Path of Exile

Path of Exile Dev Tracker

30 Dec


Originally posted by LatentSchref

I've got faith you guys will do this in a way that isn't confusing for the players. I can see people attempting to trade and then finding out they're talking about 2 different games, lol.

The public channels will not be mixed between games by default.


We have a different approach to the controller than before. There are technically 22 bind slots.

That's 11 buttons plus a second set if you hold down L2 (by default, but you can change it to whatever key you want).

However, non-skill actions are bound in the the same slots so Dodge Roll, "Any Life Flask", "Any Mana Flask", Overlay Map, and Portal Scroll are 5 actions that you are likely to want to have bound somewhere leaving 15 remaining for other uses.

Controller doesn't differentiate between Skills and any other type of action, so you can bind anything anywhere you like including the use of individual flasks. Like if you want some emergency flask on "Y" then that is just fine.

You are likely to want to keep the the flask related things on the DPad, things like Overlay Map, Portal Scroll or other rarely used things on L2+Dpad and Dodge roll on L1.

That gives you 12 "easy to use" skill slots which I find to be plenty given that you get 8 ski...

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I don't love ragdoll on monsters because I think hand crafted death animations look better. One thing we are doing in PoE2 though is that each monster will have 5 death animations.

One for each direction, and one directionless death. Depending on the damage direction and if the monster is running or not, we play the correct one. A skill like Ground Slam would play the directionless death because the monsters are getting hit from below.

Not every monster has had all the deaths created yet which is why the demos don't often demonstrate it.


Actually caring about your mana pool is something that you should have to do in PoE2, and it is an explicit goal.

As you said, the first thing we had to do to make that possible was removing the reservation system in favor of spirit. This was one of the primary drivers behind that change in fact. You cant make mana costs matter when you don't have a big enough buffer against them, and players will always choose a smaller buffer in exchange for more power.

For refilling frequency, I would say that it's your flasks that are the real "state" of your character. Your mana orb can fairly quickly with mana regeneration stats, but if you use supports wtih high costs or supports with high mana multipliers, you are going to want to pack some mana flasks.

It should of course be possible to make your build such that mana is no longer a concern regardless, but it will need to be at the cost of damage or defense.

29 Dec


Those are the Lightbringer Wings!

28 Dec


Okay so, here are the specifics.

If you are playing single player and you log out, the instance is paused. If you then log back in, you will resume right where you were so long as the instance is still open. Instance timeout is still a thing.

It seems clear to me looking at it now that when logging in, we will have to present an option to the player about if you would like to log in to the existing instance, or log in to town (and lose the instance) so that if you do want to reset the boss, you don't have to wait.

In multiplayer if you log out, the instance is not paused. In this case, if you were in a boss fight then you are not allowed back into that instance again and will log back in to town.

This is really the only approach to prevent abuse.

The abuse (and what Mark was originally talking about at Exilecon) is the fact that we don't want you to log out / log in in order to dodge an ability, then continue the boss fight...

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Basing it on map-tier is pretty reasonable, and something suggested internally as well.

I don't love the idea of having different rules for different outside-map endgame activities though. I just worry it's something that you will easily miss, and having to remember what activities do what is a bit of a pain. Ideally we can come up with a consistant rule that is easy to understand and remember.


Originally posted by GrizNectar

Can’t recall if this officially came from them, but the explanation I’ve seen is that deaths are very rarely due to one thing and are typically tons of different effects/hits stacked on top of each other that kill you. And the strain on servers to keep a history of everything and share it for every death that happens would be too much

It's not a strain on the servers. We would keep that information client side if we were doing it.

It's just that it's a complicated UX task with a lot of considerations, and a lot of tricky details. We could get 90% of the way there very easily. And the last 10% of making it correct/useful would require way way more work.

We don't currently have attribution to specific skills at all. It would be easy to say "Fire damage killed you". It would be easy to say "The boss killed you". Harder to say "This corpse explosion skill did X damage to you", and much much harder to say "This debuff resulted in Y extra damage to you".

If it's not accurate, then it's kind of useless. So we would have to get this stuff right.

And to be completely honest, I just don't value it as much as other improvements we could make to UX. It's not like it's off the table. But there is a lot of other UX improvements that would come first before implementing such a screen.


Originally posted by golgol12


I believe the income disparity (per hour) between the top player and average player should be 1000x

I believe we shouldn't force you to play something you don't want want just to get more loot per hour. (near 2h 9m mark)

Please, Johnathan, pick one? There'll always be a meta for best build, and that forces the best players play the meta build just to get top loot per hour.

I don't accept that there will always be a best build. There should ideally be good builds with many classes / skills.

Hopefully you would agree that we were able to get a reasonable variety in PoE1 with top tier builds.


Originally posted by I_Hate_Reddit

It's honestly insane when you consider they balance drops/crafting and build progression not on the average player.

If the average player does half a div an hour, are they expecting top players to be doing 500div/h?!?

I think you highly overestimate the average player!

Also, you might think 1000x is high, but in PoE1 right now the disparity is much much higher than that.


Originally posted by liquidSG

Do we still keep the awesome hanging opening character selection scene? Please say yes, that was iconic!

Yep, that's for character creation. This scene here is the background when you select existing characters.

27 Dec


Hi. Due to an unintentional interaction with Abyss content, we have temporarily disabled the 'Additional Monster Projectiles' modifier in Private Leagues and it will not be available upon creating new ones. It will stop working in all existing private leagues and the modifier will be reenabled once we have a proper solution. If you want a refund for the private league created with this specific modifier, please contact our customer support team at [email protected]

Edit: the temporary fix for existing private leagues is now live.


I have a lot to say about this topic, but it will have to wait until a later time. We will have a big discussion on the details of item drops at some point next year before beta though!


Mobile is taking a bit of a back seat at the moment. Don't expect to see it until well after PoE2's release.


Originally posted by Savings_Treacle_7532

But I think the concern is if the guild you are in will transfer. After all, guild tabs are tied to the guild, not a person.

Guilds will transfer. Guild tabs will transfer. It is our intention that chat will work within the guild across PoE1 and 2 as well.


Originally posted by Japanczi

So that's the character selection screen? It gives me vampire / d2 combo vibes xd

That is the background for characters in Act 1.


Originally posted by Savings_Treacle_7532

T0 act boss. T1 mid act boss. T2 hard zone boss. T3 Easy Zone boss.

They didn't lay out the tiers but Mark uses the nomenclature during the monsters and boss talks and I think based on that, the above tiers are close. Tiers were tied to difficulty, not quests.

It's something like that.

Just internal useage which is mostly used for drop balance based on how hard the boss is supposed to be.

As a general rule a T3 should be twice as hard as a Rare in the same zone. T2 is twice as hard as T3, and so on.


By default the skills that were QWERT are now QERFT. Of these, T is certainly the most annoying and I tend to avoid putting anything there that I need often.

I haven't found this to be an issue in practice. Typically the skills that have more of a "doing in motion" type aspect to them you put on the mouse. You have 3 buttons there.

Then the other skills tend to be more of the style where you use them at the right moment, and those work just fine on the other keys.


Generally speaking, if the skill allowed you to control movement direction by holding the mouse before (and in PoE2, many many skills allow this) then you can control it with WASD also.