
Planetside Dev Tracker

22 Aug

    jgolenbo on Forums - Thread - Direct
do we have a scheduled time to get on?"
Yup, we're organizing sessions at 8am PT (5pm CEST) and 2pm PT tomorrow, Sat Aug 22, to accommodate both NA and EU players. We'll likely run it back at the same times on Sunday, if we can get enough concentration on PTS. Please join us! :cool:

21 Aug

    jgolenbo on Forums - Thread - Direct
We've published a small but significant performance update for PTS that includes optimizations related to physics processing that should help with the hitches some players experience in particularly large fights (60+ players in an area). The code changes were significant, so we're hoping to see concentrated pops on PTS over the weekend to ensure there aren't any major issues at scale before we publish to Live servers. There are still further optimizations on the horizon, but this round of changes should significantly improve your performance while in combat with concentrated groups of players. Will leave this thread open for feedback over the weekend!