Later on today, we plan to deploy Patch 3.15.1 which includes a variety of fixes. To give you an idea of what to expect, we have prepared a preview of the patch notes for you! We've also noted what we're working on beyond the patch.
Please note that the patch notes may be changed prior to their deployment.
3.15.1 Patch Notes:
Please note that the patch notes may be changed prior to their deployment.
3.15.1 Patch Notes:
- Added vendor recipes for converting Instilling Orbs to Enkindling Orbs and vice versa. You'll need to discover these recipes for yourself, but they're not hard to work out.
- Quality on the Divergent Flamethrower Trap Skill Gem no longer grants 0-20% increased Cast Speed. It now grants 0-20% increased Trap Throwing Speed.
- Quality on the Phantasmal Seismic Trap Skill Gem no longer grants 0-60% reduced Cast Speed. It now grants 0-60% reduced wave frequency.
- Maven's Memory Game no longer restarts upon re-entering the area if you died and left the area durin...