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Today when i was playing a ranked game, this happens after we was winning 3 rounds, i don't know if an enemy team player started ddossing servers but still, all players crashed, i hope the game won't take away my points and also that the cheater gets banned.


over 2 years ago - Ubi-SpaceCats - Direct link

@darkburntv-fpsg Hi there, I'm very sorry to hear this happened. We're investigating similar reports. Can you please let me know which server you're playing Rainbow Six Siege on?

over 2 years ago - ubi-smash - Direct link

Hey folks! Apologies for the problems you have been seeing during your matches. We are actively looking into reports of this behavior. Could you please share with us the server you were playing on when running into game drops from a match and possibly the Match ID(s) when this has happened?

over 2 years ago - Ubi-Milky - Direct link

Hey @W1LDCARD, if you happened to have experienced a lag spike in-game, then got disconnected along with your whole team and received an abandon sanction, this is something we are currently investigating.

If this is the exact issue that occurred for you, please see our post here for information on this > 

We are gathering more reports privately from players across support tickets at the moment.