Path of Exile

Path of Exile Dev Tracker

08 Nov


Originally posted by theguyfromgermany

Will pob be suported/updated?

It will continue to be updated in my spare time; although I don't know how much of that I'll have.


Originally posted by jsalonin

Congratulation, hope you like the workplaces and Auckland

So far the office is easily the best place I've ever worked at! Auckland is nice, although the weather kinda sucks compared to Brisbane.


Originally posted by Singulaire

Do you know/can you share what kind of stuff you'll be working on as a PoE developer?

Just general gameplay stuff; skills, stats, etc.


Originally posted by Drop_

Congrats on the job, I kind of hope POB goes in house.

P.S. Do you think you could update Bleed calculations in PoB?

For example, have a "max stacks" number when you have crimson dance, and/or a "ruthless hit" bleed number if you're using the ruthlessness gem?

I still haven't worked out the best way to simulate Crimson Dance yet, unfortunately it's rather tricky to handle.


Originally posted by gharnyar

Did you have any prior game programming experience? I'm not in the field or anything but I'm curious

Professionally, none. I have been coding in and around games for most of my life as a hobby, though.


Originally posted by beardislovee

Are you from New Zealand? or did you travel from another country?

I'm from Australia.

07 Nov


Originally posted by WhyWouldYouPoopThere

Who made the first move on this? Did you just apply for the job or did somebody from GGG ask you if you wanted to join the team?

I applied for the gameplay programmer job that they advertised a while ago.


Originally posted by EvolveEH

I had assumed they were hiring you to work on path of building and make it a supported program... What are you going to be working on?

I'll be working on the gameplay code (skills, stats etc). Same job as Mark.


Originally posted by KelloPudgerro

Grats on infiltrating GGG, to finally discover the super secret minion and specter numbers

I did actually manage to squeeze the minion calculation info out of Mark while I was here for the interview two weeks ago; hence the sudden progress.


Hi! Thanks for the kind words, everyone.

Hopefully this shouldn't negatively impact the development of PoB at all, but it's hard to know for certain, as I need to prioritise working on the game itself. Having direct access to the code here should be a major benefit, though.

    Bex_GGG on Forums - Thread - Direct

A selection of our team are fundraising for men's health by growing their moustaches out for the month of November! We've collected some saucy photos of their progress so far and will be keeping you updated throughout the month! If you'd like to consider supporting their cause you can do so here.

Check out our mustachioed heroes below!

... Read more
    Bex_GGG on Forums - Thread - Direct

We're excited to announce that our most recent addition to the Grinding Gear Games team is someone you're already familiar with. The developer who goes by Openarl has joined our ranks as a gameplay programmer! While Path of Building won't become an official app, we wanted to let the community know what to expect.

For those of you who are out of the loop, Path of Building is an offline build planner for Path of Exile. You can plan your builds on the passive tree and view your potential stats. These build plans can be shared to other players.

Openarl is planning to continue working on Path of Building in his spare time. It won't become an official Path of Exile project at this stage but his inside knowledge of the company can certainly help to provide more stats and information to the community.

We're... Read more

" koticgood wrote: Clicking the world object that lets you damage the boss didn't work.

I clicked it, but it didn't do anything, and then became uninteractable.

Boss was immune to damage. Maybe has something to do with the object being in shocked ground.

Thanks for your report.
By any chance is this map either Shaper Influenced or a Shaper Stronghold?
There will be times where bosses will be invulnerable to damage until you trigger the Shaper dialogue. You can trigge... Read more

06 Nov


While the team is working towards the 3.5.0 expansion and its announcement page, several developers have finished the 3.4.4 update with several improvements and bug fixes for the Delve League. We're planning to deploy this update tomorrow morning (Thursday NZDT).

The 3.4.4 update for the Xbox One version will also be released tomorrow.

  • The camera now follows more smoothly when using Bodyswap, Charged Dash and Smoke Mine.

  • Adjusted the visual effects on Infernal Wings to remove unintended black line effects.

  • Adjusted the visual effects of the Subjugator Weapon Effect to more closely match its intended look.

  • The Apocalypse Cloak can now have all ailment effects correctly applied to it.

  • Barrels thrown by Spectral Corsairs in the Frigid Recess Del...
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05 Nov

    Bex_GGG on Forums - Thread - Direct

We are proud to announce that Path of Exile is coming to PlayStation 4 this December! As you know, we're releasing our 3.5.0 expansion on December 7, and we plan to launch it on both console platforms in December also. We are very excited to welcome new members to the growing Path of Exile community. Stay tuned for our 3.5.0 expansion announcement next week!

04 Nov

    Chris on Forums - Thread - Direct

Next week we'll announce Path of Exile 3.5.0, our largest expansion this year. In the meantime, we have a smaller announcement to make today. Ever since the start of Path of Exile's development, we planned to add support for players to pay for the creation of a private league for them and their friends to play in. We're pleased to announce that we will start making these Private Leagues available for purchase next week. These leagues allow you to add mods that make Path of Exile more challenging for you and your friends.

We designed private leagues with the needs of two groups of players in mind. The first group is players who want a more challenging Path of Exile experience. The second is players who want to see how far they and their friends can get without outside influence from the rest of a league.

... Read more

02 Nov



Scarraner wrote:

Is the automaton herald broken since 3.4? It has much more black in it.

How it looks right now:

How it looked in Incursion: ...
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01 Nov


It's been two months since the start of the Delve League, so it's time to check out the Hideouts forum to showcase your creations! We've picked several recent hideouts to share with the rest of the community. We were very pleased to find a couple of Delve-inspired hideouts with rails and crystals all over the place!

Niko's Research Facility by ...

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16 Oct


Originally posted by TubeZ

I suppose the intent of foiled items isn't to just signify a special item, but a special league-specific item?

Because the idea OP had was that since loreweave can be elder/shaper due to the inputs, loreweave should be able to be foil too. It depends on GGG's design philosophy regarding foils.

This series of reliquary items is league specific items. Having the craftable league specific items (like The Taming) still available "in foil" works, not so items outside the series (like Loreweave).

However, in the future there may be other reliquary sets that may make other items available.


Originally posted by Xeverous

Fixed a bug where many Bloodline modifiers were unable to generate in the Azurite Mine.

This wasn't intended? lol

Also, foiled Retch recipe but no Loreweave?

Also, still when using jeweler's orb on resonators we get error it does not have any sockets.

Loreweave is not a League only item.