Lately, whenever I've matchmade in siege I land on west europe's servers/data centers. This frustrates me because I'm on eu central where I have the best ping. I also play on console, so I can't change it.
What happens is that when I'm in the main menu, it displays eu central as my current data center. If I make a private match, or go into t-hunt, it's still eu central. But when I go into an online lobby it swaps to west europe and my ping goes from 9-20 to 50-60. It is very noticable.
I'm always the host in my group of friends, so all of us are forced to play with higher ping. I tried not being the host, but to no avail. Regardless of what I do, it just forces me into matches with high ping, and since I play on console, I can't change it.
Are the eu central servers down? Why am I being forced to play on a different server?
One time it took me into an arabian server, but the matches after were fine.
What is going on?