
Overwatch Dev Tracker

23 Oct


The info in this thread is correct. Almost all players go into the cross play queues, so being in a platform specific queue will be a much longer wait.

I’ll see if we can add some messaging in the client that warns you if you’re set this way.


Hey there we’re aware of this bug and have a fix coming in the upcoming patch this week. Sorry for the hassle.

17 Oct


We’ve seen reports like this and we’re looking into it. Sorry for the hassle.


Originally posted by ElectronicAngle1864

Wow I wonder if Blizzard would do anything about that.


10 Oct


Thanks for the report, we're on this.

08 Oct


Hey there, we are actively investigating this error still. This error indicates a problem with player data loading, and we have made a few fixes to address specific cases of this in our updates this week. Unfortunately there is more left to do here. We’re very sorry that this is impacting some of you and we’re working on fully resolving it.

We’ll keep sharing updates as we have them, but I don’t have an ETA for the next set of fixes yet.


Hey there. We’re aware some players are hitting LC-208 after the most recent update. We’re working on additional fixes for this error for these players. Sorry for this, we know it’s frustrating.

07 Oct


Originally posted by Thranxar

Not sure I agree here. I’m a software engineer, and we always launch early in the day, and NEVER on a Friday. I understand that this is the second of two down periods, but I’m surprised they didn’t start them way earlier in the day, like 12PM PST

Waiting on database replication. Couldn’t go earlier.



30 Sep


Originally posted by woooooowdude16

is it only available to preload/predownload overwatch 2 today or i'm I able to at anytime after the predownload is released?

Once the preload is available it will remain available up through launch. No rush.


Originally posted by Daenous

Hi u/BillWarnecke - can you ask CS to post an update - a lot of people across social media are wondering about the delay/predownload

Yep, they're on it. Sorry for the confusion!


The preload is delayed but should still be up sometime today. Cheers.


Sorry for the delay. I think it’ll be up today, just a bit later than we wanted. Cheers.

29 Sep


Originally posted by tcgtms

People are not realising that you can try connecting the number right now.


If you have a prepaid number, just try it now rather than worrying about it. Most people except for 2 notable prepaid carriers in US have been successful even if they are on a prepaid number.

Hey tcgtms, this is great advice. We're working on clarifying the language in the blog post to be a bit less confusing. Thanks for posting this.

27 Sep


Originally posted by ClefTheMouse

Audio transcriptions allow us to collect a temporary voice chat recording of a reported player and automatically transcribe it through text to speech programs.

Speech to text, Blizz. You're going from speech, to text.

Whoops. We'll fix this up.


Originally posted by Hawkeye71980

From what they said it sounds like the system records it and converts to text, so no person listens to it.

This is correct, the audio is only used for transcription and then deleted. A human will never listen to the audio.

23 Jun


Originally posted by Mr_Lafar

What do you think has been the biggest time sink development wise that we as fans might not understand? I see a lot of 'it's been 3 years and this is IT!?' It might be worth a brief rundown of some of these things so people can maybe understand instead of just be mad that there's not more of what they hoped for.

Jumping in late for this one since I had some meetings earlier but wanted to respond to this.

Can't speak for everyone but for some insight into the hero design team we've had a significant amount of time dedicated to creating the talent trees (we previewed some of these at Blizzcon).

For context there are about 40-50 talents split into 3 trees per hero and each of those trees has a few talents that are a similar complexity to creating a new ability for a hero.

Heroes in OW usually have 3-4 abilities and a weapon so prototyping a new hero is actually faster than making the talents for one (in terms of design time and scripting - not counting all the real production and art that has to happen).

There are 36+ heroes to do that for and then we've also got the PvP side with all the 5v5 rebalancing, hero reworks, and new hero development on top of that.

22 Jun


Originally posted by rox_xel

what about Bronze tho since that was 1-1500 which is more than 500SR - will 1-1099 just be Bronze 5 then? or am I missing smth rn and being stupid

Yeah, Bronze 5 is 1-1099.


Originally posted by RoastedPotat0s

For u/Blizz_JNoh, with the recent Junkerqueen gameplay trailer showing similarity in utility to other characters (Namely Lucio's Speed Aura and a roadhog-like disposition), has the philosophy on overlapping abilities changed as the roster grows for Overwatch 2's Heroes? If so, could you provide some insight on what influences what abilities a hero will have from concept to final product, and when it is okay for multiple similar effects to exist simultaneously? (Also, gameplay question: Does speed boost from different heroes stack?)

Overlapping abilities is always an interesting discussion topic for our team. We're generally okay with it but it really depends on what the ability mechanic is.

For example we've found many players are not excited by stacking barriers. Healing is an ability mechanic that stacks and prevents dying but is fine until the values get too high and consistent, so it's really a question of degrees.

We'll see if stacking or alternating AoE speed boost becomes too problematic or conversely if it opens up new and interesting gameplay strategies. There is currently a cap on maximum speed boost which if I recall correctly is 75% (that value could change in the future)