Thanks for the follow-up @nocz_tv, I can see the comparison well now and how the stutters occur in Siege whilst the frames drop a little too.
If you haven't done so already, I would like you to try the connectivity troubleshooting I sent you for Siege and also the port forwarding steps. We can try some other troubleshooting steps, too, I just want to rule out that this is not a server connection issue.
If you have tried all of our connectivity troubleshooting steps for Siege, next please try the following >
- Experiment with switching Vsync on and off in the game's settings
- Try running the game in the Fullscreen, Windowed and Borderless modes to see if there is a noticeable improvement
- Try both Vulkan mode and DirectX versions of the game, if you are given the option to install these modes (Vulkan offers performance, whilst DirectX offers graphical fidelity)
- Check your FPS settings for the game in Nvidia's control panel software or AMD's FreeSync software - you can override this setting per game if you add the .exe file to the programs list and cap/limit this to a more stable lower frame rate you can achieve on your system
- Next, in the GPU programs listed above, check your 'Change Resolution' tab, check which monitor you have connected and change the refresh rate to a lower amount of Hz, then launch the game and look for any positive changes
- Lower your graphic/video settings in-game so that you do not exceed your Vram limitations in the menu. Running your Vram at max can cause your system to use your normal Ram and which can cause stuttering and lead to crashes
- Check your CPU usage in Task Manager when the game is launched (using windowed mode) for any spikes in CPU usage when playing and any high CPU usage, which may cause issues with performance. You can also temporarily use a hardware monitoring program with an overlay, to view your CPU use this way too.
- Check to see if you are running conflicting software in the background and disable this software whilst playing the game preferably -