After the last update, Ubisoft connect and r6 causes 100% CPU load. Is there any working fixes with that? It helps if I turn off the ubisoft overlay, but I can't play with my friends then. Also tried to set lower cpu priority but that doesn't work.
After the last update, Ubisoft connect and r6 causes 100% CPU load. Is there any working fixes with that? It helps if I turn off the ubisoft overlay, but I can't play with my friends then. Also tried to set lower cpu priority but that doesn't work.
Hey there @NoBodyCheating!
I understand that the Ubisoft Connect Launcher and R6S use 100% of your CPU load. Could you please let us know if Vsync is enabled?
Hello @NoBodyCheating, thank you for your reply, we have a few workarounds that may help with this issue - could you please try the following >>
>> Inside R6 menu: Options -> Display -> Refresh Rate
>> Nvidia control panel: Manage 3D settings -> Global Settings -> Vsync -> Force On
>> AMD: Catalyst control center -> Gaming -> 3D Application Settings -> Wait for vertical refresh -> Put the slider "Quality" on "Always On".
@NoBodyCheating Sorry to hear that those workarounds did not help! Please let us know the following information:
Please also provide a screenshot of the Task manager processes during the game when the issue happens.
Thank you!