
Overwatch Dev Tracker

28 Feb

27 Feb

24 Feb

Heroes around the world have put their names forth, and after careful consideration, we’re thrilled to announce the 2023 Overwatch® World Cup competition committees for the 36 invited teams.

Check back later in March for the results of World Cup Trials and committee announcements for the wild card teams!


General Manager: Nacho “Desastreger” De Saeger

Head Coach: Gianluca “Xyan” Beer

Social Lead: Ivan “ReptiliaX” Tiviroli


General Manager: Sam “Face” Merewether

Head Coach: Max “Unter” Unterwurzacher

Social Lead: Jarrod “Frogger” Meredith


General Manager: Kevin “Kevh” Hondijk

Head Coach: Neo “TheWeevil” Claes

Social Lead: Demis “Deemzies” Holvoet


General Manager: Gabriel “Nitrao” Ribeiro

Head Coach: Mauricio “Honorato” Honorato

Social Lead: Alicia “Mirsthy” Grucci


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A few weeks ago, we published the first in this series of updates on the game. It’s crazy how much has happened since then! We launched Season 3, announced a collab with One-Punch Man, and I’m now dating Genji! I feel so lucky…

I wanted to dive into two topics today. Season 3 balance and the matchmaker.

We feel that the start of Season 3 is in a much better state of balance than the start of Season 2. We hear from players that balance is the best it’s been since the launch of OW2, while the game feels fresh based on all the changes made. It’s been great watching that discussion, and to foster it, I’d like to give a bit more details and a bit less commentary.

Let’s look at the support role first. On the positive side, most supports are viable in nearly every skill tier. Brigitte has really popped this season and has the highest win rate for nearly all skill tiers except for Top 500, where Zen takes the lead, with both averaging out to a nearly 55% w...

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23 Feb

22 Feb


FYI, we had allotted 11:00 - 13:00 for this (meaning we blocked time out on the team’s schedules to dedicate to the AuAA). Since we still had technical issues by the end of that time, the team is posting responses as they can between meetings throughout the day, including this new update from Josh about Mercy.

    Craig on Forums - Thread - Direct

Thanks for putting this together, Baja, gonna pin this for a little while so everyone can catch up. Also expect one or two late answers in the Reddit Thread coming in so keep checking!


Originally posted by PuzzleheadedRain8138

Hello. I've been wondering how Mercy's pick and winrate has been since her changes? How is she finding herself in the hero roster after these changes?
Any changes planned for GA cooldown?
Any other changes planned for her?

Thanks for always pouring your heart in the work.

Mercy stayed about the same as before, the changes were mostly neutral in terms of power. Her win rate is still around 51-52%. There was a small drop in pick rate from 9 to 8%. Her ‘damage taken’ stats increased by like 4 or 5% but her average deaths stayed the same – likely we can attribute this to the new passive at work and taking more damage due to the longer GA cooldown.

We don’t have further changes planned for Mercy at the moment. We feel it would be good to let this one settle and see how players adjust to the changes since it can take some time, and then evaluate if more adjustments are necessary. The meta is also quite different between the two patches so it’s even more surprising that Mercy wasn’t really impacted overall.

Despite the stats not changing much there have been both positive and negative effects on the player experience. There has been positive sentiment around players feeling like they can more fairly try to counter Mercy in ways that were...

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21 Feb


Originally posted by King-Osvald

How often do you consider introducing new abilities to a hero’s kit like you did with d.va’s micro missiles or hanzo’s jump?

And what heroes do you believe are in need of this?

When looking at adding to a hero or reworking them, we first ask: can we achieve our desired gameplay changes in their current kit and abilities? The GA meter for Mercy in OW2 is a good example of adding something new within her present abilities. If we can’t solve for desired gameplay within what we have, we’ll next ask if there is room on the hero for something brand new. We are currently asking those questions for Sombra and Roadhog. If we end up doing new abilities for either of them, it’ll take some time and I’d expect small holdover changes like the ones in our Season 3 patch.


