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I may have a bug can´t Interact with Points of Interest the square button to Examine dont shows up, so i can´t do the trophies related with that 😞

about 3 years ago - Ubi-Thrupney - Direct link

Hey @dmcry , thanks very much for getting in touch about this, and welcome to the forums! I'm sorry to hear you've been unable to interact with a point of interest - that sounds most frustrating.

I can see our teams are already investigating this issue. Can you help us with that? It'd be great to have a video clip showing what happens when you try to interact with a point of interest, and where in the game that happens. Here's Sony's guide on how to capture video clips - please upload it to a video sharing site and send me a link here in the thread. Can you also answer the questions below for me?

  • Please make sure to check our troubleshooting guide. In particular, make sure you've disconnected its network connection for 20 minutes or so, given it a full power cycle, and checked for software updates. Does that solve the issue?
  • Please try resetting your controller config (even if you haven't changed it). That's in Options -> Controls -> Controller remapping -> Restore defaults. Does that make a difference to the issue?
  • Does this happen with all points of interest? Or just specific ones?

Thanks so much for this report - I'll be sure to pass on your answers to our teams to get this looked into.

about 3 years ago - UbiMint - Direct link

Thanks for the update, @dmcry! If you're able to grab a clip to share here, please feel free to do so and we can add it to our investigation!

about 3 years ago - Ubi_Plush - Direct link

@dmcry thank you so much for the video clips. The game team is still investigating this issue. A post will be made in the Known Issues thread when a workaround is found. I will let you know if any additional information is needed.

about 3 years ago - Ubi-Froggard - Direct link

Hey @scottyf50

You have posted this on the English forums, so please could you translate your post if you are OK with receiving responses in English on here?

Alternatively, we have other language forums that you can locate at the bottom right of the page, just click on "English" to see a drop down menu to be taken to the other language forums we have support available on. 

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