Path of Exile

Path of Exile Dev Tracker

14 Nov


Originally posted by svavil

Any ideas how these mods might work with Necromantic Aegis? Spell damage should apply to spectres, but will gain arcane surge when you deal a critical strike proc when spectres deal a crit?

It will!

13 Nov

12 Nov


At noon on Tuesday November 13th (PST), we'll be announcing the full details of our 3.5.0 expansion. The announcement will also include our intentions for the future of Delve. If you want to be around right at the time of the announcement, here's a countdown you can watch.

This means that there's less than 24 hours remaining to get your ... Read more

11 Nov

    Bex_GGG on Forums - Thread - Direct

Last week we announced the long-awaited introduction of Private Leagues, a paid option that allows you to create your own league with friends and select mods that increase the difficulty of Path of Exile. We're happy to announce that these are now available for purchase! This post includes details of how to get yours set up,crowdfunding options and an FAQ about how they work.

How to Create a Private League

To create your own Private League head to ... Read more

08 Nov


As you all know, this December we're launching our biggest expansion of 2018. Shortly after its release on PC, it will also launch on Xbox One and will be introduced on PlayStation 4. All of these events mean not only the return of existing players ready for new challenges, but the arrival of many new Exiles! Because of this, we've decided to gather many helpful resources for new players into one post.

First of all, we have a built-in tutorial in-game with basic information about core game mechanics and features. You will enable more tutorial pages by simply playing the game.

We are extremely grateful to have such a dedicated community who spend time creating tools and resources for the larger community to use or learn from.

We recommend checking out Engineering Eternity's ... Read more

Originally posted by Haeos

I'm curious, are you a NZ resident already? I know the labor laws there can make it tough to hire someone who isn't.

Australian citizen, which is close enough.


Originally posted by [deleted]

As a fellow software engineer, I hope you help push the underlying code base in a direction that actually makes sense so Mark can stop responding to everything with "that'd be too fundamental a change, you don't know how our code is structured" to things that are really obviously straightforward and easy in any sane context!

From what I've seen so far, the code base already makes sense, and I honestly didn't expect otherwise. The other programmers here are just as competent as I am, and they have good reasons for structuring the code this way (mainly performance); so you shouldn't expect me to be making major changes that will make everyone's dreams come true. I'll try to make some dreams come true, though!


Originally posted by bakkasan

To me this says: You truly LOVE this and landed your dream job.

Pretty much!


Originally posted by MrSithSquirrel

Well you just dodged AUS summer so thats another giant plus!

Eh, I'm pretty used to Brisbane weather, so it's not a big deal.


Originally posted by mrui3950


Just curious, Openarl is a New Zealander that just has to move or from outside the country and needs to migrate?

I'm Australian, so I did have to relocate.


Originally posted by Nivius

yikes, please compile all errors you made in pob compared to real ingame code please

None that I'm aware of so far!


Originally posted by livejamie

Where'd you move from and what is it like being in NZ so far?

I moved from Brisbane, Australia; Auckland is really nice, although the weather is a lot cooler.


Originally posted by Ninnatt

But how many hours do you have in game? :thinking:

I don't know the exact number as I use the standalone client, but probably 5000+.


Originally posted by Perqq

Not sure if I should ask but... how long have you been coding as a hobby? :@

About 17 years I think


Originally posted by Ouroboros612

Having Mark as my mentor would terrify me. Grats on the job! I'm assuming moving to NZ is mandatory?



Originally posted by T3hSwagman

Are you still going to be doing PoB? Is it going to be rolled into your job?

I'll be updating PoB in my spare time, as before.


Originally posted by -FourOhFour-

So did he reveal the secrets of the skelly mages? All I wanna know is if it converts skellys dmg to elemental or if it negates any added phys and uses pure elemental.

The mages uses pure elemental spells; there's no conversion involved.