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today I wanted to rejoin rainbow six after a long break, but BattlEye doesn't like me.
It tells me I have a disallowed program installed, but doesn't state what program that would be.

The error code is: 2-0x00019008 9d5761f6d2799d2

I've uninstalled two driver packages without any luck, otherwise it is a pretty fresh windows installation with only games and game-lauchers installed.
How can I find out what program bothers BattlEye?

- Paul
almost 4 years ago - Ubi-Viral - Direct link
Hey, Paul!

Sorry to hear that you are encountering this issue. As you advised it is a fresh install, have you fully updated windows?

Additionally, are you using any anti-virus software that could be conflicting with BattlEye?
almost 4 years ago - Ubi-Milky - Direct link
Hello Paul thank you for getting back to us.

Could you please try the following remaining troubleshooting steps, to help resolve this type of issue -

1. Please find the BattlEye .exe file in your Siege installation folder and make sure the .exe software is up to date by trying to launch it. Alternatively the file may be found here -
C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\BattlEye

2. Try verifying your Siege game files -

Here are some instructions on how to do this in Ubisoft Connect -

Here are some instructions on how to do this in Steam -

Here are some instructions on how to do this in the Epic Games launcher -

3. Make sure the BELauncher.exe is always started as administrator in its properties options

4. To further troubleshoot the issue, please set up a clean boot up and deactivate any background applications. Please see this article -

If the issue persists after these steps, we may need to ask you for your system files through a support ticket to assist further.
almost 4 years ago - Ubi-Raziel - Direct link

Originally Posted by Igamerboi69
I JUST playing this morning and the game decided not to let me play any game before the prep is even started I was immediately kicked from the game for a disallowed program

This may be related to BattlEye's corrupted memory error. Do you perhaps have MSI Dragon Centre installed? If so, I recommend uninstalling it and try again.

Please fix I would like to play
Originally Posted by MauriceZaiss
I didn't realize I was carrying trauma with me essay writers all these years, but BattlEye kicking me for AutoHotKey triggered me. I don't have it running or installed. I cleaned my registry, made sure there weren't any .ahk files, and whatever else I could think of, and no luck.
I would like to first suggest disabling background apps, to check if someone running is triggering this error.

If that doesn't resolve the issue, I recommend contacting BattlEye Support directly. This doesn't appear to be a game-specific issue, and they should have some suggestions for you.

All the best!