Path of Exile

Path of Exile Dev Tracker

20 Dec

We're proud to finish this year not only with the launch of 2019's biggest expansion, but also with the release of the year's biggest set of Supporter Packs! The new Core Supporter Packs are now available in the store and replace the ones released alongside Betrayal, one year ago. Inspired by the look of five new endgame Conquerors, these five new Supporter Packs contain a lot of exclusive cosmetic microtransactions as well as tons of points to spend. In addition, the higher-tier ones include physical items, such as the new Conquerors of the Atlas Cloth Map, Path of Exile Gamebook and a pack of signed Path of Exile art prints!

The Basilisk Supporter Pack

The Basilisk Supporter Pack contains an Armour Set, a Weapon Effect, an Apparition Effect, a Helmet, a Social Frame, a Forum Title, a Badge and 550 points. Check out the preview video below!

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19 Dec

We're excited to see the fan art that our community continues to create, inspired by Path of Exile. It's been a while since the last fan art showcase, so we feel it's time to show off our players' latest creations! Check them out below:

Halls of Oriath 3D Art by Vantiel

You can find more screenshots here[].

The Hooded Figure by DMCupitty

Sister Cassia by quackquackimduck
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    /u/ on Steam - Thread - Direct
: You can find the details for this event on the announcement page [url=]here[/url].

17 Dec

It's been five days since the launch of the Conquerors of the Atlas expansion and the Metamorph Challenge League! The team is continuing to go through your feedback and reports, as well as working on patches with improvements. In this news post we want to give you an update about some of the issues that we are working on fixing as soon as possible.

These are the issues which have been fixed internally and are currently being tested:
  • Players with AMD GPUs sometimes crashing when encountering Tane Octavius.
  • Crash with Pestilent Strike being used on a Metamorph.
  • Crash when throwing dynamite in the Azurite Mine for Windows 7 users.
  • The Watchstone Altar can cause loot to be trapped inside of it.
  • Placing a Metamorph Sample in the Anoint Items UI causes a client crash.
The following issues are still being worked on and have high priority.
  • Citadels sometimes can't sp...
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    /u/ on Steam - Thread - Direct
: You can find the details for this event on the announcement page [url=]here[/url].
We know that many of you enjoy seeing the concept art created by our talented artists, so in this news post we've gathered some concept images of Tane and the Metamorph Portal. Check them out below:

    /u/ on Steam - Thread - Direct
: You can find the details for this event on the announcement page [url=]here[/url].

14 Dec

You can't have a shadow without some light. Explore the paradox that has captured mankind's attention for millennia in the Polaris Mystery Box which contains 38 new Black and White cosmetics effects. Pick a side, or mix and match these stunning microtransactions!

Each Mystery Box costs 30 points and guarantees one microtransaction with value equal to or greater than that of the box. Many of these mystery box cosmetics can be combined to create a blended version of the two designs for even deeper character customisation. The possible outcomes from your mystery box range in value from 30 points all the way up to 320 points!

The average reward is worth 110 points, which is more than three times the cost of the box. Check out the full trailer to see what's available!

    /u/ on Steam - Thread - Direct
: You can find the details for this event on the announcement page [url=]here[/url].

13 Dec

    Exido on Steam - Thread - Direct
Path of Exile: Conquerors of the Atlas Conquerors of the Atlas is Path of Exile's largest expansion of 2019. Alongside the Metamorph Challenge League, it includes the following content:
  • New endgame storyline that takes place in the aftermath of the War for the Atlas
  • Socket Watchstones into the Atlas to customise your endgame by upgrading maps
  • Uncover hidden worlds and encounters as your progress deeper into the Atlas
  • Five challenging new endgame bosses that yield powerful items
  • Four new influence types and corresponding modifiers that rare items can receive
  • New Currency Items: Conqueror's Exalted Orbs and the Awakener's Orb
  • New Ballista Skill Gems and Bow rebalance
  • New Behaviour-altering Support Gem: Barrage Support
  • New Behaviour-altering Support Gem: Arrow Nova Support
  • New Awakened Support Gems
The Metamorph Cha... Read more

12 Dec

Our Conquerors of the Atlas expansion launches in just two days! In order to help you with your builds, we've prepared gem data at level 20 with 20% quality for all the new and reworked gems in 3.9.0.

Check them out in this news post![]

11 Dec

The full patch notes for our new Conquerors of the Atlas expansion have been released! Check them out here[].

As usual, in this news post[] we have also included all the Item Filter and Passive Tree information so you can prepare for the launch.

09 Dec

In the upcoming Metamorph Challenge League you will be able to complete 40 new challenges and get exclusive microtransaction rewards. By completing 12, 24 and 36 challenges you will earn the Metamorph Footprints, Metamorph Weapon Effect and Metamorph Portal Effect respectively. Completing challenges also grants you pieces of the Metamorph Totem Pole Hideout decoration. Check out the Metamorph rewards by watching the video below:

When Path of Exile: Conquerors of the Atlas launches on PC on December 13th, you'll be able to check out the full list of Metamorph League challenges!
    /u/ on Steam - Thread - Direct
: You can find the details for this event on the announcement page [url=]here[/url].

06 Dec

Blight Ends Soon
The Blight League on PC ends in a few days, on Monday, December 9th at 1pm PST, so this is your last weekend to complete your unfinished challenges.

Please note that your Blight Atlas missions will not be transferred over to parent leagues during league migration.

Next week we're also saying goodbye to the Blight Brimmed Hat, so if you've been enjoying the Blight League, be sure to grab it before it leaves the store forever!

Get a Free Carnival Mystery Box When You Spend Points
As is tradition, until the launch of our next expansion we're offering one free Carnival Mystery Box when you spend any amount of points in the store.

Please note: it's only possible to get one free Carnival Mystery Box from this promotion. Making additional microtransact... Read more
As you know, we're adding 14 new Divination Cards created by our supporters in our upcoming Conquerors of the Atlas expansion. In addition to four divination cards which were already revealed in our teasers and on the announcement page, today we're showcasing eight more.