Yes, for login.
We’re currently investigating an issue affecting our authentication servers, which may result in failed or slow login attempts.
Originally posted by spaghett: ???
Originally posted by Iam_a_cow: I can't reconnect
5 minutes ago, Kaina said:I keep trying to log in but servers appear as Down every time. I read some players are playing. Am I the only one?
Servers are currently down for emergency maintenance:
Hey thanks S9, this should now be resolved.
Please let us know if you continue to experience any issues.
While updating our PTR realms to patch 9.2, we ran into a few technical issues that are preventing us from marking realms live to testers. PTR Realms will remain offline in maintenance mode tonight, and we hope to be able to bring them up to players tomorrow morning (US Pacific Time) once we get a fix deployed.
Sorry for the short notice! We’ll get you in there as soon as we can.
Hey all, there is an EOS outage that is causing issues when logging into PsyNet. We are investigating and working towards resolving this as soon as we can.
We'll update when we have more information to share. but you can also keep an eye on our status page here:
Edit: Login issues have been resolved.
Hey all, there is an EOS outage that is causing issues when logging into PsyNet. We are investigating and working towards resolving this as soon as we can.
We'll update when we have more information to share. but you can also keep an eye on our status page here:
Edit: Login issues have been resolved.
Login issues have been resolved and PsyNet is fully operational. Sorry for the inconvenience and thanks for your patience!
Servers were down, yes.
But the 9.2.7 PTR is now up.
If you've got any EE.logs, please send them to Warframe Support! Also what region are you in currently?
Just tried, not seing any issues.
Using a VPN seems to solve the problem. Does GSG IP ban players?
We've had to ban Steam accounts in extremely rare cases, and it's been a while, so it shouldn't be that. You'd probably know if you'd done something warranting that.
No IP bans though.
hey hey!
we believe the issue is stabilizing and things should be getting back to normal.
if not, please let us know! 🫶🏻
hey y'all,
just wanted to jump in and confirm that we're seeing issues as well and people are looking into it now.
hang tight!
coming back to say that in addition to the Xbox resolution, we believe things are back to normal for us too!
Hey there, I haven't been able to play at all in over a week. No services, such as multiplayer, store, armor hall, etc. will load for me. This issue happened at the beginning of the Winter Update for the first week, the first two weeks of Season 3, and has returned once again as of last week.
In the past I've been able to resolve this issue by disabling IPV6 or doing an ip /release > /renew, however none of that solves the issue now. Restarting the game up to 15 times will sometimes result in a successful connection, but then none of my customization will load into multiplayer and I'll be a default spartan, then by the second or third game I'll be entirely unable to connect again.
I know it's not a "me" problem, as I've seen multiple people over the past few months complaining about this issue, but I've yet to see an official 343 acknowledgement
hey norman, totally understand the frustration. we've seen reports of this but if you haven't yet, would definitely reach out to Halo Support so they can collect your information and work with you.
We are aware and are trying to get things stable again.
It's currently being investigated. Sharing updates over on Twitter:
Howdy Folks, seeing some reports of this but it doesn't seem to be widespread, can folks who are having this issue let me know where they are playing from and what ISP they have?
I can log back in as of like 5 minutes ago. I was playing from Germany, on a German world, ISP is Inexio.
During the blackout I got dc'd, client wouldn't load ("There was an error loading the game configuration from the website. If you have a firewall, check that this program is allowed to access the internet. (7,28)") and the website wouldn't load either.
I could still load up the website with a VPN connecting through US servers. When I tried a Dutch and Finnish VPN it wouldn't load either.
Thank you, glad to know your back in currently, sounds like a hiccup at the moment so hopefully that's all it was.
Do you have crossplay turned off? If so, does it work if you turn it on?
Mine has kicked me out every ten minutes or so. However, I've gotten a notification saying: "Login Rewards" on the main screen that's super broken, so clearly something is going on under the hood.
Hi there, if you could DM me your Riot ID (both parts before and after the hash tag), I'd like to be able to look at your account state. Even better if you could submit a bug report and send me the bug number.
Should be coming back up shortly.
Should be coming back up, but if you're still seeing issues please close out the game, give it a minute, then relaunch. That should refresh it.
Originally posted by JamwZaza: i just had to restart my game lolHey JamwZaza,