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almost 6 years ago - /u/JagexAcorn - Direct link

Originally posted by BasicFail

I wouldn't be surprised in the slightest if it's actually true. Regardless it's absolutely disgusting.

This has been a known issue for a long, long time now and yet Jagex doesn't seem to do much if anything against these bots. It shouldn't even be difficult for Jagex to detect and ban them.

Who's job is it anyway? A while back I've seen posts from /u/Mod_Archie saying that we need to tweet him video evidence or something. Because it involves PvP and he is (was?) the JMod dealing with PvP issues. Then again, the accounts in this video are clearly using bots, so I would assume /u/Jagex_Weath and his team should be on it, but they're not? Also not all of the groups are using bots, if they are they're using custom bots as shown in this video.

That said, I'm aware that Jagex bans consistently 100k+ bots per week. But I'd imagine that these bots would be a higher priority given the amount of GP they insert into the game.

I would really appreciate a JMod comment on this, but those two seem inactive. Perhaps /u/JagexAcorn or another JMod would be kind enough to comment?

I spoke to the Anti-Cheating team and they said almost all of his accounts were already banned before this video came out. The other accounts that weren't banned, were banned today due to /u/JagexWeath being out for Easter holiday. As /u/fisherman_gabe has mentioned, it is just a bragging tactic as there is no evidence on our end to suggest they were making anywhere near 500m a day. Hope this helps!