Path of Exile

Path of Exile Dev Tracker

26 Nov

As you explore the new Atlas in our December expansion, you'll eventually encounter five new endgame bosses, called the Conquerors. You may have noticed two of them in the official Conquerors of the Atlas trailer. For this news post we've created a longer preview of endgame battles with them. Check it out below!

Spoiler alert: some of the new boss mechanics are showcased in this video. If you want to experience these fights for the first time by yourself, we'd recommend waiting until the launch of the expansion!

22 Nov

As you know, in Path of Exile: Conquerors of the Atlas we're introducing Support Gems Plus, a new type of Support Gems, available as a drop from endgame Conquerors. There are four of them on the announcement page, and today we will showcase six more alongside a video preview.

Check out these Support Gems Plus here[].
    /u/ on Steam - Thread - Direct
: You can find the details for this event on the announcement page [url=]here[/url].

20 Nov

As part of the Conquerors of the Atlas expansion, we're doing a full review of Bow skills and other mechanics that influence Bow balance. Ranged Attack Totems have been under-utilised for a while, and we've made some significant changes to their core mechanics as well as adding some interesting new abilities which are unique to the archetype.

We've made a number of changes to Ranged Attack Totems:
  • Ranged Attack Totem skills are now called Ballistas, with the existing support gem being renamed to Ballista Totem Support.
  • All Ballista skills start with 3 maximum totems, as does Ballista Totem Support.
  • Ballista Totems place much faster than other totems, letting you quickly deploy your full power.
  • Ballistas are all placed quite close to your character now. This makes your positioning important, however it isn't a large disadvantage as most of the Ballistas have a long firing range.
  • New passives ...
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The Atlas of Worlds will be undergoing a number of changes in the Conquerors of the Atlas expansion. Today, we're going to detail several new systems and clarify what will happen to any existing systems affected by these changes.

The first thing that you'll notice when opening your Atlas that you no longer start at the corners, where the Tier 1 maps were previously. Instead, you'll now be starting next to the map device in the centre of the Atlas. The Zana questline in which you pursue the Shaper and Elder throughout the Atlas has been replaced with a brand new story immediately following those events.

The Atlas has been divided up into eight regions. As you play through each region, completing maps as you go, you'll have the opportunity to fight new endgame bosses, who take up a Citadel on a specific map within a region. Upon defeating these bosses, they will drop a Watchstone. Watchstones can be socketed into your Atlas in any region of your choosing. Upon socketing... Read more

19 Nov

This weekend we hosted ExileCon. We had more than 1100 international attendees plus a large New Zealand contingent (including our full development staff). We tried very hard to recreate Wraeclast at the venue, and had a great time entertaining our guests with presentations, interviews, impromptu Einhar appearances and the card game. Today's news post is a recap of some of the awesome memories from ExileCon.

The Aotea Centre in Auckland Was decorated in a true Path of Exile style with stained glass windows from the Chamber of Innocence, a Map Device table, a giant Hangman's Tree and a statue of the Hooded Figure, an NPC from Path of Exile 2.

... Read more
    /u/ on Steam - Thread - Direct
: You can find the details for this event on the announcement page [url=]here[/url].

15 Nov

Exilecon is Tomorrow!
We're almost at the finish line! In less than a day we'll be hosting ExileCon, our very first Path of Exile convention!

The official livestream begins on Saturday the 16th at 9AM New Zealand time (Friday the 15th at noon PST) with a one-hour pre-show. If you're confused, just follow the countdown on the front page - the stream starts when this countdown ends! In case you've missed our schedule, check it out here[].

We have also prepared a special webpage with an embedded twitch client, the ExileCon schedule and all the upcoming announcement pages in one place (they will stay locked for now, until formally announced on the day!) This page will be available in several hours. We'll annou... Read more

13 Nov

Path of Exile has teamed up with Twitch to bring Twitch Drops to the viewers of the Exilecon Livestream[]! Link your Path of Exile account with your Twitch account, watch the big announcements and as much of the livestream as you want and you could win awesome microtransactions, including the complete armour sets!

How to Participate
Step 1) Link your Path of Exile account to Twitch (see below).
Step 2) Watch the ExileCon Livestream this weekend (16-17 November NZT) at
Step 3) That's it! Simply by watching you'll have a chance to win every five... Read more

11 Nov

Yesterday we showed off some of the ExileCon merchandise available for purchase at the convention. Today we'd like to show you a few of the gifts that we have prepared for all attendees of our convention. You'll find these as well as some event information and maybe another small surprise in your Swag Bag.

Upon registering at ExileCon, each attendee will receive a swag bag that includes a T-shirt with ExileCon logo (you'll be able to select the size), a Cloth Map of Wraeclast and an exclusive in-game Devourer Portal Effect[]. Look closely in your swag bag though, who knows what else you'll find in there!

We've received many quest... Read more
    /u/ on Steam - Thread - Direct
: You can find the details for this event on the announcement page [url=]here[/url].

10 Nov

In addition to watching developer presentations and meeting our team, special guests and fellow community members, ExileCon attendees will be able to check out and purchase a variety of Path of Exile merchandise we've made for this convention. Today we'd like to give you a glimpse of the goodies that are available.

ExileCon merchandise includes a selection of clothing (T-shirts, hoodies and caps), very cute plush Path of Exile monsters and various small items, such as vinyl decals, iron-on patches and even Celestial Cat socks (the most popular item amongst our team)! Have a look at some of the goodies below:

... Read more
    /u/ on Steam - Thread - Direct
: You can find the details for this event on the announcement page [url=]here[/url].

08 Nov

ExileCon, the first official Path of Exile convention, is in a week! We have updated the ExileCon web page[] with the schedule for the event. We'll continue to tweak the schedule over the next week if various presentations or speakers change. This news post is primarily aimed at attendees. If you're interested in just information about the ExileCon announcement livestream, then we've been slowly updating our Livestream post[] over time.

Apply for an NZeTA b... Read more

06 Nov