Original Post — Direct link
I bought the game on steam a long time ago. Now this week when I launch it from steam its asking for an activation code (which i dont have?) and I hit cancel and I have to launch the game from the Uplay app instead to play.
about 7 years ago - Ubi-Keo - Direct link
I am sorry to hear that you are experiencing this issue.

To correct this situation, I would like to suggest that you follow the steps below.

Please, navigate to the installation folder of the game asking for a key. By default, this folder is located at*C:\Program*Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\.

Once you get there, you will find two files, "uplay_install.manifest" and "uplay_install.state". Please, delete them.

After deleting the aforementioned files, please, verify the game files within Steam, for which you can take the following steps:

- Load Steam
- From the Library section, right-click on the game and select Properties from the menu.
- Select the Local files tab and click the Verify integrity of game cache... button.
- Steam will verify the game's files - this process may take several minutes.
- Once the process is completed, the Check Window will automatically exit.

Note that Steam may mention that one file hasn't been downloaded. This is expected behaviour and shouldn't be cause for concern.

If an issue is found you will be given the option to Repair, click Repair. After repairing the issue, please verify the game again until no issues are found. When this has been completed you can then try the game again.

However if the issue persists then please submit a support ticket and our Customer Support team will assist you further.
over 6 years ago - UbiGabrinth - Direct link
In your particular case it looks like this may be an account issue. The account that you are using here on the forums has multiple Ubisoft games on Steam, but it does not have Rainbow Six Siege. It is also not currently linked to a Steam account.

It is almost certain that your issue is that you accidentally linked your Steam account and your copy of Rainbow Six Siege to a different Ubisoft account. Please send me a PM with the account username and email address for any Ubisoft accounts that have been on your PC.
over 5 years ago - Ubi-Baron - Direct link
Hi P4ulis123,

If you haven't already, please speak with us through one of the channels below:

We'll better be able to assist you look into this through these methods.
over 3 years ago - Ubi-Milky - Direct link
Hello S1mp.Gecko, thanks for posting and sorry for the late reply.

I was just checking up on your account and could not see any previous cases made with our support team. If you do have a case number please let us know in a post.

In the meantime, you can always reach out to us about this issue so we can help locate your correct account -

Twitter Support - https://twitter.com/UbisoftSupport
Facebook Support - https://www.facebook.com/UbisoftSupportUK/
Ubisoft Support Website - https://www.ubisoft.com/en-gb/help/contact