Originally posted by RobManfredsFixer

What is your philosophy around using healthpools to balance non-tank heroes? More specifically, do you forsee any other heroes (existing or future) being balanced using healthpools <200 HP?

Varying health amounts is a great tool to utilize when designing or balancing a hero. Characters like Reaper and Mei, who thrive in close-range combat, can utilize their larger amounts of Health to help mitigate the risk of approaching close-range fights. Varying health amounts can also help provide flavor to a character. Tracer has a low amount of health because she's quick and nimble, yet Torbjörn has more Health because he's heavily armored. The last balance patch lowered Widowmaker's health to 175, which shows we're considering health amounts when it comes to balancing the heroes overall.


Originally posted by geminia999

How are you feeling about snipers at the moment? Sometimes just feels oppressive playing against a good widow and that with one tank it's not as simple as getting a dva or Winston to dive on them. Are players effectively able to counter snipers without simply having a better sniper now in 5v5?

I was looking at Widowmaker stats just last week, mainly for map balance discussions, but it was interesting to see that with the current map pool there were 4-5 maps where Widowmaker was really effective, 4-5 maps where she is quite bad or rarely picked (presumably because she’s not good there) and the rest were that she was playable, but not particularly great.

For anyone wondering her worst maps were 2 of the Push maps and 3 Control maps. Her best maps were 3 Payload and 2 Hybrid maps.

Snipers feel quite counterable to me at the moment but it’s certainly something we keep a close eye on to make sure they don’t get out of hand. I think the instances where snipers feel oppressive to play against are really memorable as it’s typical of human nature to remember the bad more than the good. At least for me, it’s rare that I remember when the enemy Widowmaker was ineffective and swapped off versus when she was dominating.


Originally posted by TerminalNoob

Hey guys, throughout my time playing Overwatch and watching people discuss balance I've noticed there is a theme of certain heroes being somewhat beloved by the community. I'm referring to heroes like Reinhardt, Winston, Tracer, Lucio and Ana who every one seems to be happy with being meta in ranked and open play at all times. Meanwhile there are heroes like Roadhog, Doomfist, and Moira that people absolutely despise ever being meta.

When discussing balance internally are these community sentiments about "evergreen" heroes ever talked about? Is there ever an attempt to make sure they are always toward the more powerful end of the hero spectrum? And how do you approach discussing and changing those less popular heroes? Is there more care involved?

Finally, why do you think some of these heroes are evergreen and others are not?

Great question! We’re certainly aware of the heroes that the community is generally more receptive to being meta though we don’t specifically plan around trying to make them the most powerful.

They are usually already popular heroes that will be played regardless of their underlying strength at any time. Many of these heroes have an advantage of having been available since the original game launch and are more accepted because of it.

As a fun exercise, imagine some of the launch heroes being released today and what the community reception to them would be just seeing the design/abilities on paper.

Our primary goal with hero balance is to try and get every hero to be viable at the top end of the competitive ladder (Masters-Top500, within a range of statistical viability since it’s a measurable goal). We also try to keep a handle on any significant outliers at lower skill tiers as well as large community pain points.


Originally posted by TheOriginalGrokx

I sometimes wonder how insane you people find the communities balancing ideas. And, do you balance with upcoming heroes in mind?

I love seeing the community engagement since it means players are passionate about the game. There are many great ideas that generate discussion for us or at least help inform us of the current community sentiments. The downside is that it can be disappointing for them when they don’t see their suggestions directly take effect in game and wonder why we aren’t using their perfectly calculated solutions.

Many players don’t consider the game balance ecosystem as a whole and focus almost entirely on their own experience with a particular hero and how to make that one hero stronger or feel better to play, which doesn’t always align with our goals as designers or what the stats imply about the current balance. There are always tons of other limiting factors like tech/schedule/implementation considerations players aren’t aware of so you really can’t fault anyone there.

For the second part of the question, we do think about upcoming heroes or changes and how they relate...

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