Original Post — Direct link
Hi. I have Rainbow Six Siege Game in Xbox one s and got xbox live gold too. When I select Casual Matchmaking it took more than 20mins and still didnt connect me to any game server. Please tell me how to play online. My data center is [seas]
almost 7 years ago - Ubi-Baron - Direct link
I'm sorry to hear this has been occurring, Poxitiv

Are you still seeing this and was it working normally before? Usually these issues are due to short term connection issues and usually resolve themselves within a few hours.

If you're still seeing this, try following the steps in the FAQ here. This contains some steps that can help with connection issues on Xbox.
over 6 years ago - UbiMatcha - Direct link
Originally Posted by MysteryPhoenix
I have the same issue i dont know what to do i tried reinstaling the game it didnt work.
how did you fix it
Hey MysteryPhoenix,

Have you been able to try the troubleshooting recommended by Ubi-Holz?
almost 5 years ago - Ubi-Redbeard - Direct link
Are you still experiencing this issue, NZLS_AceHunter?
almost 5 years ago - Ubi-Swaggins - Direct link
Hey Daniyalk102,

Sorry to hear that!

If you have completed our troubleshooting steps and still encounter issues, please raise a ticket on our website and include the screenshots of your port forwarding.
over 4 years ago - Ubi-Viral - Direct link
Originally Posted by Darshanvachhani
I have just downloaded this game yesterday through game pass in my xbobx one s. One i try to play the match making just takes forever. I have tried at different times during the day but same result. Have not been able to play it even once yet. Please assist on priority as to how to get this resolved. My network connection is working fine and have tried all trouble shooting already.
Hey, Darshanvachhani!

Welcome to the forums and sorry to hear that you are experiencing this connection issue. As you have advised you have done all the troubleshooting can you contact us via a private message on our social media channels here:



Alternatively, you can reach out to us via a support ticket HERE or a live chat HERE.

This way we can investigate further with you.

Thank you.