
Planetside Dev Tracker

20 Dec

    Mithril on Forums - Thread - Direct
Thank you for the feedback everyone.
    Mithril on Forums - Thread - Direct
The PTS server has been updated with the newest additions to the Assault Facility and game mode on Esamir. Check out the full details about it here. We are asking for specifics during your testing including the following below. What We Need from You:
  • Test all Features: Dive into every aspect of the Assault Game Mode! From the strategic ticket management system to the dynamic phases of the battle, we need your eyes on everything.
  • Provide Feedback: Tell us what works, what could be improved, and what you love most about the new gameplay. Your input will directly impact future updates and improvements.
  • Report Bugs: If you encounter any issues, glitches, or unexpecte...
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19 Dec

    Mithril on Forums - Thread - Direct
Greetings soldiers, our December Dev Letter dropped this morning. You can read it here. Below is a little tease of what the new facility looks like from the outer perimeter and inside as well. 65FX6QhylHw Drop your thoughts to share with us down below!
    Mithril on Forums - Thread - Direct
Thank you for your responses folks, we are reviewing these cases further and will provide further info as soon as we can. For anyone else having these issues who has not posted here yet, please reply below with the following: CPU: RAM type and size: Video Card: Operating System: sIcGER PTS is used to test certain parts of updates in a unique environment. At times changes / fixes can be done in a timely manner while other adjustments and or suggestions may take longer to develop. The team reviews feedback during PTS events that we promote via social and makes adjustments to the following builds as needed. I understand there may be frustration but note the team is working with the curren... Read more

18 Dec

    Mithril on Forums - Thread - Direct
Mithril I Crashed after 30m this morning.:( Also, the Mosquito firing sound is bugged or something."
Please share the following details with us: CPU: RAM type and size: Video Card: Operating Sy... Read more
    Mithril on Forums - Thread - Direct
Thanks for your feedback about faction balance. It is noted, however let's focus the discussion in this thread directly to what's been fixed / adjusted and leave space for those to report their expriences with the patch itself. Please use the gameplay discussion section of the forums to discuss about game balance topics. I've added some more things that are included with today's hotfix above. And as a reminder, please follow the forum guidelines and do not spread fud and insults in your posts. Thanks!
    Mithril on Forums - Thread - Direct
PC servers are coming down tomorrow at 6AM PST / 3PM CET tomorrow for a hotfix that will address the following below. Estimated downtime may be 3-6 hours.
  • Fixed a crash on CPUs without support of SSE4.2 (Streaming SIMD Extensions 4.2)
  • Improved performance on Windows 7
  • Wavestinger Harpoon and NSX Fusion Blade quick attack fixed
  • Removed cert currency from NS-D "Ice Dragon" Helios
  • Removed water body option for water on Hossin
Note: Although this hotfix will address some of the crashes, we will be reviewing any remaining crashes that may exist after this hotfix. Thank you for your patience while we focus on making your gaming experience much smoother.

14 Dec

    Mithril on Forums - Thread - Direct
We have a hotfix arriving next week to address various crashes in the game including a fix for Windows 7 crashes. Some adjustments have also been made to the Miller server this week to address some instability that has been occurring.

12 Dec

    Mithril on Forums - Thread - Direct
Patch Notes posted in our Game Update Notes section of the forums will be shown on the right side column of the game launcher window, very soon. Forum Patch Notes threads on the forums will continue to remain open for discussion until new patch notes arrive to replace the latest conversations. To minimize confusion we will continue label each post for your convenience i.e. [Forums], [Discussion], [Survey] etc.

11 Dec

    Mithril on Forums - Thread - Direct
Hello everyone, we are working on a fix for the memory leak and windows 7 crashes. It should be ready by next week. Thank you for your patience and we appreciate all your technical feedback, it's been super helpful.

10 Dec

    Mithril on Forums - Thread - Direct
Thank you everyone, we are looking into this issue and will post an update as soon as we have one.

06 Dec

    Mithril on Forums - Thread - Direct
I posted this in a different, perhaps wrong, thread. I will also have the correct error code...... Win7 build. Ran stress test on cpu for 20min with out behavior observed while running planetside 2. Cpu load 100% and cpu maximum frequency 100% through entire test. Behavior while running planetside 2: shortly after loading into zone from sanctuary, cpu load spikes on all cores to 100% simultaneously, then cpu maximum frequency drops to zero. Video hangs while cpu recovers. Cpu maximum frequency recovers and allows some short time of game play. Condition repeats. Voltage on cpu to remains constant during cpu maximum frequency drops which and I would expect to see voltage changes if there were hardware throttling involved. Computer had been stable previous to the patch that caused problems with win7 and after that was corrected the computer had become somewhat stable again however sometimes crashing with error 0x40b679b2 refer...
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05 Dec

    Mithril on Forums - Thread - Direct
Thank you everyone, we are investigating these crash reports. Thanks for your patience.

04 Dec

    Mithril on Forums - Thread - Direct
  • Fixed a crash that would occur after character selection
After the new patch, i still have the same issue. Doesn't seem to be different either, the game closes after ~2 seconds without any report or message."
What version of windows are you using?
    Mithril on Forums - Thread - Direct
Hello everyone, please check out the full patch notes for tomorrow's Auraximas update here. Drop your feedback including any issues you may have encountered. Some tech notes about this patch include three crash fixes:
  • Fixed a crash that would occur after character selection
  • Fixed a bug where a player was kicked in the case of collision between vehicles and grenades/other vehicles
  • Fixed an issue where players would disconnect after using the Zealot Overdrive Engine while shooting the NS-10 Burster

27 Nov

    Mithril on Forums - Thread - Direct
The PTS server has been updated this week with new Fishing updates. Grab the latest test client here. Updates to Fishing! You can now fish on other continents! Help us fine tune the fishing elements by focusing your testing experience with the following:
  • Try becoming an expert fisherman by completing all the necessary directives in the Fishing Tab
  • Try fishing on all swamp areas on Hossin and let us know if you come across any issues
  • Fish on Esamir / Amerish / and Indar -...
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21 Nov

    Mithril on Forums - Thread - Direct
Hello everyone, This evening we published our 12th Anniversary edition of our November Dev Letter. Please have a read here and drop your impressions and feedback below. Remember to keep it civil, no fighting among each other and please follow the other forum rules. Thanks! Update: We added a Stryder and Assault Facility teaser video to the article, you can watch it here. UriR2wbPguk
    Mithril on Forums - Thread - Direct
Thank you for your feedback everyone, please check our latest dev letter sub forum topic for further discussions.

13 Nov

    Mithril on Forums - Thread - Direct
Still keeps crashing the game"
Can you specify if you have Windows 7? And if you do not, do you recall what was the last in game activity or action you performed before the crash?

12 Nov

    Mithril on Forums - Thread - Direct
Added note about the return of the earned Muertos masks.