Path of Exile

Path of Exile Dev Tracker

23 Jul


Will autoexerted warcries still cost mana?



In the Settlers of Kalguur expansion, we’ve introduced several new Skill and Support Gems and made some changes to existing ones. As usual we’ve prepared the gem data at level 20 with 20% quality for all new and changed gems to help you theorycraft your builds for the upcoming launch.

Below are all the new and changed gems in Path of Exile: Settlers of Kalguur. We can’t wait to see what you come up with!

New Gems

Updated Gems

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    /u/ on Steam - Thread - Direct
A lil somethin somethin: You can find the details for this event on the announcement page here.
To help you get ready for the launch of Path of Exile: Settlers of Kalguur, we’ve prepared all the Item Filter Information you need in this news post.

If you're not sure what to do with this information, don't worry! We'll update Path of Exile's built-in item filter alongside the launch of Settlers of Kalguur.

New Items
Item Class: Skill Gem
  • Eviscerate
  • Divine Retribution
  • Vengeful Cry
Item Class: Support Gem
  • Overexertion Support
  • Expert Retaliation Support
  • Rupture Support
Item Class: Divination Card
  • Father's Love
  • Avian Pursuit
  • Temperance
  • Lonely Warrior
    Toxic Tidings
Item Class: Ring
  • Nameless Ring
Item Class: Helmet
  • General's Helmet
  • Conqu...
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22 Jul


Is the Banner mastery to make enemies take 8% increased damage supposed to scale with the Banner aura itself?

No, we plan to change this as it was not intended to scale with aura effect or with Valour. We'll update the patch notes to reflect this change.


To help you get ready for the launch of Path of Exile: Settlers of Kalguur, we’ve prepared all the Item Filter Information you need in this news post.

If you're not sure what to do with this information, don't worry! We'll update Path of Exile's built-in item filter alongside the launch of Settlers of Kalguur.

Show All Spoilersvar toggle = document.querySelector('#toggle-all');toggle.addEventListener('click', function(event) { if ('active')) {'active'); document.querySelectorAll('.newsPost .spoiler.spoilerVisible > .spoilerTitle > input.button1').forEach(function(x) { POE.Forum.SpoilerClick(x); }); = 'Show All Spoilers'; } else {'active'); do... Read more

Does each banner have its own Valour count or is it shared?

Shared, it's a counter on your character rather than on a specific skill.

Does the Banner mastery that grants Valour when you Warcry work with triggered Warcries (e.g. from Autoexertion)?


Does the new Perfect Agony prevent effects that spread ailments (e.g. Ignite Proliferation, Pathfinder's Master Toxicist) from functioning?

No, they still function as normal as they are not inflicted by hits at all.

With quality on weapons and armour being changed to be multiplicative, have the Harvest enchantments that change the effects of quality also been changed to be multiplicative?

No, these enchantments have not received any changes.

How do the doubled dual wielding bonuses from Gladiator's Determined Survivor node interact with the doubled dual wielding attack speed fro... Read more

How much damage do I need to inflict Shock when I have Warden's Oath of Spring node? How does it interact with increased effect or additional maximum effect of shock?

Oath of Spring does not change the minimum amount of damage required to shock an enemy.

The 2% shock effect value is an override and your stats can't modify it further. Increased shock effect does allow you to apply this shock with smaller hits.


How does the new t17 'monsters fracture on death' map mod work?

When a rare monster dies it has a 25% chance to fracture. When this happens it will fracture into a magic monster for each of the modifiers it had. So a 4 mod rare would become 4 magic monsters with one of those mods each.


Recently Asked Questions

Path of Exile: Settlers of Kalguur will begin July 26 1PM (PDT) on PC, Mac, and Consoles.

In this thread, we’ll round up any questions we answered elsewhere in the community so that you can find all that information in one easy place. The most recent information will always be at the top. We intend to update this post every weekday with any questions that have been answered that day. We will also fold our FAQ news posts into this post as they happen. When we add a new question and answer, we’ll reply to the thread so that it gets picked up by various community trackers.

Head over to ... Read more

21 Jul

During our Settlers of Kalguur livestream we revealed the new Currency Exchange Market. If you missed it, be sure to check it out here.

Before it opens up, we wanted to walk you through the basics. Check out the video below!

We hope to see you on July 26th (PDT) when Settlers of Kalguur launches!

    /u/ on Steam - Thread - Direct
A lil somethin somethin: You can find the details for this event on the announcement page here.

During our Settlers of Kalguur livestream we revealed the new Currency Exchange Market. If you missed it, be sure to check it out here.

Before it opens up, we wanted to walk you through the basics. Check out the video below!

We hope to see you on July 26th (PDT) when Settlers of Kalguur launches!


Thanks for the report. We will look into this.


" TheMastin wrote:
Good day,

I have a problem with registering for PoE2, when Iam trying to enter my email, I get the following error: "There was an error submitting the form". I don't know how to proceed further.

Please help.

Thank you.

Hiya, if this is still not working could you please send an email to [email protected]?


" vort4 wrote: I'm getting the «There was an error submitting the form» error after entering my email into «Register email» field to get news about PoE2 closed beta.

Hiya, if this is still not working could you please send an email to [email protected]?


" GodlyGodOfGods wrote: title explains it. i have tried multiple different emails multiple times and have not received an email to confirm registration.

Hiya, if this is still not working could you please send an email to [email protected]?

20 Jul


Thanks for the report, I'll try to confirm what the correct numbers are and update the patch notes, but it's likely we won't get them until people are back on Monday.

Edit: Patch notes updated now.


  • Lightning Strike: No longer has Added Lightning Damage at all gem levels. It now has 198% Effectiveness of Base and Added Damage at gem level 1 (previously 135%), scaling up to 237% at gem level 20 (previously 163%). Now has a Mana cost of 6 at gem level 1, scaling up to 10 at gem level 20 (previously 6 at all gem levels)


  • Lightning St...
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Mark notes that The Taming is being changed, since this interaction is a bit excessive. We'll post the new version and update the patch notes early next week.