is a known issue - if it wasn’t on the known issues list that was posted with this release, sorry! The team is working on the fix, hoping to have it in with the next big update in January.

    Luxendra on Forums - Thread - Direct

Greetings Adventurers,

We will soon be merging worlds within US-East, US-West, Australia, and Central Europe. Please click on the dropdown for your region to find out more information on these merges.

These worlds will be taken down for downtime listed here: [Downtime] Preparation for Server Merges in Central Europe, US-East, US-West, Australia

We will have more comprehensive information about the merges for each region in an upcoming post.

  • Cantahar, Aztlan, Topan, Rosetau and Carabas for Arkadia Zeta.

  • Xibalba, Locuta, Krocylea, Cedar Forest and Blefuscu for Arkadia Eta.

  • Adlivun, Minda, Loloi, Kay Pacha, Euphrates and Brobdingnag...

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    Luxendra on Forums - Thread - Direct

Greetings all,

We have decided to delay the downtimes for each region a few hours to ensure that everything is working properly before proceeding. Please find the new downtimes for each region below:

Times are listed in your local timezone:

Central Europe: 2021-12-18T00:00:00Z
US East: 2021-12-17T21:00:00Z
US West: 2021-12-17T21:00:00Z
Australia: 2021-12-17T21:00:00Z

Thank you for your understanding!


Greeting Adventurers!

We have gotten word that all worlds are now out of maintenance and available to play.

Thank you for your patience and understanding!

    Luxendra on Forums - Thread - Direct

Hi all!

Bouneima is out of maintenance and the world should be coming back up in a few minutes. We have found an issue with one character during the merge into Trapalanda and the team is currently investigating. Once Trapalanda is back up, we will let you know.

Thank you!

    Luxendra on Forums - Thread - Direct

Hi all,

We are currently still working on the Arkadia Alto and Arkadia Coral server merges for US-East and have elected to push the Central Europe downtime to tomorrow, December 17th. We will update this post once we have more information.

Thank you for your understanding!


Spear and rapier for life!

I’ve loved spear since it was introduced in Alpha. That weapon is great.


Game and weapon balance is a thing that is going to consistently be happening throughout the life of New World (or any game for that matter). As games and metas evolve things get adjusted. It is part of live game’s lifecycles.

This feedback is great and something that we can hand off to the team, for sure, please just understand that balance is something we will continually work on based on feedback and game data that we receive.

16 Dec


We understand being disappointed in changes to your favorite weapon, even to the point of not wanting to play any more.

What is not cool is attacking players for their feedback or what their preferences are. That is not conducive to a constructive and positive community experience.

This thread has run its course

    Luxendra on Forums - Thread - Direct

Heya! As others have stated, no player reports are moderated without a person reviewing the details of the report. [Dev Blog] Update on Current Issues #1

If someone feels that they have been banned in error, they need to submit a ban appeal here so a Game Moderator can review the case: Appeal a Ban - Support | Amazon Games

    Luxendra on Forums - Thread - Direct

Greetings Adventurers,

We released a New World Team Update to address some of the most pressing topics within the community. Check out our Team Update video here:

Happy Holidays!

    Luxendra on Forums - Thread - Direct

Greetings Adventurers!

Recently, we released a Team Update Video addressing a lot of major topics like the state of the game, our roadmap, and more.

In this video, we discuss reporting Exploits to the team. If you’d like to report an exploit, please DM @Luxendra and @TrevzorFTW and use the following template.

Character Name:
Server Name:
Summary of the Exploit:
Where you can utilize this exploit:
How did you find this exploit:
Is it reproduceable? If yes, please list the steps:

Thank you for helping us make New World th...

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    Kay on Forums - Thread - Direct

We are looking into a solution. Unfortunately, this isn’t as simple as we thought it would be and will require some… interesting maneuvers on our end.

The resolution won’t be today, but it will be Soon :tm: - on the horizon if you will.