Path of Exile

Path of Exile Dev Tracker

17 Jun

    Bex_GGG on Forums - Thread - Direct

Anointing Enchantments Table in Path of Exile: Harvest

In Path of Exile: Harvest, we've added a new Indigo Oil, allowing you to anoint amulets with any of the notable passives on the passive tree and introducing new anointments for rings and Blighted Maps. We've also updated the costs for some existing Blight anointments. We've prepared a full table of the current costs, including new anointments, so that you know what to expect ahead of Harvest's launch.

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Originally posted by Firel_Dakuraito

How many packs we need to buy for Nick to write the whole patch notes next league? :D

He already writes all the patch notes :)


Originally posted by Yautja93

Hey /u/Bex_GGG is there any way for you to contact the devs to implement whatever they did for this mtx to the normal VD? Would help tons of players.

I've passed this on. Thanks!

    Bex_GGG on Forums - Thread - Direct

It's been one year since our Korean community joined us. To celebrate this anniversary, we've created the exclusive Dragon God Hat which all players can get when they slay Kitava in Act 10! You'll only be able to get it during the Harvest league, so make sure you join the festivities and get yours!


Originally posted by Teroof

Guessing that it won't bypass the new notable Warning Call's increased armour though, correct?

"Gain 25% increased Armour per 5 Power for 8 seconds when you Warcry, up to a maximum of 100%"

Warcries having infinite power means the increase to armour will always be at it's maximum value of 100%.


Originally posted by jzstyles

So how does redblade banner and generals cry work? Could I get a whole army from one corpse?

General's Cry summons one Mirage Warrior per corpse. More power allows to to affect more corpses.


Originally posted by JohnnyMaq

Does infinite warcry power affect the War Bringer berserker notable and the armor cluster jewel, or only the warcries themselves?

Anything that cares about how much power a warcry has.


Originally posted by Regooloos

What does infinite power mean though? That everything that scales with power will always give the maximum it can?


  • War Bringer has been redesigned. It now causes Warcries to grant 5 Rage per 5 Power if you have less than 25 Rage, and causes them to sacrifice 25 Rage if you have at least 25 Rage.

    means that with the shield, while below 25 rage, warcries will max out your rage?

Everything that is scaled by power has a maximum on how much it can give. Usually that limit is explicit on the relevant stat, in the case of that one I believe the limit is just that you can't gain more rage than your maximum rage.


Originally posted by justalazygamer

Does General's Cry also count enemies or corpses exclusively?

They all count enemies. General's Cry and Rallying Cry count other things in addition to that.


No warcries currently count power from the player using them. Most count power of enemies. Rallying Cry counts power of your allies as well (but not you), and General's Cry counts power of corpses.

I guess if you used General's Cry while dead somehow that might count you, since you'd be a corpse?


Originally posted by Highcradle

Question, does Harpooner apply only to the 8 second base duration, or the 5 hit duration as well?

8 seconds is the only duration impales have. 5 hits is a limit, not a duration.


"Warcries have infinite Power" is my new favourite stat in the whole game. I'm really glad we got it in.


Originally posted by Sector47

Impale has a duration now. So you can't get 15 stacks of impale from impaler.

Impale always had a duraiton. The reminder text just now actually points that fact out.


Impale has always had a duration of 8 seconds, it just wasn't documented in-game until now.


Originally posted by hellzscream

Curious if this applies to currently opened portals?

It does


Originally posted by FallMakesHideouts

How will portal access work? Will this option apply to currently opened portals or needs instance refresh like other hideout options? Is there UI icon to show if a hideout you visited used this option? Hope it is not abused by rota/challenge scammers.

Like if I was selling a hideout I could offer portal access to the person in the trade rather than just the person trusting you'll let them get access?

It is a single checkbox next to the other hideout options that affects all portals, old or new. If you lock the portals, then leave the hideout, they remain locked.

Like the other hideout options (ie who can visit), you do not need create a new instance. All hideout options take effect immediately.

You cannot create exceptions to the portal lock. However, hideout portals already cannot be used by people who are not in your party, so you can simply kick people from your party if you don't want them to use your portals.


This is a problem with how the JSON has been interpreted. We haven't changed it.


Originally posted by Caelala

Is the undocumented change to sabo blind aura a mistake in the tree data or is that actually going live?

I'm finding out