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Why are player bans so short? People will happily kill you twice and wait half an hour. I was 1 kill of ace and my team mate killed me to stop me getting an ace. His friend then killed me the next round. What comes from it? We loose 4-1 another great game of siege!

about 5 years ago - UbiYubble - Direct link
Originally posted by Strider: when are bans actually going to mean something?
Why do you feel current bans aren't having a larger effect on the matches you play?
about 5 years ago - UbiYubble - Direct link
Originally posted by Strider:
Originally posted by AarkTheDragon:
Would you rather they just ignore you outright instead of actually gathering feedback?
In that case, they could play it off as if they never saw it. In this case, however, it looks as if they saw it and didn't liked the feedback they got, so they chose to ignore it all together. Also, when I say "your reply" I mean the lack there of.

I saw it! My tasks at Ubi require me to do quite a bit of stuff, so I'm not able to reply to some threads as quickly as I may like to. There definitely has been some discussion around the community that ban sanctions should be more severe for those who continue to leave matches.

I've passed the feedback along to the team, but at this time I don't have anything to share. I will say this though, the more the community speaks out on wanting this change, the more I have to bring to the dev team at the end of the week.
over 4 years ago - Ubi-Raziel - Direct link

Intentional team killing is against our Code of Conduct, as it is interrupting the flow of gameplay. We understand this does accidentally happen however, therefore in-game sanctions are short and temporary.

There is no number I can provide for what it would take, but please be aware that we take the Code of Conduct seriously; we simply want players to be able to enjoy the game.

Here is our CoC for reference: https://www.ubisoft.com/en-us/game/r...hxnOtNrH6KGMi2

All the best!
about 3 years ago - /u/Draco9990 - Direct link

Hello u/Etherflameii and thank you for participating on r/Smite.

Sadly, your submission has been removed for the following reason(s):

No Personal Problems

By this we mean /r/Smite is not your personal blog, soapbox or helpdesk. Posts we do NOT welcome include:

  • Posts where the thrust of the content is a personal story, rant or complaint about a few matches, matchmaking or players.
  • Screenshots of errors, bugs or glitches.
  • Status posts about the servers.
  • Directing the post to Hi-Rez/an organisation/individual.
  • Posts about an exploit or hack you've found.
  • Asking about hardware.
  • Technical issues or bugs.

If you have any questions or concerns, please message the moderators. Direct replies to official mod comments will most likely be ignored.

almost 3 years ago - ubi-smash - Direct link

Hello there, @colossalkenie! Thanks for reaching out to us here, and welcome to the forums! Let me apologize for the belated message and the difficulties during these matches. While sharing this feedback with our team to also review, please know we are actively looking into new ways to review this behavior, and we currently have the Reverse Friendly Fire to mitigate this. However, if you continue to run into any further issues like this encounter where this continues to be an issue, please don't hesitate to report this in our in-game reporting system.

11 months ago - EA_Aljo - Direct link



I get that desire to clap back at someone. However, if you do it in a manner that breaks the rules, chances are good you're going to be actioned for it. As you know, we can't help with bans over Answers HQ. You'll need to submit a dispute if you haven't done that 3 times already. Instructions for this can be found here.

11 months ago - EA_Aljo - Direct link



It's not an automated process. Someone reviews the account to see if the action taken wasn't warranted.
